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    Meet our Members

    prof. Yair Anikster
    + - Prof. Doron Aronson

    Name: Prof. Doron Aronson

    Area of specialty: Cardiology

    Hospital: Rambam

    University: Technion

    Titles: Director, Cardiac Intensive Care Unit at Rambam


    Heart failure, cardio-renal syndrome, the role of inflammation in atherosclerosis and acute coronary syndromes, cardiovascular complications of diabetes.

    + - Prof. Zaher S. Azzam


    Name: Prof. Zaher S. Azzam

    Areas of specialty: Internal medicine, cardiology

    Hospital: Rambam

    University: Technion

    Titles: Clinical Professor; Technion; Chair of The Department of Medicine, Rambam Health Care Campus; Former Vice Dean for Medical Education

    Research Projects:

    1. The Cellular Mechanisms of Pulmonary Edema Clearance with Emphasis on Neurohotmonal Axis.
    2. The integrity of Endothelial Glycocalyx in Heart Failure: A Potential Therapeutic Modality
    3. Impact of Clinical, Demographic and Laboratory Variables on Heart Failure


    Prof. Ran Balicer
    + - Prof. Shmuel Banai



    Professor of Cardiology, Tel Aviv University

    Director, Division of Cardiology, Tel Aviv Medical Center
    Head, Slezak Super Center for Cardio Vascular Research and Engineering, Tel Aviv University

    Walton Chair of Interventional Cardiology, Tel Aviv University


    The research and development (pre-clinical and clinical) of Tiara, trans-catheter mitral valve replacement therapy: I have been the Medical Director of the Tiara program. The Tiara is a catheter-based self-expanding mitral bioprosthesis, specifically designed to fit the complex anatomic structure of the mitral apparatus. The valve assembly is shaped to match the natural orifice of the mitral valve and minimize obstruction of the LV outflow tract. I was involved in the R&D of the Tiara from the bench-top planning to pre-clinical and human experiments.

    The research and development (pre-clinical and clinical) of the coronary sinus Reducer for the treatment of patients with refractory angina pectoris: The Reducer is a device-based therapy for the treatment of refractory angina. It is designed to improve quality of life and functional capacity by reducing angina burden.

    I have been responsible for the R&D of the Reducer from the bench development and testing to the pre-clinical experiments and the first-in-man study. Later, I was responsible for the planning and execution of the COSIRA I – a multicenter, randomized, sham-controlled clinical trial that demonstrated the efficacy and safety of the Reducer. The COSIRA trial and many clinical experiments, that followed, established the Reducer as a novel effective therapy for refractory angina. The Reducer is currently widely used in many European countries, and it is recommended by the ESC guidelines for the treatment of chronic angina. I am involved and responsible for the Reducer-1 multi-center EU post-market clinical trial, and the COSIRA II, a sham-controlled, multi-center, randomized clinical trial, enrolling in the US and Canada. Lately, we have shown that the Reducer is an effective treatment for patients with coronary microvascular angina, a very large group of patients with no known effective treatment until today.

    Prof. Eyal Banin
    + - Prof. Rafael Beyar


    Name: Prof. Rafael Beyar

    Areas of specialty: Cardiology, Biomedical engineering

    Hospital: Rambam Medical Center

    University: Technion

    Titles: Professor Emeritus, Technion; Interventional Cardiologist, President, International Friends Association, Rambam Health Care Campus.  


    My research focuses on developments of new technologies in cardiology with focus on interventional cardiology while combining medicine and engineering. My major interests are models and simulations of the heart, cardiopulmonary resuscitation and cardiac assist  and later development of cardiovascular stents. More recently my focus was on development of robotic systems for cardiovascular interventions. The first world robot for coronary interventions was developed by our team at Rambam and the Technion incubator and is used widely in the world today.

    + - Prof. Dina Ben Yehuda


    Name: Prof. Dina Ben-Yehuda

    Areas of specialty: hematology

    Hospital: Hadassah

    University: Hebrew University

    Titles: Head of the Department of Hematology, Hadassah Medical Center; Dean of the Hebrew University Faculty of Medicine.


    Novel therapy for lymphoma using proapoptotic protein using nano particles with CD40 ligand


    + - Prof. Tamir Ben-Hur

    Name: Prof. Tamir Ben-Hur

    Areas of specialty: neurology

    Hospital: Hadassah Ein Kerem

    University: Hebrew University

    Titles: Professor of Neurology. Chair, The Division of Clinical Neurosciences (Neurology, Neurosurgery, Psychiatry) at Hadassah – Hebrew University Medical Center and Faculty of Medicine. President, The Israel Society for Neuroimmunology.


