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        תוצאת חיפוש

        פברואר 2003

        דורית נחמני, יובל מלמד, ענבל רובינשטיין ואבנר אליצור

        דורית נחמני1, יובל מלמד2, ענבל רובינשטיין1, אבנר אליצור2


        1הסניגוריה הציבורית, מחוז תל-אביב-מרכז, 2המרכז לבריאות הנפש יהודה אברבנאל, אוניברסיטת תל-אביב


        הסניגוריה הציבורית במחוז תל-אביב-מרכז החלה, במסגרת פרוייקט ניסויי, לייצג מטופלים המאושפזים מכוח צו בית-משפט בדיונים הנערכים בעניינם בוועדות פסיכיאטריות מחוזיות, כאמור בסעיף 28 לחוק טיפול בחולי-נפש, תשנ"א-1991, (להלן חוק טיפול בחולי-נפש).

        פרוייקט ניסויי זה נערך בבית-החולים אברבנאל החל מיום 1 בינואר 2000. לתחילתו של פרוייקט הייצוג בוועדות קדמו הכנות שכללו בין היתר תצפיות בעבודתן של כעשר ועדות פסיכיאטריות, מיפגשים עם בעלי תפקידים בבית-החולים ובמשרד הבריאות, וכן ימי עיון תיאורטיים ומעשיים שנדונה בהם סוגיית ייצוגם של מטופלים בוועדות.

        התוצאות המפורטות ונפרשות בדו"ח זה ממחישות כי סיכוייו של מטופל בצו להשתחרר מאישפוז טובים יותר כשהוא מיוצג. סיכויים אלה אף גבוהים במיוחד כשקיים שיתוף-פעולה בין סניגורו של החולה לבין הרופא המטפל, כשנשקלים בצוותא הן ההיבטים הכרוכים בצורך במתן טיפול רפואי והן ההיבטים המשפטיים - כל זאת תוך שמירה על זכויותיו של המטופל, מהתוצאות מודגשת העובדה, כי שיתופו של הסניגור בהליך משפיע על סדרי עבודתה של הוועדה ועל החלטותיה, לרבות בחינת העובדות, שמיעת עדים, העלאת איכות הבדיקה הפסיכיאטרית, בחינת ההיבט המשפטי, דיון בשאלת המסוכנות ועוד.

        מהמשובים שהתקבלו נהיר, כי כל הצדדים המעורבים בהליך סבורים שייצוג המטופלים בידי הסניגור מביא להחלטות צודקות וראויות יותר בכל היבט ציבורי.

        מחברי מאמר זה ממליצים לאפשר את הרחבת הייצוג לכל המטופלים בצו בית-חולים במחוז מרכז, במתכונת דומה לפרוייקט הייצוג שנערך בבית-החולים אברבנאל שבמחוז תל-אביב, וכן לבתי-החולים האחרים בישראל.

        נובמבר 1999

        שרה כרמל ויונתן הלוי

        Patient Satisfaction and Hospital Services Evaluation by Regular and Private Patients


        Sara Carmel, Jonathan Halevy


        Dept. of the Sociology of Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of

        the Negev, Beer Sheba; Sha'are Zedek Medical Center and Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem


        "Sharap" is a private medical service integrated within our public clinic and hospital services. Clients may choose their physician by paying a fee in addition to what their health insurance agency (Kupat Holim) pays for. All other hospital services are supplied to all patients alike. The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the extent to which this declared policy is maintained in practice.


        During 5 months in 1997, 198 Sharap patients and 198 regular patients were interviewed in the the general surgery, cardiac surgery, ENT, cardiology, newborn and gynecology wards of this hospital. Both groups were similar in regard to cause of hospitalization, gender, age group (10-year age ranges), and length of hospitalization (at least 24 hours).


        Similar levels of satisfaction with hospitalization in general and with the nursing service and with supportive services were found in both groups. However, Sharap patients were more satisfied with their physicians than regular patients (87% vs 74%, respectively). Similar results were also found using indirect measures of satisfaction. About 86% in both groups reported having achieved the goal of improvement in health. A high proportion of respondents from both groups (82% and 88%, respectively) could not distinguish between Sharap and regular patients in the ward. However, a greater proportion of regular patients (35% vs 21%) wanted more extensive explanations from their physicians regarding their treatment.


        Sharap patients belonged to higher socio-economic classes than regular patients. Our evaluation indicates that although the Sharap service enables the affluent to choose their preferred physician, resulting in a different doctor-patient relationship, the service does not create a significant feeling of discrimination among hospitalized patients, and does not interfere with the high level of health services available to the public at large.

        אוקטובר 1999

        חיים קנובלר, דורית בן עמי, אורנה אינטרטור, שלומית כץ, דניאלה משה ויעקב לרנר

        Symptom Severity among Chronic Schizophrenics in Hospital and in the Community


        Haim Y. Knobler, Dorit Ben Ami, Orna Intrator, Shlomit Katz, Daniela Moshe, Yaacov Lerner


        Jerusalem Mental Health Center, Falk Institute of Psychiatric and Behavioral Studies, and Dept. of Statistics, Hebrew Universitry of Jeruselam


        We compared severity of symptoms of chronic schizophrenics in a psychiatric hospital with those treated in its outpatient clinics.


