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        תוצאת חיפוש

        נובמבר 1997

        אילן בר, משה שמחה, אבירם ניסן, ירון שרגל, מרדכי קרמר וגדעון מרין

        Limited Axillary Thoracotomy for Recurrent Spontaneous Pneumothorax


        I. Bar, M. Simha, A. Nissan, Y. Shargal, M. Kramer, G. Merin


        Depts. of Cardiothoracic Surgery and of Surgery, and Pulmonary Institute, Hadassah--University Hospital, Ein Karem; and Dept. of Surgery, Hadassah--University Hospital, Mt. Scopus, Jerusalem


        Recurrent spontaneous pneumothorax often requires surgical intervention. Recently, less invasive thoracic surgical techniques, such as video-assisted thoracoscopy (VAT) and limited axillary thoracotomy (LAT), have been developed and used for different thoracic procedures. We describe our results with limited axillary thoracotomy, as compared with those of video-assisted thoracoscopy as reported in the literature. From October 1994 to May 1996, 14 patients with recurrent spontaneous pneumothorax, aged 16-33 years, underwent limited axillary thoracotomy, resection of blebs and apical pleurectomy, using multifire GIA 80 staplers (Auto Suture Inc.). There were no complications or recurrences during 5-17 months of follow-up. Mean operative time was 52.2 minutes and mean hospital stay 2.3 days postoperatively. Full activity was regained within 12.1 days. In comparison with over 75 cases of VAT from the literature, LAT is safe and offers the potential benefits of decreased operative time, hospital stay and cost.

        יוני 1997

        פלטיאל וינר, דורון זמיר ומרינלה בקרמן

        Inhaled Budesonide for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease


        Paltiel Weiner, Doron Zamir, Marinella Beckerman


        Medical Dept A, Hillel Yaffe Medical Center, Hadera


        A significant, large minority of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) respond favorably to corticosteroid treatment; but the benefit may be outweighed by its side effects. Long-term administration of inhaled steroids is a safe means of treatment. We hypothesized that treatment with inhaled budesonide would improve clinical symptoms and pulmonary function in subjects with COPD, and that the response to an inhaled B2-agonist would individualize steroid responders. In 44 patients with stable COPD in a double- blind crossover trial, we compared a 6-week course of inhalations of 800 mg/d budesonide with a placebo, separated by a 4-week interval when no medication was taken. In 33 out of 42 responders to the B2-agonist who remained in the study, there was a significant improvement in FEV1 of greater than 20% following budesonide inhalation, as compared to placebo. There was also a significant difference between the 2 periods of treatment as to the mean number of B2-agonist inhalations. We conclude that about 1/4 of patients with stable COPD respond to bronchodilators, and treatment with inhaled steroids improves spirometry data and inhaled B2-agonist consumption in about 3/4.

        איריס ברשק, מאיר קרופסקי, מרינה פרלמן ויורי קופולוביץ

        Pulmonary Alveolar Micro-Lithiasis Presenting With Prolonged Cough


        I. Barshack, M. Krupsky, M. Perelman, J. Kopolovic


        Institute of Pathology and Dept. of Pulmonary Diseases, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        A 40-year-old man had been followed in the pulmonary clinic for prolonged cough. Chest X-ray showed bilateral diffuse interstitial infiltrates with accentuation toward the bases. CT-scan demonstrated a fine diffuse reticulonodular pattern. Transbronchial lung biopsy showed pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis, a rare disease characterized by the presence of concentric calcifications within the pulmonary alveoli. This is the second case of the disease reported in Israel.

        אפריל 1997

        משה סלעי, אלינור גושן, תומס טישלר, רוני וויצן, שרה אפטר, אלכס גרניאק ומרינה פרלמן

        Multidisciplinary Approach to the Treatment of Musculo-Skeletal Tumors


        M. Salai, E. Goshen, T. Tishler, R. Weitzen, S. Apter, A. Garniek, M. Feldman


        Depts. of Orthopedic Surgery, Nuclear Medicine, Oncology, Imaging Radiology and Pathology, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer


        Tumors of the musculoskeletal system are relatively rare. They occur mostly in the young, while in older age groups metastases and myeloma are more prevalent. Treatment has undergone major change in the past 20 years with the introduction of neoadjuvant treatment protocols. According to recent reports 5-year survival rates have increased from 20% to 60-70%. These new protocols involve the use of modern imaging modalities, immunohistochemical pathological analysis and improved surgical technics. This has required establishment of multidisciplinary teams of experts to escort the patient through all the steps of current treatment.

        ינואר 1997

        מרדכי ר' קרמר, אילן בר, ליאוניד אידלמן, מילי בובליל, איריס ניצן, צ'רלס ספרונג, שמעון גודפרי, גדעון מרין

        Volume Reduction Surgery in Emphysema


        M.R. Kramer, I. Bar, I. Eidelman, M. Bublil, I. Nitzan, C. Sprung, S. Godfrey, G. Merin


        Depts. of Cardiothoracic Surgery and Anesthesiology, and Institute of Pulmonology, Hadassah-University Hospital and Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem


        Volume reduction surgery (VRS) is a new procedure based on the concept that relieving hyperinflation in emphysema improves diaphragmatic and chest wall mechanics and ventilation perfusion mismatch. We present our early experience with 16 patients who underwent VRS from August 1995 to June 1996. Patient selection was based on: PFT, CT scan, V/Q scan, ABG's and 6-min walk. After pulmonary rehabilitation, operation was by median sternotomy and bilateral lung shaving. Pulmonary function improved significantly. FEV1 increased from 0.68 ± 0.2 to 1.0 ± 0.2 L (p<0.01) and FVC increased from 1.7 ± 0.5 to 2.7 ± 0.5 L (p<0.017). Total lung capacity decreased from 129% ± 24% to 108% ± 20% (p<0.03). 6-min walk increased from 221 ± 90 to 404 ± 123 meters (p<0.001). Complications included 1 death, prolonged air leak in 7 cases and infection in 2. Quality of life improved substantially in 12 of the 16 cases; in 3 cases there was only slight improvement and in 1 the condition became worse. Volume reduction surgery is a promising surgical solution in selected patients with advanced emphysema.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303