    My research involves the transplantation of neural stem cells for regenerative medicine of the brain, and particularly for Multiple Sclerosis, manipulation of endogenous stem cells in the brain, studying the bidirectional interactions between neural stem cells and brain cells. In addition, my lab studies inflammatory mechanisms in Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis, and early (pre-clinical) diagnosis for development of disease modifying therapies in Alzheimer's disease.

    Prof. Ohad S. Birk
    + - Prof. Jacob Bornstein

    Name: Prof. Jacob Bornstein

    Areas of specialty: Obstetrics and gynecology

    Hospital: Galilee Medical Center

    University: Bar-Ilan University


    Professor and Chairman of the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology in Galilee Medical Center and Bar-Ilan University, Israel and head of the lab for gynecological pain research.

    Professor Bornstein’s main current research area is the study of pain mechanisms. Especially that related to lower genital tract and pelvis, in particular, Vulvodynia.

    Go to the site


    + - Prof. Iris Barshack

    Diagnosis using microRNA: development of methods for diagnosis using microRNA for the origin of a tumor and tumors of unknown primary.

    Development of AI algorithms for the diagnosis of biological markers and precision medicine.

    Implementation of artificial intelligence in the workflow of a pathologist.

    + - Prof. Itay Chowers

    Name: Prof. Itay Chowers, Chairman, Department of Ophthalmology. Jonas Friedenwald Chair in Ophthalmological Research.The Hadassah Medical Center, and The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

    The research is focused on Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD). We are studying the pathogenesis of the disease, exploring the role of mononuclear cells, particularly macrophages, in the atrophic and neovascular stages of AMD. We are studying the role of macrophages as biomarkers and as therapeutic target in the disease. We also study the genetic background of AMD, and how genetics correlate with phenotype, progression and treatment response in AMD, using a big data-machine learning approache.     

    + - Prof. Rivka Carmi

    Name: Prof. Rivka Carmi

    Areas of specialty: Pediatrics and genetics

    University: Ben Gurion

    Titles: Prof. Rivka Carmi served as President of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev between 2006-2018 and prior to that as the dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences at BGU.  A graduate of Hadassah Medical School of the Hebrew University, she is a board-certified pediatrician, neonatologist and medical geneticist who served as the Director of the Genetics Institute at the Soroka University Medical Center.

    Research: Prof. Carmi’s research, with over 150 publications, focused on the delineation of the clinical manifestations and molecular basis of genetic diseases in the Negev Arab-Bedouin population, where she identified 12 new genes and delineated 2 new syndromes, one of which bears her name (OMIM #226730).

    Currently Prof. Carmi serves as the Founding President of the newly established Israeli National Academy of Science in Medicine by the Israeli Medical Association.


    Prof. Yehuda Chowers
    + - Prof. Ron Dagan

    Ron Dagan is Distinguished Professor of Pediatrics and Infectious Diseases at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel.

    He founded the Pediatric Infectious Disease Unit at the Department of Pediatrics, Soroka University Medical Center in Beer-Sheva and served as its director from 1987 to 2014.

    He still remains part of the staff. His previous appointments include Adjunct Associate Professor of Pediatrics, University of Rochester, New York (1993-1998).

    He obtained his MD degree in 1974 (Hadassah School of Medicine, Hebrew University, Jerusalem).

    In 1982, he embarked on a 3-year Fellowship in Pediatric Infectious Diseases at the University of Rochester, NY.

    Prof. Dagan is a member of the Israeli National Academy of Science in Medicine.

    He has served on the National Advisory Committee on Infectious Diseases and Immunization since 1991.

    He is a Founding Member of the World Society of Pediatric Infectious Diseases (WSPID), a Fellow of the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) and the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID), and an honorary member of the European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases (ESPID).

    Prof. Dagan served as a member of the Executive Committee of the International Society of Infectious Disease (ISID; 2010-2016), as President of ESPID (2004-2006), as President of the World Society for Pediatric Infectious Diseases (WSPID; 2006-2009) and as Chair of the Board of the International Symposia on Pneumococcus and Pneumococcal Diseases (ISPPD; 2010-2016).

    Professor Dagan serves on the editorial board of several peer-reviewed journals, including Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics, Journal of Infectious Diseases, Clinical Infectious Diseases and Vaccine.