        The Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale and the Mini-Mental State examination were used to assess the schizophrenic symptoms and cognitperformance, respectively, of 25 chronic schizophrenic inpatients matched for gender, age and education with 25 chronic scoutpatients. The Global Assessment Scale and the Clinical Global Impression Scale were used to test global functioning. Assessment included psychiatric and medical history and treatment and demographic characteristics.


        In-patients had significantly more positive, negative and general psychiatric symptoms. Their cognitive and general functioning were impaired. Most in-patients also had medical problems. Age of onset of schizophrenia among the in-patients was younger.


        Results show a marked difference in severity of symptoms and level of functioning between chronic schizophrenic in-patients and out-patients. These differences should be considered in the planning of discharge of chronic in-patients from psychiatric hospitals into the community.

        יוני 1999

        ע' ברוק וי' בוינובר

        Rehospitalization of Children


        U. Brook, Y. Buyanover


        Pediatrics Dept., Wolfson Medical Center, Holon, and Sackler Medical School, Tel Aviv University


        The aims of the study were to determine the rate of rehospitalization in 1997 a month after the end of initial hospitalization. 72 of 1174 children (6.1%) were rehospitalized. The mean age was 4.6±3.6 years (range 1 month-16 years). The average duration of the initial hospitalization of the 72 children was 8.3±6.0 (range 1-50) days, but only 3.6 days for all hospitalized children. The duration of the rehospitalization was 4.1±2.1 days (range 1-10 days). the interval between the 2 hospitalizations was 11.1±9.6 days (range 1-30 days). Among the diseases of the rehospitalized children in decreasing order were: respiratory diseases (including ORL) (40.9%), gastrointestinal diseases (27.7%), nervous system diseases, and bacteremia and septicemia (5.6%). Second hospitalizations in connection with these conditions were: gastrointestinal disease (34.7%); respiratory disease (29%); and bacteremia and septicemia (11.1%). Our recommendations are for attending physicians to follow-up regularly and periodically children who suffer from chronic diseases and are prone to develop exacerbations. This should be done in cooperation with hospital specialists so that the cooperation may reduce the rehospitalization of these children.

        יוני 1998

        יעקב גינדין, מרק קלרפילד, ציונה חקלאי, פנינה צדקה, ג'ני ברודסקי ומיכאל דייויס

        Geriatric Rehabilitation in Israel: Assessment of Needs and In-Patient Services


        J. Gindin, M.A. Clarfield, Z. Haklai, P. Zedaka, J. Brodesky, M. Davis


        Geriatric Division, Kaplan-Hartzfeld Hospitals, Rehovot; Geriatric Wing, and Health Information and Computer Service, Israel Ministry of Health; Central Bureau of Statistics, Prime Minister's Office; Brookdale Institute, Jerusalem; and Health of the Elderly, Israel Center for Disease Control


        Geriatric rehabilitation (GR) in Israel, which has not been thoroughly investigated, was examined by a subcommittee of the Committee on Health of the Elderly, in the Israel Center for Disease Control.


        The needs of the elderly population for rehabilitational services were assessed and the existing services reviewed. A survey of GR beds, their geographic distribution, and the number of patients over 65 after CVA and hip fracture (the 2 main causes for GR need) was carried out. Data were gathered from records of the Ministry of Health and the Central Bureau of Statistics.


        In 1994 there were 1,503 beds for active, long-term geriatric care in general and geriatric hospitals: 751 beds were assigned to rehabilitative geriatrics, and the rest to skilled-nursing geriatrics. A high concentration of beds was found in the geographical center of the country, in contrast to a small number in the periphery. Approximately 10,100 patients were hospitalized that year in rehabilitative geriatric and skilled-nursing wards.


        There was considerable variation between services, as expressed in the wide range in average duration of hospitalization (from 12-269 days). Most of the beds for GR and skilled-nursing care beds were mixed in the geriatric wards together in the wards.


        Limited services and public needs have led to the development of services outside the licensed and regulated settings, a process which has not yet been investigated. About 6,700 older patients were hospitalized during 1994 with a primary diagnosis of CVA. It has been estimated that 4,000 of them needed GR. 2,624 older patients died that year of CVA.


        The increase in CVA prevalence between 1987 and 1994 was far greater than the increase in morbidity, in both the general and older populations. Nearly 4,000 elderly patients with a primary diagnosis of hip fracture, most of whom needed rehabilitation, were hospitalized in 1994. The total number of older patients who needed GR following CVA or hip fracture that year was set at 8,000. However, this figure is up to 30% lower than the actual rates, since the those 2 diagnoses include only 70% of total GR needs.


        It is impossible to obtain a comprehensive picture of GR in Israel based only on currently available data. The subcommittee outlined areas to be thoroughly examined in-depth, including services and needs, as well as GR tools and processes and how to maintain the achievements of rehabilitation after discharge.

