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        תוצאת חיפוש

        דצמבר 1997

        שלום שטהל, דורון נורמן וחיים צינמן

        Postoperative Ulnar Nerve Palsy of the Elbow


        Shalom Stahl, Doron Norman, Chaim Zinman


        Hand Surgery Unit and Dept. of Orthopedic Surgery B, Rambam Medical Center and Faculty of Medicine, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa


        Ulnar nerve neuropathy of the elbow is a recognized complication of surgery involving general anesthesia. In 13 patients, aged 21-76 years, ulnar nerve palsy developed at various times and of varying degrees of severity during the postoperative period. Diagnosis was based on clinical and electrophysiological findings. 3 patients had subclinical entrapment of the ulnar nerve. All were treated conservatively by rest, splinting and physical therapy: 10 improved slowly with time and 3 were operated on, but only 1 recovered fully. Preventive measures, such as proper positioning on the operative table, use of elbow pads, avoiding adduction of the arm, pronation of the forearm and prolonged elbow flexion, may reduce the incidence of ulnar nerve palsy. Unfortunately, treatment of established lesions has yielded mixed results.

        הרברט פרוינד, דן צרור, דני אימרל ועודד זמיר

        Preliminary Experience with Laparoscopic Repair of Inguinal Hernias


        Herbert R. Freund, Dan Seror, Dan Eimerl, Oded Zamir


        Surgery and Anesthesiology Depts., Hadassah-University Hospital, Mount Scopus, Jerusalem


        During 1992-1996 we performed 163 laparoscopic hernia repairs in 100 men and 2 women. The mean age was 50.6; and in 61 the operation was bilateral. 66 were by transabdominal preperitoneal approach and 36 btotal extra-peritoneal approach. There were only a few minor complications and total recurrence rate was only 4.3%, partly attributable to our learning curve. Laparoscopic inguinal herniorrhaphy reduces postoperative incisional and muscular pain and causes less disruption in the postoperative period than open repair. Return to normal activity and work is faster for laparoscopic than for open repair, but operating room costs are higher (time and equipment). However, economic advantages for the national economy should be considered.

        א' אדונסקי, ח' סמו וש' לבנקר

        Central Cord Syndrome in the Elderly Who Fall: a Diagnostic Trap


        A. Adunsky, H. Semo, S. Levenkrohn


        Geriatric Rehabilitation Dept., Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer


        Acute post-traumatic spinal injury is common and usually poses no diagnostic difficulties. Following a low-energy fall, the onset of acute central cord syndrome in the elderly is not common and is frequently misdiagnosed. Men aged 60 and 81, and a woman aged 75 are described, in whom central cord syndrome was overlooked. Awareness of this condition is important to avoid incorrect diagnosis and hazardous management.

        יוסף חייק, אריה יודיץ, איריס ברשק, מנחם בן חיים, משה שבתאי ועמרם אילון

        Surgical Approach to Benign Cecal Ulcer


        J. Haik, A. Judich, I. Barshack, M. Ben-Haim, M. Shabtai, A. Ayalon


        Dept. of Surgery B and Pathology Institute, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Benign cecal ulcer is a rare lesion, usually diagnosed during operation for suspected acute appendicitis or peritonitis of unknown origin. In the past, right hemicolectomy was recommended as the treatment of choice because of the difficulty in differentiating malignant lesions from benign cecal ulcers. However, in recent reports a more conservative approach has been suggested, consisting of selective colectomy followed by frozen section biopsy. This approach is aimed at preventing unnecessary excision of the colon and conserving the ileocecal valve. We present a 47-year-old woman operated for right lower quadrant peritonitis, believed to be due to acute appendicitis. On exploration, a biopsy-proven benign cecal ulcer was found and resected.

        נובמבר 1997

        תמר טלמון, יצחק בירן ובנימין מילר

        Traumatic Hyphema*


        Tamar Talmon, Itzchak Beiran, Benjamin Miller


        Dept. of Ophthalmology, Rambam Medical Center and Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa


        Traumatic hyphema usually occurs in young men at the rate of 17-20/1000,000. Major complications include secondary hemorrhage, glaucoma, corneal staining and disturbances in visual acuity. Final visual acuity is predominantly the outcome of all the ocular injuries occurring during the trauma, mainly to the posterior segment of the eye. We describe all cases of traumatic hyphema treated in our department over a period of 3.5 years. Antifibrinolytic treatment is recommended in the literature in traumatic hyphema to prevent secondary hemorrhage. Our findings differ from those in the literature in that they show a lower prevalence of more severe hemorrhages and of secondary hemorrhage. In light of these differences, and with regard to possible side effects of such treatment, we suggest that antifibrinolytic treatment not be used in our population. We recommend that treatment for traumatic hyphema should include restricted activity, local corticosteroidal preparations, frequent follow-up visits and vigorous diagnostic work-up in order to find any additional eye damage. We strongly recommend the use of preventive measures (eye-shields) in high risk activities such as sports, house-hold work and military training.


        * Based on work submitted to the Faculty of Medicine, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, by Tamar Talmon in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the MD degree.