    He is a recipient of many grants and awards. He has contributed >550 original articles, reviews and book chapters, and has presented >550 papers at national and international scientific meetings.

    Professor Dagan has earned international recognition for his research, focusing largely on the epidemiology, manifestations and pathogenesis of vaccine-preventable diseases, and the development and implementation of vaccines; with particular emphasis on pneumococcal vaccines; the epidemiology of respiratory infections in children; clinical aspects of vaccination against antibiotic-resistant pneumococci; the pathology of otitis media, prediction of bacteriological response to various antibiotics. 


    + - Prof. Benjamin Dekel

    Name: Prof. Benjamin Dekel

    Areas of specialty: Pediatrics, pediatric nephrology

    Hospital: Sheba Medical Center

    University: Tel Aviv University

    Titles: Director of the Division of Pediatric Nephrology, Edmond and Lily Safra Children’s Hospital, Sheba Medical Center, Israel; Head of the Pediatric Stem Cell Research Institute; Director, Sagol Center for Regenerative Medicine, Tel Aviv University; Dean of Research and Innovation, TAU Faculty of Medicine


    Prof. Dekel's research focuses on renal stem cell biology and regenerative medicine, casting light on fundamental problems of developmental biology, tissue regeneration and cancer and holding promise for novel disease therapies. 

    + - Prof. Eithan Galun

    Name: Prof. Eithan Galun

    Areas of specialty: Internal medicine, genetics

    Hospital: Hadassah Ein Kerem

    University: Hebrew University

    Titles: Full professor of Gene & Cell Therapy at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and senior physician at the Hadassah Hebrew University Hospital Liver Unit.

    Research: Over the last 12 years, I have directed the Gene and Cell Therapy Institute at the Hadassah Hebrew University Hospital that I have established. This entailed the collection of funding for the building of the institute during the seed stage and recruiting and funding all of the research activities from grant money, collaborations with the industry and fundraising. Today, we are 10 research groups, with 90 investigators.

    Prof. Elon Eisenberg
    + - Prof. Nir Giladi z"l


    Name: Prof. Nir Giladi

    Areas of specialty: Neurology

    Hospital: Sourasky Medical center

    University: Tel Aviv University

    Titles: Full professor at the Faculty of Medicine and Sagol School of Neuroscience at Tel Aviv University; Chairman of the Neurological Institute at Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center.

    Research: Nir Giladi, M.D. is a Neurologist and a renowned leader in the field of Movement Disorders. His research interests are in the field of gait, falls, freezing of gait and genetics in Parkinson's Disease. Over the past three decades, Prof. Giladi has devoted much of his time to research regarding unique aspects of gait, the prodromal stage of Parkinson's Disease, focusing on biological markers of early detection and predicting the conversion from a subject at risk to a patient with Parkinson's Disease.

    Furthermore, Prof. Giladi devotes a special effort to promote clinical trials with innovative technologies to stop or prevent Parkinson's disease as well as to improve clinical symptoms of movement disorders in phase one, two and three clinical trials.

    Prof. S. Nahum Goldberg
    Prof. Lior Gepstein
    + - Prof. Ora Israel

    Name: Prof. Ora Israel

    Areas of specialty: Imaging, nuclear medicine

    Hospital: Rambam

    University: Technion

    Titles: Emeritus Professor of Imaging at the R&B Rappaport School of Medicine, the Technion and Emeritus Director of the Department of Nuclear Medicine at the Rambam Health Care Campus in Haifa


    Development and clinical application of the novel technology of Hybrid Imaging, including SPECT/CT and PET/CT. Development and assessment of novel solid state CdZnTe crystals in novel imaging devices

    Diagnosis and monitoring response to treatment of cancer, infectious processes and cardio-vascular diseases

    Development of international guidelines and appropriate use criteria for imaging procedures, in particular scintigraphic and hybrid imaging tests, in collaboration with other medical societies

    Quantitation of radiotracer uptake in-vivo with specific applications in Theranostics

    + - Prof. Shai Izraeli

    Name: Prof. Shai Izraeli

    Areas of specialty: Pediatric Hematology and Oncology

    Hospital: Schneider Children's Hospital

    University: Tel Aviv University

    Titles: Prof Izraeli is the Director of the Pediatric Hematology Oncology Division at the Schneider Children's Medical Center of Israel.  He is also the Shapiro professor and the head of the Dotan center for research of hematological malignancies in Tel Aviv University and a research professor at the department of systems biology at the Beckman Institute at City of Hope, Duarte CA, USA. He was recently awarded the ICRF Professorship for his research of pediatric cancer.


