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        תוצאת חיפוש

        דצמבר 1998

        א' אדונסקי, ש' לבנקרון, י' פלייסיג, א' שטרית וצ' בלומשטיין

        Evaluation of Predictive Factors for Stroke Rehabilitation


        Abraham Adunsky, Shlomo Levenkrohn, Yehudit Fleissig, Angela Chetrit, Zvia Blumstein


        Geriatric Medicine and Clinical Epidemiology Depts., Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer


        Our objective was to assess the functional disability of stroke patients by the functional independence measure (FIM) and to examine predictive factors for successful rehabilitation. In 127 consecutive stroke patients efficacy of FIM was 23.9±188, efficiency 0.54±0.45 and 81.9% of patients returned home. Functional improvement was statistically significant (p<0.001) in all FIM domains. Multivariate analysis showed that improvement in FIM score was significantly greater in the younger, among the married, the hemiparetic, and those with an admission FIM of 40-60, while efficiency was related only to type of diagnosis. In addition, the hemiparetic were 3.3 times more likely to return home than the hemiplegic.


        We conclude that rehabilitation priorities should be directed towards patients younger than 75 years and to those with an admission FIM of 40-60 points. The results of this study reaffirm the usefulness of the FIM index in assessing stroke rehabilitation.

        אוגוסט 1998

        ס' זלבסקי, ש' וינקר, ע' פיאדה, ד' ליבון וא' קיטאי

        Background Music in the Family Physician's Surgery: Patient Reactions


        S. Zalewsky, S. Vinker, I. Fiada, D. Livon, E. Kitai


        Family Medicine Clinics and Dept. of Family Medicine, Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Music is a universal language, and its effects on pain relief and stress reduction are well known. We evaluated patients' opinions of the effects of background music in their family doctors' surgery. Low volume, background, classical music was played in the doctors' surgery on 5 consecutive clinic days. All patients were asked to fill a short anonymous questionnaire on leaving. Among the 135 consecutive patients offered the questionnaire, there was 87.4% compliance. Among the 118 who completed the questionnaire, 95% said that the background music did not disturb them, 89% thought it made them feel better and 80% thought that it aided the doctor's performance. We conclude that low volume, background music in the doctors's surgery may contribute to better doctor-patient interaction, although larger studies are needed to confirm our findings.

        שלמה וינקר, ששון נקר, זהבה אלון, חאמד אבו-עמר, גד סדובסקי ואיתן חי-עם

        Urgent, Unscheduled Self-Referrals by Ambulatory Patients


        S. Vinker, S. Nakar, Z. Alon, H. Abu-Amar, G. Sadovsky, E. Hyam


        General Sick Fund, Central District and Dept. of Family Medicine, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Direct self-referral to a consultant is common in the Israeli health system. Yet patients' reasons for their urgent, unscheduled self-referrals for ambulatory consultations (UUSR) have not been explored. We studied such consultations in an urban multi-disciplinary consultation center serving a population of approximately 100,000. Over a 3-month period such consultations in ophthalmology, ear-nose-and-throat and dermatology clinics were treated by a duty family physician (FP). The FP was instructed to focus on the urgent complaint and either to give definitive treatment and schedule a consultation when needed, or refer the patient for immediate specialist consultation. Patients treated by the FP were asked to fill an anonymous questionnaire, which 347/645 (55.4%) did.


        Among the reasons for UUSR were that the patient thought that his/her complaints should be treated by a consultant (29%), the patient was sent by the FP without a consultation note (13.9%), the FP was not available (10.4%), or the patient wished to see the consultant for a second opinion (8.2%). In only 7.8% had the patient noted that his complaint needed urgent consultation. Duration of complaints, but not prior efforts to schedule a consultation, were associated with different reasons for asking for an UUSR. For various reasons patients preferred an UUSR rather than seeing their own FP. Patients' opinions regarding self-referrals are important in planning primary care facilities and FP training.

        שלמה וינקר, ששון נקר, עמנואל ניר, איתן חי-עם ומיכאל וינגרטן

        Abnormal Liver Function Tests in the Primary Care Setting


        Shlomo Vinker, Sasson Nakar, Emanuel Nir, Eitan Hyam, Michael A. Weingarten


        Dept. of Family Medicine, Rabin Medical Center, Sackler Faculty of Medicine; Tel Aviv University; and General Sick Fund, Central District


        Results of laboratory tests ordered during a primary care encounter may reveal findings of abnormal liver function tests, including elevated liver enzymes, hyperbilirubinemia, hypoalbuminemia or abnormal coagulation tests. The object of this study was to describe the spectrum of these liver function test (LFT) abnormalities in primary care.