        משה צ' פפא, דפנה ברסוק, משה קולר, אהוד קליין, מירב שראלי וגור בן-ארי

        Identification of Sentinel and Axillary Node Involvement in Breast Cancer


        M.Z. Papa, D. Bersuk, M. Koler, E. Klein, M. Sareli, G. Ben-Ari


        Dept. of Surgical Oncology and Breast Unit, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer


        Axillary node dissection for breast cancer is important for staging and prognosis. "Sentinel nodes" are the first nodes into which primary cancer drains. Identification, removal and pathological examination of those nodes indicates whether completion of axillary lymphadenectomy is required. The sentinel nodes are identified using a vital dye injected at the primary tumor site. With this technique we were able to identify sentinel nodes in 46 of 48 (95%) women examined. An average of 2.7‏1.2 nodes were identified as sentinel nodes. In 81% of cases there was a correlation between involvement of sentinel nodes and of other axillary nodes as well. In 10% of patients sentinel nodes were involved with tumor while other axillary nodes were negative. The major problem in routine application of this is relationship in surgical decisions is reliable real time pathological identification of lymph node involvement by tumor.

        מרינה שנק, שמעון וייצמן, טובה ליפשיץ ובן ציון ביידנר

        Penetrating Ocular Injuries: a Retrospective Study


        M. Schneck, S. Weitzman, T. Lifshitz, B. Biedner


        Dept. of Ophthalmology, and Epidemiology and Health Services Evaluation Unit, Soroka Medical Center and Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        Penetrating injuries of the eye are an important cause of unilateral visual loss. We studied a series of 82 cases of penetrating injuries treated here from 1987 through 1993. The injuries were caused by sharp objects in 66% and blunt trauma in 6%. The prognosis after a penetrating injury is greatly influenced by the nature of the injury and the extent of the initial drainage. Among factors associated with an unfavorable visual outcome were diminished preoperative visual acuity and scleral wounds with dense vitreous hemorrhage.

        בן-עמי סלע, טלי לרמן-שגיא ומתי ברקוביץ

        Carnitine Deficiency in Inborn Errors of Metabolism


        B.-A. Sela, T. Lerman-Sagie, M. Berkovitz


        Institute of Chemical Pathology, Chaim Sheba Medical Center and Section of Clinical Biochemistry, Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University; Pediatric Neurology Unit, Wolfsohn Medical Center, Holon; and Children's Ambulatory Clinic, Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Zrifin


        Several conditions, considered as inborn errors of metabolism, involve severe deficiencies in carnitine in both plasma and muscle. In the absence of evidence suggesting primary carnitine deficiency due to a biosynthetic enzymatic defect in the liver, the various diseases with carnitine deficiency are related to genetic defects in organic acid metabolism leading to blocked mitochondrial b oxidation. We describe a 4.5-year-old boy and 2 female infants with glutaric aciduria type I, isovaleric acidemia, and long-chain acid dehydrogenase deficiency, in whom severe carnitine deficiency was apparent. In all 3, long-term carnitine treatment proved to be vital and eliminated most of the symptoms.

        אילן בר, משה שמחה, אבירם ניסן, ירון שרגל, מרדכי קרמר וגדעון מרין

        Limited Axillary Thoracotomy for Recurrent Spontaneous Pneumothorax


        I. Bar, M. Simha, A. Nissan, Y. Shargal, M. Kramer, G. Merin


        Depts. of Cardiothoracic Surgery and of Surgery, and Pulmonary Institute, Hadassah--University Hospital, Ein Karem; and Dept. of Surgery, Hadassah--University Hospital, Mt. Scopus, Jerusalem


        Recurrent spontaneous pneumothorax often requires surgical intervention. Recently, less invasive thoracic surgical techniques, such as video-assisted thoracoscopy (VAT) and limited axillary thoracotomy (LAT), have been developed and used for different thoracic procedures. We describe our results with limited axillary thoracotomy, as compared with those of video-assisted thoracoscopy as reported in the literature. From October 1994 to May 1996, 14 patients with recurrent spontaneous pneumothorax, aged 16-33 years, underwent limited axillary thoracotomy, resection of blebs and apical pleurectomy, using multifire GIA 80 staplers (Auto Suture Inc.). There were no complications or recurrences during 5-17 months of follow-up. Mean operative time was 52.2 minutes and mean hospital stay 2.3 days postoperatively. Full activity was regained within 12.1 days. In comparison with over 75 cases of VAT from the literature, LAT is safe and offers the potential benefits of decreased operative time, hospital stay and cost.

        סלמה מוזס, מיכאל מוטרו ויהודה שינפלד

        Blunt Trauma causing Emboli from Friable Atherosclerotic Plaques


        Selma Moses, Michael Motro, Yehuda Shoenfeld


        Medical Dept. B and Cardiac Rehabilitation Institute, Chaim Sheba Medical Center and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        We present a 55-year-old woman who developed a shower of emboli following a car accident. Such events may have medicolegal implications as well as preventive considerations.