        מרץ 1998

        איילת ברג ודן יובל

        Patient Satisfaction with Care in Acute-Care Hospitals


        Ayelet Berg, Dan Yuval


        JDC-Brookdale Institute of Gerontology and Human Development, Jerusalem


        Patient satisfaction with the hospitalization process is an important element in the measurement of quality of care. Information from a survey of patients' experiences could therefore help hospitals improve their service, and provide decision-makers with relevant information. We present the findings of a study of some 4,500 patients, aged 18+, released from hospitals in the fall of 1993 and of 1995 from the wards of 9 acute care hospitals, psychiatric and geriatric wards excluded. Self-administered questionnaires were sent and returned by mail, with an overall response rate of 82%.


        Despite the many changes in Israel's health system in general and its hospital system in particular, and the social and demographic changes between those 2 periods, patient satisfaction remained constant. Of those discharged from medical or surgical wards, 70% were satisfied to a "great" or "very great" extent with their hospital experience. There was improvement in most areas of hospitalization in the course of the 2 years. The greatest improvement was with regard to admission, nursing staff, hotel services, in patient satisfaction food and supplies. On the other hand there was deterioration in visiting conditions and hours. Satisfaction with physicians, nurses and hotel services had the strongest links with general satisfaction.

        אפריל 1997

        נטע בנטור, ג'ני ברודסקי ובני חבוט

        Prevalence Rate, Place of Hospitalization and Source of Referral of Complex Nursing Care Patients in Geriatric Hospitalization


        Netta Bentur, Jenny Brodsky, Beni Habot


        JDC-Brookdale Institute of Gerontology and Human Development, Jerusalem; Shmuel Harofeh Geriatric Medical Center; Rishon Lezion Geriatric Center; and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        For the past several years, the hospitalization and care of complex nursing care patients (CNCP) has caused concern among organizers, funders and care-givers of the geriatric hospitalization system (GHS). To assist in improving efficiency of the GHS and to address the lack of comprehensive, empirical and up-to-date information on these patients, we conducted a survey to characterize CNCP, to assess their medical problems and to determine their prevalence among the patients in GHS. The survey was conducted in 1994 using a day census. Data were collected on the 2,319 patients in geriatric beds in all the general hospitals and geriatric hospitals in Israel on the day of the survey.

        28% of the patients in the GHS were CNCP and a quarter of them (7% of all patients) suffered from more than 1 medical condition. Tube feeding was the most prevalent condition (13% of all patients), followed by terminal illness (9%), deep pressure sores (7%) and intravenous transfusion for more than 3 days (6%). The 80% of the CNCP were hospitalized in geriatric hospitals, primarily in geriatric rehabilitation wards. Their average length of stay was over a year. Internal medicine wards of general hospitals were the most frequent source of patient referral. The survey's findings raise issues related to the organization of care of CNCP. They may serve as a basis for the reorganization of the geriatric hospitalization system in order to improve efficiency and quality of care for the benefit of patients, their families and services providers.

        מוני בניפלא, דרורה פרייזר, צבי ויצמן, עמליה לוי ורון דגן

        Epidemiologic Characteristics of Pediatric Emergency Room Referral and Hospitalization for Diarrhea in the Negev


        Moni Benifla, Drora Fraser, Zvi Weizman, Amalia Levy, Ron Dagan


        Dept. of Epidemiology and Health Services Evaluation and S. Daniel International Center for Health and Nutrition, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, and Pediatric Dept. and Pediatric Infectious Disease Unit, Soroka Medical Center and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev


        Diarrheal diseases weigh heavily on the health of children, especially in developing countries, but also impose burdens on health care services worldwide. This study was performed to determine whether patterns of referrals in the Negev to the pediatric emergency room (PER) for diarrhea differ between the Jewish and Bedouin populations of the Negev, and the extent of the burden imposed on the PER and in-hospital services in the Negev. Characteristics of referrals and hospitalizations were examined from March 1994 to February 1995. Of the 27,834 referrals to the PER for children under 16, 2518 (9%) had diarrhea and there were 5,169 hospital admissions, 701 (13.6%). The annual rates of referral were 146 per 10,000 in Jews and 225 in Bedouin, giving an odds ratio (OR) of 1.5 (p<0.001). for Bedouin. The rates of hospitalization were 23 per 10,000 in Jews and 99 in Bedouin (OR 4.4, p<0.001). 1380 (54.8%) of the PER referrals were of infants under a year of age. For hospitalization, the annual rates were 164 per 10,000 in Jews and 756 in Bedouins (OR 4.9, p<0.001). During June to August referrals and hospitalizations for diarrhea were significantly higher, and from December to February significantly lower than during the remaining months. These differences arise from the marked seasonal pattern in the Bedouin population, whereas in the Jewish population there was no seasonal variation. Even in the 90's the burden on health services in the Negev as a result of diarrheal illness is considerable and the Bedouin population still contributes to that burden disproportionately. There is need both to reduce the gap in referrals and hospitalization between the populations, as well as to reduce the rates, using currently available means such as education, while developing new technologies, such as vaccines.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303