        Results of all laboratory tests ordered during 10 months in an urban primary care clinic were retrospectively reviewed and the medical charts of patients with abnormal LFTs were studied. In 217/1088 (20%) of the tests at least 1 LFT abnormality was found in 156 patients. New diagnoses were made in 104 patients. The main diagnostic groups were: non-alcoholic fatty liver changes, Gilbert's disease, acute infectious hepatitis, alcoholic liver disease and cirrhosis and hepatotoxic drug injury. In 60 patients the physician classified the abnormality as negligible and not associated with significant disease. However, an abnormal test that had been ordered for evaluation of a specific complaint, was indeed likely to represent significant disease (X²=29.5, p<0.001). We conclude that finding abnormalities in liver function tests is common in the primary care clinic but does not often indicate significant liver disease.

        דצמבר 1997

        א' אדונסקי, ח' סמו וש' לבנקר

        Central Cord Syndrome in the Elderly Who Fall: a Diagnostic Trap


        A. Adunsky, H. Semo, S. Levenkrohn


        Geriatric Rehabilitation Dept., Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer


        Acute post-traumatic spinal injury is common and usually poses no diagnostic difficulties. Following a low-energy fall, the onset of acute central cord syndrome in the elderly is not common and is frequently misdiagnosed. Men aged 60 and 81, and a woman aged 75 are described, in whom central cord syndrome was overlooked. Awareness of this condition is important to avoid incorrect diagnosis and hazardous management.

        יוני 1997

        שלמה וינקר, ששון נקר, סרגיי פינקל, עמנואל ניר ואיתן חי-עם

        Oral Anticoagulation Therapy in the Primary Care Setting


        Shlomo Vinker, Sasson Nakar, Sergei Finkel, Emanuel Nir, Eitan Hyam


        Family Medicine Dept., Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University; and Shaaraim Clinic, General Sick Fund, Rehovot; Central Cinical Laboratories, and District Medical Director, Central District of the General Sick Fund


        The use of oral anticoagulant therapy (OAT) to prevent thromboembolism has been widespread in recent years. The concept of high- and low-intensity regimens has facilitated treatment for many, and has lowered the hazards of overly intense anticoagulation. However, a significant proportion of patients suited to the low intensity regimen are not being treated. It is not clear whether its wider use is limited by continued debate, lack of resources, lack of expertise, or other causes. We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 32 patients treated with OAT administered in the primary care setting. The average age was 66±11 years (range 34-84). 9 were treated with high-intensity OAT: 8 due to artificial heart valves, and 1 due to a hypercoagulable syndrome with recurrent thromboembolism. 23 were treated with low-intensity OAT, 17 of whom had atrial fibrillation. 11 were also being treated continuously with other medication which interacted with OAT or interfered with other coagulation pathways. Such medication included: aspirin, dipyridamole, amiodarone, bezafibrate and allopurinol. Of 414 coagulation tests, 57% and 65% were in the therapeutic range in the high- and low-intensity OAT groups, respectively. There was no major bleeding event, but in 2 of 8 who bled, gastrointestinal bleeding led to hospitalization. Treatment was discontinued in 1 patient because of difficulties in achieving target INR, and in the 2 hospitalized for bleeding. The percentages of test results in, above and below the therapeutic range were similar to those in other large series, for both intensity regimens. We found that a significant proportion of patients were under chronic treatment with other medication which interacted with OAT. To estimate the rate of complications in primary care OAT, larger series are needed. We conclude that OAT can be given and monitored by the family physician, and that awareness of long and short term drug interactions with OAT is mandatory.

        פברואר 1997

        שלמה מור-יוסף, רלו אברהם ויוסף שנקר

        Ovarian Cancer In Israel, 1960-1989


        Shlomo Mor-Yosef, Relo Avraham, Joseph G. Schenker


        Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hadassah-University Hospital, Ein Kerem, Jerusalem


        In Israel ovarian cancer ranks among the most common malignant diseases in women. It is also one of the main causes of death from cancer in females in this country. Our population is composed of immigrants from diverse social, cultural, and geographical backgrounds, and only a sector of the inhabitants, mainly the younger generation, is Israeli-born. This study evaluates the trends of epidemiological and clinical data on ovarian cancer during 3 decades, 1960-1989, and includes a total of 5,786 cases of ovarian cancer. Information was obtained from the Central Israel Cancer Registry of the Ministry of Health and from the Central Bureau of Statistics. The incidence was stable during the survey period and was about 15-17/100,000 in women over the age of 15. Most (90%) were diagnosed over the age of 40. In women of European/American origin the incidence of ovarian cancer is 3 times greater than in women of Asian/African origin. The rate in the Israeli-born is between those of the other 2 groups, but closer to that of the European/American group. Over 70% were diagnosed with advanced disease (stage III-IV).


        Prognosis improved during the period of the study: 5-year survival was 19% in the early 60's and 31% in the 80's. During the last decade of the survey improvement was mainly in 2-year survival (from 38.5% to 60%).

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303