    Prof. Izraeli's major research interest is in hematological malignancies and their predisposition syndromes. The research or Down Syndrome leukemia research have led to discoveries translated to novel cancer diagnostics and therapies. He published more than 200 peer reviewed scientific publications (‪shai izraeli - ‪Google Scholar) , has been supported by multiple international research grants and has many international colloaborations.

    Prof. Amos Katz
    + - Prof. Anat Loewenstein

    Name: Prof. Anat Loewenstein

    Areas of specialty: Ophthalmology

    Hospital: Sourasky Medical Center

    University: Tel Aviv University

    Titles: President of the Israeli Ophthalmological Society, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Sidney Fox Chair of Ophthalmology at Tel Aviv University, Chairman of Ophthalmology at Tel-Aviv Medical Center. Serves as the chair of the Ministry of Health's ethics committee for medical devices.


    Main field of interest is drug toxicity to the retina along with a vigorous interest in ophthalmic innovation. She is well known for the clinical development of multiple technological efforts, such as, novel technology for early detection of macular degeneration, as well as in recent years, the home OCT- an automated technology for detection of retinal disease activity and the development of augmented reality to replace the operating microscope. Recently she has been leading the development of a patient centered platform, which will save all relevant medical information and provide ease of access. Its main goal is to facilitate the management of chronic conditions under one user friendly platform.

    Prof. Jonathan Leor
    Prof. Ephrat Levy-Lahad
    + - Prof. Rami Moshaev


    Name: Prof. Ram Mosheif

    Areas of specialty: orthopedics

    Hospital: Hadassah Medical Center

    University: Hebrew University

    Titles: Professor Ram Mosheiff is an orthopedic trauma surgeon and the chairman of the Orthopedic Surgery Department in Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital.

    Research: Solutions for severe bone loss and computer assisted surgery.

    + - Prof. Ora Paltiel


    Name: Prof. Ora Paltiel

    Areas of specialty: Hematology, epidemiology

    Hospital: Hadassah Medical Center

    University: Hebrew University

    Professor of Epidemiology, Senior Physician Hematology;  Jerrold Michael Chair of Public Health;  Director International Masters Program in Public Health;  Director Masters in Clinical Epidemiology Program; Member I4C International consortium of Childhood cancer cohorts; Member – INTERLYMPH Consortium

    Research: Epidemiology of cancer, specifically lymphoproliferative diseases, quality of care, environmental factors and cancer. 




    + - Prof. Mical Paul

    Name: Prof. Mical Paul

    Areas of specialty: Internal medicine, infectious diseases

    Hospital: Rambam Medical Center

    University: Technion

    Titles: Head, Infection Diseases Institute, Rambam Health Care Campus and Professor, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology.


    Clinical research comprising of randomized controlled trials, observational studies, systematic reviews with meta-analysis, decision support systems. The research focus is on multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacteria and includes antibiotic treatment direct at MDR bacteria, antibiotic treatment durations, factors leading to antibiotic resistance and infections prevention and control in the hospital.

    + - Prof. Jacob Pe'er

    Name: Prof. Jacob Pe'er

    Area of specialty: Ophthalmology

    Hospital: Hadassah Medical Center


    Jonas Friedenwald Professor of Ophthalmic Research, Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center

    Head of Ophthalmic Pathology Laboratory

    Founder and Head of Ocular Oncology Service

    Clinical and research interests: Ocular oncology and ophthalmic pathology.

    + - Prof. Giora Pillar


    Name: Prof. Giora Pillar

    Areas of specialty: Pediatrics, Sleep disorders

    Hospital: Carmel

    University: Technion

    Titles: Head, Department of Pediatrics and Sleep Clinic, Carmel Hospital, Technion Faculty of Medicine.


    Brief summary of major research: The Pathophysiology of Sleep Apnea, predominantly the function of the upper airway dilator muscle activity in sleep; Sleep and Sleep Disturbances in Children, mainly the importance of sleep in both quantity and quality for the development of children; Consequences of Sleep Disorders, such as hypertension, endothelial dysfunction, erectile dysfunction and impotence in men, pre-eclampia in pregnant women, oxidative stress and daytime sleepiness; and Autonomic Nervous System regulation during sleep, the understanding of which led to the development of a novel ambulatory system for studying sleep, which is now common throughout the world (the Watch PAT system).