        אילנה מרגלית ועמוס שפירא

        Participation of Patients with Uret-Eral Calculi in Clinical Decision Making, and Level of Anxiety


        Ilana Margalith, Amos Shapiro


        Hadassah-Hebrew University School of Nursing, and Dept. of Urology, Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem


        In a study examining the relationship between patient participation in clinical decision making and levels of anxiety, patients were offered a choice of treatment for ureteral calculus. 42 received information about 2 treatment options, ultrasound fragmentation of the stone through a ureteroscope and extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL), and were asked to choose the method that they preferred. 54 received treatment decided on by the physician without their participation in the decision making process. Anxiety was measured before meeting with the physician, immediately after the meeting and on hospitalization for treatment. The contribution of the patient's perception of participation in the decision- making process and level of education was also examined. There was a decrease in level of anxiety after meeting with the physician only among those who did not actually participate in the decision-making process (p<0.05). There was no change in the level of anxiety among those offered choice of treatment. However, a decrease in anxiety was evident among patients who perceived that they had received information about their illness and its treatment (p<0.01). This was not the case for patients who perceived themselves as participants in decision making unless they had a relatively high-level of education (p=0.05).

        לוטפי ג'אבר, אורלי רומנו ומרדכי שוחט

        Consanguinity among Arabs in Israel


        Lutfi Jaber, Orli Romano, Mordechai Shohat


        Bridge to Peace Community, Taiba Pediatric Center; Schneider Children's Medical Center (Beilinson Campus), Petah Tikva and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        In a previous nationwide study, we examined the rate of consanguineous matings in the Israeli Arab community. The average inbreeding coefficient was 0.0192, much higher than that reported for the general population of Israel, 0.0038 in 1956-7. The inbreeding coefficients of 69 Arab villages, towns and cities (excluding the Bedouin in the South) were determined. Knowledge of the inbreeding coefficients of the various local populations is of value for geneticists, pediatricians and gynecologists and for planning suitable health programs.

        אורי גבעון, מרים א. זיבצנר, משה סלעי, אהרן צ'צ'יק, הנרי הורושובסקי ויהושע שמר

        Orthopedic Ward Policy in Introduction of New Types of Total Hip Implants


        U. Givon, M.I. Siebzhener, M. Salai, A. Chechick, H. Horoszowski, J. Shemer


        Orthopedic Staff, Medical Technology Unit, Medical Dept. F, and Gertner Institute for Study of Health Services, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer


        The use of different types of total hip implants in medical centers in Israel was surveyed. Questionnaires were sent to all orthopedic ward directors in Israel requesting information on the number of total hip arthroplasties performed between the years 1984-1993, the types of implants used, and whether attending physicians or residents perform the operations. 22 of 24 orthopedic wards responded but 1 ward was excluded because only the results for 1993 were reported. 5 wards reported more and 16 fewer than 50 operations a year. 15 different types of implants were in use in Israel in that period, and in 5 wards 5 or more types of implants were used. Only 1 of the wards performed more than 50 operations a year. We conclude that the indiscriminate use of multiple technologies in wards performing few operations can lead to the long "learning curves" previously associated with poor results. Orthopedic surgeons should resist the impulse to introduce new implants, thus improving results and lowering expenditure. The need for regulating the introduction of new implants is emphasized.

        אוקטובר 1997

        מיכל מימון-גרינולד, יוג'ין לייבוביץ, נמרוד מימון, נחמה פלד ורון דגן

        Gram-Negative Enteric Bacteremia in Children in the Negev


        Michal Maimon-Greenwald, Eugene Leibovitz, Nimrod Maimon, Nechama Peled, Ron Dagan


        Pediatric Infectious Disease Unit and Clinical Microbiology Laboratory, Soroka Medical Center and Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        During 1989-1994, there were 322 episodes of Gram-negative enteric bacteremia in 308 children. The incidence increased from 31/100,000 in children younger than 15 years of age during 1989-1991, to 50/100,000 during 1992-1994. The most common pathogens were Klebsiella, E. Coli, Salmonella and Enterobacter. 39% of episodes were nosocomial and a significant increase was recorded for each species during the last 3 years of the study. Klebsiella represented the most common pathogen causing nosocomial bacteremia, while E. coli and Salmonella were the main pathogens causing community-acquired bacteremia. In this study in southern Israel, the incidence of Gram-negative enteric bacteremia was significantly higher in Bedouin children, with the exception of bacteremia due to Salmonella, which occurred mainly in Jewish children.

        י' פיקל, י' גלפנד וב' מילר

        Occupational Accidents and Eye Injuries


        Joseph Pikkel, Yuval Gelfand, Benjamin Miller


        Ophthalmology Dept., Rambam Medical Center and Technion Faculty of Medicine, Haifa


        To determine the prevalence of occupation-related eye injuries, we analyzed the records of 24,632 patients treated at our emergency surgical department over a 3-year period. Occupational accidents accounted for 17.6% of such cases. A third of them (1374 patients) were referred to the ophthalmic emergency room for further examination. In 89% (1223) of these, at least 1 pathological ocular finding was detected, and 8.3% (114) of them were hospitalized. Penetrating eye injuries were found in 5.2%(72). The commonest eye injury was corneal foreign body found in 42.8%.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303