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  • מה תרצו למצוא?

        תוצאת חיפוש

        מרץ 1999

        מרדכי מרק, משה אברמוביץ, ארנה אינטרטור, אהוד בודנר, רמי שקלאר וחיים קנובלר

        Quality Assurance in the Mental Health Department of the Israel Defense Forces


        Mordechai Mark, Moshe Z. Abramowitz, Orna Intrator, Ehud Bodner, Rami Shklar, Haim Y. Knobler


        Mental Health Department, Medical Corps, Israel Defence Forces


        A review of quality assurance in the mental health department of the Israel Defence Forces allowed the examination of certain unique elements of quality control which pertain to the military. These include the psychiatric medical board, the computerized documentation of appointments and sessions with soldiers, the psychiatric hospitalization database, control systems implemented in the draft boards, peer-review boards and supervision, and a special officer in charge of handling outside consultations and queries. There were other components of quality assurance and control as well. These instruments are vital in a dynamic system constantly striving to improve clinical performance.

        Future plans include the continued use and expansion of quality control boards, the inclusion of quality assurance in the curriculum of mental health officers, and the use of clinical guidelines in working with soldiers. All of this is in keeping with the principle of continuous quality improvement, with the aim of viewing the soldier in need of help as a client.

        פברואר 1998

        איריס שי, שמעון ויצמן ויצחק לוי

        Effects of Vertical Banded Gastroplasty on Weight, Quality of Life and Nutrition


        Iris Shai, Shimon Weitzman, Izhak Levy


        Depts. of Epidemiology and Surgery, Soroka Medical Center and Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        We examined the long term results of vertical banded gastroplasty 3-10 years after operation. They were assessed by weight lost, incidence and severity of untoward effects and improvement in diet and in quality of life in 75 of 122 who had had the operation. Average weight lost was 28.5±14.9 kg (p<0.001) in 5 years and 58.6±30.4% of excess weight, which brought patients to within 32±25.2% of ideal weight. According to these measures, in 63-76% the operation had been successful in causing weight loss. The 2 criteria for successful weight loss were loss of more than 50% of weight in excess of ideal body weight and residual body weight less than 50% greater than ideal body weight. There was a greater risk of failure in unmarried subjects older than 45 (odds ratio for not losing weight was 6; in those weighing more than 120 kg it was 9). We saw evidence of this mostly 4 years after operation (odds ratio 11). The degree of success in weight loss was correlated with texture of food (softness) preferred and length of operation. Of those interviewed, only 65% were satisfied with their results. The greatest improvement in quality of life measurements was in physical activity, perception of health, and frequency of feeling depressed. Side-effects were vomiting, reflux and fatigue. Only 34.7% were able to digest solid foods, so that subjects are at risk for nutritional deficiencies.

        * Based on MS thesis in epidemiology of Iris Shai.

        ינואר 1998

        לואיס גייטיני, סוניה וידה ושחר מדז'ר

        Continuous Quality Improvement in Anesthesia


        Luis Gaitini, Sonia Vaida, Shahar Madgar


        Depts. of Anesthesia and of Urology, Bnai-Zion Medical Center, Haifa


        Slow continuous quality improvement (SCQI) in anesthesia is a process that allows identification of problems and their causes. Implementing measures to correct them and continuous monitoring to ensure that the problems have been eliminated are necessary. The basic assumption of CQI is that the employees of an organization are competent and working to the best of their abilities. If problems occur they are the consequences of inadequacies in the process rather that in the individual. The CQI program is a dynamic but gradual system that invokes a slower rate of response in comparison with other quality methods, like quality assurance. Spectacular results following a system change are not to be expected an the ideal is slow and continuous improvement.

        A SCQI program was adapted by our department in May 1994, according to the recommendations of the American Society of Anesthesiologists. Problem identification was based on 65 clinical indicators, reflecting negative events related to anesthesia. Data were collected using a specially designed computer database. 4 events were identified as crossing previously established thresholds (hypertension, hypotension, hypoxia and inadequate nerve block). Statistical process control was used to establish stability of the system and whether negative events were influenced only by the common causes. The causes responsible for these negative events were identified using specific SCQI tools, such as control-charts, cause-effect diagrams and Pareto diagrams. Hypertension and inadequate nerve block were successfully managed. The implementation of corrective measures for the other events that cross the threshold is still in evolution. This program requires considerable dedication on the part of the staff, and it is hoped that it will improve our clinical performance.

        אוקטובר 1997

        שיינקה אלפסה, רויטל רונן, חיים רינג, אאידה דיניה, עדה תמיר וראובן אלדר

        Quality of Life in Younger Adults after First Stroke


        Shenka Alfassa, Revital Ronen, Haim Ring, Aida Dynia, Ada Tamir, Reuben Eldar


        Fleischman Unit for Study of Disability, Neurological Ward, Loewenstein Hospital, Ra'anana


        To study the effect of stroke on the quality of life in younger adults, 199 patients 17-49 years of age who had sustained a first stroke between 1.11.92 and 31.10.93 were followed up. They were interviewed by telephone at 3, 6, 12 and 24 months after the event. 2 died during the first year of follow-up, and 8 had recurrent strokes. After 2 years, 8 additional patients had died and 4 had sustained recurrent events. Gradual improvement was reported within all age groups and in all areas. During the 3-6 months period, a mean of 4% improvement occurred in functional capability, 15% in social and recreational activity and 8% in return-to-work. The 6-12 month period showed an increase of 3% in improvement in mean functional capability, 10% in social and recreational activity and 2% in return-to-work. 1 year after the stroke 27% remained with moderate to severe disability, but over 86% were functionally independent in their daily living activities. There were no significant changes during the second year of follow-up in these statistics. 67% of those employed prior to their stroke returned to work and approximately 70% reported a return to prestroke social and recreational activity. These results demonstrate that the relatively high recovery rate and functional improvement during a year of follow-up were not accompanied by similar rates of improvement in emplyment and in social integration. They indicate the need for increased emphasis on long-term psychosocial rehabilitation services within the community.

        יוני 1997

        שאול מ' שאשא, נועם גולדשטיין ואברהם אופק

        International Quality Assurance Standards (ISO 9002) in an Israeli Hospital


        Shaul M. Shasha, Noam Goldstein, Abraham Ofek


        Western Galilee Hospital, Nahariya and Ofek Institute, Ramat Hasharon


        This hospital has been certified by the Israel Standards Institute as having a quality assurance system fulfilling the requirements of the international standard, ISO 9002. This is the first hospital in this part of the world to be certified as fulfilling this standard. Its adoption is one of several accepted approaches to quality assurance in medicine. World-wide, very few health organizations, including hospitals, have implemented this system successfully. Opinions regarding its importance are divided, mostly because of lack of experience in its application. We describe its features, goals and structure, and its implementation in various sectors, including health organizations. The process of its adoption, application and implementation is described, and the problems which arose are discussed.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303