    + - Prof. Moshe Phillip

    Name: Prof. Moshe Phillip

    Areas of specialty: Pediatrics, Pediatric Endocrinology (Diabetes)

    Hospital: Schneider Children's Hospital

    University: Tel Aviv University

    Titles: Director, Institute for Endocrinology and Diabetes, National Center for Childhood Diabetes, Petah Tikva, Israel

    Vice Dean for Research and Development, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University


    1. Artificial intelligence-based technology for therapy for people with diabetes
    2. Children – growth and puberty
    3. The interaction between nutrition and Growth
    4. Prevention of type 1 diabetes
    + - Prof. Eli Pikarsky

    Eli Pikarsky, MD, PhD, is the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
    His research focuses on the role of immune cells in cancer development using advanced models that mimic human disease.
    Key discoveries include links between stem cell transcription factors and cancer, the role of chronic inflammation in promoting cancer, and the dual role of tertiary lymphoid structures in supporting and combating cancer.
    His work aims to uncover therapeutic targets to halt cancer progression.

    + - Prof. Chaim Putterman

    Chaim Putterman, M.D.

    Prof. Putterman is currently a full Professor at Bar-Ilan University. He serves as Associate Dean for Research in the Azrieli School of Medicine, and Director of the Research Institute in Galilee Medical Center (Nahariya). Most recently, Dr. Putterman was Professor of Medicine and Microbiology & Immunology, and Chief of the Division of Rheumatology at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Montefiore Medical Center (Bronx, New York).

    Prof. Putterman’s major research interests are in the field of immunology and autoimmune diseases, and specifically the identification and characterization of novel mechanisms, biomarkers, and treatment approaches to immune mediated nephritis, neuropsychiatric lupus, and systemic lupus erythematosus. Dr. Putterman’s laboratory has received funding from the National Institute of Health, Alliance for Lupus Research, Lupus Research Institute, Arthritis Foundation, Boehringer Ingelheim, and Biogen Idec, and he has published more than 200 articles and book chapters in the medical and scientific literature. He was elected to the American Society of Clinical Investigation, and is a member of the American College of Rheumatology and the American Association of Immunologists. Dr. Putterman has served on multiple NIH and international study sections, and is currently a member of several editorial boards.

    + - Prof. Gad Rennert

    Name: Prof. Gad Rennert

    Areas of specialty: Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Molecular Epidemiology, Cancer Genetics,  Precision (personalized) Medicine

    Hospital: Carmel

    University: Technion

    Titles: Chair, Community Medicine and Epidemiology, Carmel Medical Center; Director, National Cancer Control Center, Clalit Health Services; Chil and Berta Weissmann Professor of Precision Medicine, Technion


    1. Gene-environment interactions in causing cancer – Population-based, Molecular epidemiology case-control studies of breast, colorectal, lung, ovary and uterus, pancreas, liver and gallbladder cancers with about 50,000 participants.

    2. Pilot study of a randomized controlled study (RCT) of multi-arm interventions with precise technologies (germline and tissue genomics and proteomics, pharmacogenomics, microbiome, breath biopsy, sensors of body functions, artificial intelligence in imaging) to promote precision (personalized) medicine.

    + - Prof. Gideon Rechavi

    Name: Gidi Rechavi

    Areas of specialty: Pediatrics, hematology and pediatric hemato-oncology

    Hospital:  Sheba Medical Center

    Titles: Head of the Sheba Cancer Research Center and the Wohl Institute for Translational Medicine.

    Research: The focus of my research is on RNA modifications and their identification. This field is now termed epitranscriptomics. Our group pioneered the development of methodologies that allowed mapping of RNA modifications and the study of their function. We identified the most prevalent modifications that decorate the human and mouse transcriptomes. RNA modifications constitute an additional layer of gene expression regulation. Normal deposition of RNA modifications is essential for proper development and function and abnormalities in this process were associated with a variety of disease states. There are efforts to develop drugs that intervene in the machinery involved in writing, erasing and reading of the various modifications.

    + - Prof. Benjamin Reubenoff


    Name: Prof. Benjamin Reubinoff, M.D.,PhD.

    Areas of specialty: Obstetrics and gynecology

    Hospital: Hadassah University Medical Center

    University: Hebrew University

    Titles: Director of the Hadassah Stem Cell Research Center, Obstetrics and Gynecology Department and Goldyne Savad Institute of Gene Therapy.


    The major focus of Prof. Reubinoff’s research has been human embryonic stem cells (hESCs). Professor Reubinoff has been among the world pioneers in deriving ES cell lines from human embryos.

    Prof. Reubinoff's main interest is the development of hESCs for regenerative medicine. Towards this goal, he developed hESC lines that are suitable for clinical transplantation use, and further derived progeny from these hESC lines for the treatment of neural and retinal degenerative disorders. Cell Cure Neurosciences Ltd, a biotech company that he co-founded, and its parent company Lineage Cell Therapeutics are at the final stages of a multi-center clinical study of transplantation of hESC-derived retinal pigmented epithelial cells in Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) at Hadassah and other centers in Israel and USA. Preliminary clinical results are encouraging.

    Other areas of interest include the use of stem cells to improve women's health, and the derivation of gametes from hESCs. In addition, Prof. Reubinoff developed new hESC lines from abnormal pre-implantation genetically diagnosed (PGD) embryos and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) to model and study the pathogenesis of human diseases. Characterizing the immunogenicity of hESCs and their progeny and the study of aspects related to states of pluripotency are additional areas of research.

    Prof. Sigal Sadetzki
    + - Prof. Einat Even-Sapir







    Name: ProfEinat Even-Sapir MD, PhD, Professor of imaging, Tel-Aviv University. Head of the Department of Nuclear Medicine, The-Aviv Sourasky Medical Center.


    Hybrid imaging using SPECT-CT, PET-CT and PET-MR.

    Novel tracers in Nuclear Medicine,

    Molecular Cancer imaging and Theranostics

    Functional brain imaging of neurodegenerative disorders and Parkinson's

    + - Prof. Raanan Shamir

    Name: Prof. Raanan Shamir

    Areas of specialty: Pediatrics, Gastroenterology and Pediatric Nutrition

    Hospital: Schneider Children's Hospital

    University: Tel Aviv University

    Titles:  Director, Institute of Gastroenterology, Nutrition and Liver Disease, Schneider Children's Hospital


    1. Pediatric Nutrition

    2. Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of celiac disease

    3. Personalized Nutrition and inflammatory bowel disease


    + - Prof. Eyal Sheiner


    Name: Prof. Eyal Sheiner

    Areas of specialty: Obstetrics and Gynecology, Epidemiology

    Hospital: Soroka Medical Center

    University: Ben Gurion University

    Titles: Deichmann-Lerner Full Professor; Chairman of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology B at Soroka University Medical Center; Vice Dean, Academic promotion, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.

    Former Deputy Director General of the Soroka University Medical Center.


    Prof. Sheiner's PhD study and ultrasound fellowship at Rush University Medical Center (Chicago, Il) were supported by a grant from the Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program of the United States.

    Professor Sheiner has published extensively in the area of perinatal epidemiology, and led the FIGO post-pregnancy Initiative guidelines.

    + - Prof. Karl Skorecki

    Name: Prof. Karl Skorecki

    Areas of specialty: Nephrology, Population Genetics

    Hospital: Rambam

    University: Bar Ilan University

    Titles: Dean, Azrieli Faculty of Medicine, Bar-Ilan University, Principal Investigator Kaylie Kidney Research Program, Rambam Health Care Campus.


    Our research group discovered the causative association of DNA sequence variants in the APOL1 gene, with greatly increased risk for progressive Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) and its complications, in persons with continental ancestry in Sub-Saharan Africa. These variants rose to high allele frequency in affected populations under the adaptive influence of evolutionary selection, according protection against an extended spectrum of trypanosomal infections.

    The high-risk genotype affects nearly 100 million people worldwide, a subset of whom go on to Chronic Kidney Disease and its complications. Accordingly, we use multiple model systems and collaborations to unravel the mechanism of triggered kidney cell injury, and are developing therapeutic approaches to mitigate Chronic Kidney Disease.

    + - Prof. Jacob Sosna

    Professor Jacob Sosna earned his MD from the Sackler Faculty of Medicine of Tel Aviv University with Distinction in 1989.

    He completed his residency in Radiology at Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem, Israel in 2001.

    He traveled to Boston to the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, for a Research and Clinical Fellowships in Abdominal Imaging and Advanced Cross-Sectional Imaging.

    Professor Sosna returned to Hadassah as a Senior Radiologist, Head of CT, and Director of the 3D Imaging Laboratory in 2003.

    He has served as Radiology Research Coordinator since 2004, and he established and heads the Experimental CT and acts as a co-director of the Applied Radiology Laboratory.

    In 2011 Professor Sosna became Chairman of Radiology at Hadassah Hebrew University Medical Center and in 2016 the Director of the Imaging and Nuclear Medicine Division. He serves as Vice Dean of the Hebrew University – Hadassah Faculty of Medicine.

    Professor Sosna has published over 180 articles in peer-reviewed journals and is an active speaker in international conferences on Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging.

    He was selected by the Board of Directors of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) as the Eyler editorial fellow for 2006, and was an Associate Editor for Radiology.

    In 2017 Prof. Sosna was awarded an honorary fellowship of the ACR and in 2018 an honorary membership of the RSNA as well as the Croatian Society of Radiology.

    He served as President of the Israeli Radiological Association between 2011-2020. Prof. Sosna is currently the treasurer of the Israeli Academy of Medical Sciences. Prof. Sosna’s research focuses on advancing clinical applications in cutting edge technology with special interest in AI in collaboration with experts in the US and Europe.

    + - Prof. Jean F. Soustiel's


    Name: Prof. Jean F. Soustiel's

    Titles: Full professor of neurosurgery at Azrieli Faculty of Medicine of Bar Ilan University and associate dean for academic promotion; Chairman of neurosurgery at the Galilee Medical Center and head of the Acute Brain Injury Research laboratory at the Eliachar Research Institute.

    Research: Jean F. Soustiel's research focuses on the physiological and molecular mechanisms of secondary brain damage following both vascular and traumatic brain injury. Jean Soustiel has contributed a novel approach to the understanding of oxidative metabolic crisis following brain injury and revealed the role played by a mitochondrial damage in the generation of cerebral edema. Over the past two decades, Jean Soustiel has devoted most of his research effort to the potential targeting of the mitochondrial translocator protein for restoration of mitochondrial metabolism after brain injury.   

    + - Prof. Eli Sprecher

    Name: Prof. Eli Sprecher

    Areas of specialty: Dermatology, Genetics

    Hospital: Sourasky Medical Center

    University: Tel Aviv University

    Titles: Director of the Division of Dermatology and Deputy Director for Research and Development at the Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center. Full Professor at the Department of Human Molecular Genetics & Biochemistry, School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, where he holds the Prof. Frederick Reiss Chair of Dermatology.

    Research: Prof. Sprecher's research focuses on the deciphering of the genetic basis of skin diseases and the translation of this new knowledge into novel therapeutic tools.


    + - Prof. Hannah Tamari

    Hannah Tamary MD

    Position Title
    Professor of Pediatrics
    1998-2019 Head, Hematology Unit, Schneider Children's Medical Center of Israel
    From 6.2019 Director diagnostic molecular hematology laboratory, Schneider Children's Medical Center of Israel

    ebrew University Medical School, Jerusalem, M.D. 1972-1978
    1980-1982  Resident, Department of Pediatrics, Hadassah Medical Center
    1983-1984 Clinical Fellowship, Pediatric Hematology-Oncology, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada
    1985 Resident, Department of Pediatrics, Hadassah Medical Center
    Feb. 1986 Passed the Israeli Pediatrics Board Examination. Registered specialist in Pediatrics
    1986 Resident, Adult Hematology Department, Hadassah Medical Center
    1987-1988 Pediatric Hematology-Oncology Fellowship, Pediatric Hematology Oncology Center, Beilinson Medical Center, Petah Tikva
    Nov. 1988 Passed the Hematology Board Examination. Registered Specialist in Hematology
    1989-1991 Research Fellowship, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

    Clinical Experience
     Senior Physician, Dept. of Pediatric Hematology-Oncology, Schneider Children’s Medical Center of Israel
    1998-2019 Head of Pediatric Hematology Unit, Schneider Children’s Medical Center of Israel
    2000- present Director of pediatric hematology molecular diagnostic and research laboratory

    Academic Experience
    1982 Instructor in Pediatrics, Hebrew University School of Medicine, Jerusalem
    1992 Instructor in Pediatrics, Tel Aviv University
    1995 Lecturer in Pediatrics, Tel Aviv University
    1999 Senior Lecturer in Pediatrics, Tel Aviv University
    2005 Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Tel Aviv University
    2012 Professor of Pediatrics, Tel Aviv University

    Other Experience and Professional Memberships
    Member of “Hemoglobin” Editorial Board
    2001-2010 Member of “Pediatric Hematology-Oncology” Editorial Board
    2002 Referee for Israel Ministry of Health Grants
    2009-2012 Member of “Pediatric Blood and Cancer” Editorial Board
    2009-2015 Associate Editor Journal of Pediatric Hematology Oncology

     Department of Pediatrics, Tel Aviv University - Dr D. Moran award for outstanding research publication
    ‏‏2003 Prize for outstanding poster, Fourth Research Fair, Sackler Faculty of Medicine
    2004 Prize for outstanding lecture, The Israel Society of Hematology
    2010 Outstanding tutor MD thesis, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University
    2016 Excellency in medicine, Kupat Cholim medical organization

    Research grant from the Israel Ministry of Health for investigating factor VII deficiency in Israel
    1999-2000 Research grant from Israel Ministry of Health for identifying the gene involved in congenital dyserythropoietic anemia type I
    2001-2003 Research grant from Israel Ministry of Health for investigation of the CDA type I gene
    2001-2002 Keshet research grant funded by the French Government
    2003-2007 Israel Science Foundation grant for studying the cellular localization and function of codanin-1
    2007-2008 Research Network Program in Human Genetics-High council for Scientific cooperation between Israel and France-Cellular consequences of mutated codanin-1
    2010-2014 Congenital neutropenia with ELA-2 mutations: identification of genetic co-factors and molecular underlying clinical heterogeneity- European Research Projects on Rare diseases
    2010-2014 Binational Science Foundation (BSF) Grant for Analysis of congenital dyserythropoietic anemia (CDA) through creation and manipulation of patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs)
    2016-2018 Germany Israel Foundation (GIF) Understanding the pathomechanisms of severe congenital neutropenia and cyclic neutropenia through patients derived induced pluripotent stem cells
    2015-2017 The European Diamond-Blackfan Anemia Consortium (E-RARE)
    2017-2021 Israel Science Foundation (ISF) with Dr Benny Motro, Bar Ilan University. The cellular role of codnain-1, the product of a gene mutated in congenital dyserythropoietic anemia type I, and its roles in erythropoiesis

    + - Prof. Dan Turner

    Name: Prof. Dan Turner

    Areas of specialty: Pediatrics, pediatric gastroenterology

    Hospital: Shaarei Zedek Medical Center

    University: Hebrew University of Jerusalem

    Titles: Head of the Juliet Keidan Institute of Pediatric Gastroenterology its inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD)  unit.


    Pediatric IBD including prediction, prevention, measurements and monitoring, nutritional therapy and outcomes. Research fields span from translational research, patient cohorts, randomized controlled trials and big-data administrative

    + - Prof. Simcha Yagel

    Name: Prof. Simcha Yagel

    Areas of specialty: Obstetrics and Gynecology

    Hospital: Hadassah Medical Center

    University: Hebrew University

    Titles: Head of the Division of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Centers, Jerusalem

    Founding member of the Israel Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology

    Founding member and past president of the Israel Society for Placenta Research


    In the basic research sphere, the work of our Center for Placenta Research focuses on placental cell function and gene expression in the development of the placenta. More recently we have been engaged in studies of the molecular mechanisms involved in the expression of placenta-derived circulating anti-angiogenic factors in the serum of pregnant women and their role in the development of preeclampsia.

    In addition, we investigate the fetal head circumference and its impact on the birth process in normal deliveries and in various birth interventions and complications. Most recently we have published studies applying artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to develop predictive algorithms for the risk of cesarean delivery and the chance of successful vaginal delivery after cesarean (VBAC).

    Together with colleagues from our clinical department and scientists of the Center for Placental Research and the Weizmann Institute, we investigated the vaginal microbiome in patients suffering from refractory bacterial vaginosis. In a clinical trial, healthy vaginal flora was introduced to the vaginas of BV sufferers.

    Finally, since the start of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic we have been part of a large multi-center study of CoViD-19 in the pregnant population in Israel.

    + - Prof. Yoram Yagil

    Title/position: Former Head of Department of Nephrology, currently Chair of Research and Development and of Office for Students’ Affairs

    Studying the pathophysiology of complex disease, with an emphasis on susceptibility to salt-dependent hypertension and diet-dependent diabetes using laboratory animal models and genomic methodologies. Over the past 30 years, we have identified several QTL and genes associated with these diseases and proposed pathophysiological mechanisms for susceptibility to salt and diet in the development of hypertension and type 2 diabetes, respectively. The focus in recent years has shifted to the role of the microbiome in the development of complex diseases, with an emphasis on the susceptibility to develop diabetes and hypertension, and in an attempt to modulate disease susceptibility (sensitivity and resistance) by altering the bacterial composition of the microbiome.

    Prof. David Yarnitsky