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Thu, 06.02.25

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January 2025
George M. Weisz MD FRACS BA MA

On 9 August 1938, prisoners from Dachau concentration camp near Munich were sent to the town of Mauthausen in Austria to begin building a new camp. The site was chosen because of the nearby granite quarry and its proximity to Linz [1,2].

Mauthausen initially served as a prison camp for common criminals, prostitutes, and other categories of incorrigible law offenders. However, on 8 May 1939, it was converted to a labor camp. Later, Mauthausen KL became a Nazi concentration camp on a hill above the market town of Mauthausen, approximately 20 kilometers from Linz. It was complemented with dozens of subcamps in the surrounding areas.

December 2024
Hagai Landov MD, Sharon Baum MD, Raneen Mansour MD, Boaz Liberman MD, Aviv Barzilai MSc MD, Joseph Alcalay MD FACM

Background: Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DFSP) is a rare, locally aggressive, soft-tissue sarcoma. The treatment is surgical and includes wide local excision (WLE) or Mohs micrographic Surgery (MMS). There is no consensus regarding the preferred type of surgery.

Objectives: To compare the outcomes of the two types of surgery (WLE and MMS).

Methods: This retrospective cohort study was based on the medical records of 59 patients with DFSP treated at Sheba Medical Center (using the WLE method) or Assuta Medical Center (using the MMS method) between 1995 and 2018. The data included demographics, clinical presentations, imaging, types of wound closures, pathological margin status, surgical defect sizes, recurrences, and follow-up.

Results: Of the 59 included patients, 18 (30.5%) underwent WLE and 41 (69.5%) underwent MMS. The mean age at diagnosis was 40.1 ± 14.4 years. The male-to-female ratio was 1.5:1. The main tumor location was the trunk (50% for WLE and 41.5% for MMS). The main type of closure for both procedures was primary closure. In 72.2% of WLE and 78.8% of MMS cases, the margins were free. The difference between the final surgical defect and the original tumor size was statistically significantly smaller in patients who underwent MMS. The median duration of follow-up was 6.6 years. There was no significant difference in the rate of recurrence.

Conclusions: MMS enables better tissue preservation and results in a minor surgical defect compared to WLE, with no difference in tumor recurrence between the two methods.

Nadav Shemesh MD MHA, Nadav Levinger MD, Shmuel Levinger MD, Ami Hirsch MD, Asaf Achiron MD, Eliya Levinger MD

Background: One of the major causes of reversible visual impairment is a refractive error, which can be corrected through refractive surgery. Data regarding the outcomes and complications of these procedures exist; however, there is a notable gap in understanding the factors leading to patient rejection, particularly in diverse populations like Israel.

Objectives: To detect clinical risk factors of patients who intend to undergo LASIK procedure and to improve the conversion rates of LASIK procedure in this population.

Methods: The study included a retrospective analysis of patients who were rejected from having refractive surgery in two Enaim Refractive Surgery Centers: Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. Comparisons between centers were conducted using the t-test for continuous variables and Fisher's exact test for categorical data.

Results: Our study included 337 patients who were rejected from having refractive surgery, including 152 (45.1%) who were rejected permanently and 185 (54.9%) rejected temporarily. The most common reasons for permanent rejection were corneal irregularity (n=81, 53.3%), keratoconus (n=27, 17.8%), thin corneas (n=13, 8.6%), and amblyopia (n=10, 6.6%). The most common temporary reasons were unstable refraction (n=96, 51.9%), prolonged use of contact lenses (n=54, 29.2%), and corneal irregularity (n=16, 8.6%).

Conclusions: The leading permanent cause of rejection for refractive surgery was a corneal irregularity, whereas the primary temporary cause was unstable refraction. In a time of rapid technological advancements and growing demand for freedom from glasses, there is an increasing need for more informed and patient-focused refractive correction approaches.

Joseph Alcalay MD FACMS

Almost three-quarters of a century ago an American surgeon named Frederick Edward Mohs, had the idea of excising skin cancers and examining the margins before the closure of the surgical wound. In this manner he thought the patient would get better treatment with the best cosmetic result.

Mohs micrographic surgery (MMS) in its present format has been used as a surgical method for treating skin cancers for the last 70 years. The method became popular with American dermatologists 54 years ago when the original Mohs technique was modified into its fresh tissue modality [2] and in the rest of the Western world and Israel more than 35 years ago. Variations of MMS started to appear and indications for surgery also expanded. At the beginning, MMS was indicated mainly for basal and squamous cell carcinomas–nonmelanoma skin cancers (NMSC). Knowledge has been collected and today the method is applicable for a variety of other skin cancers such as melanoma in situ, microcystic adnexal carcinoma, dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DFSP), and other adnexal and spindle cell tumors. In this issue of the Israel Medical Association Journal (IMAJ), Landov and colleagues [3] showed the value of MMS for the treatment of DFSP.

Moti Ravid MD FACP, Zvi Ackerman MD, Samuel N. Heyman MD, George M. Weisz MD FRACS BA MA

Letter 1: "Not type 2" by Moti Ravid 

Letter 2: "Hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, and acute kidney injury: clues for the diagnosis of uroperitoneum in patients with new-onset ascites" by Zvi Ackerman and Samuel N. Heyman, 

Letter 3: "Surgery in Mauthausen Concentration Camp" by George M. Weisz

September 2024
Moaad Farraj MD, Igor Waksman MD, Tatyana Arzumanov MD, Anna Vakarev MD, Hisham Hussein MD, Zakhar Bramnick MD, Ron Dar MD

Background: Local anesthetics are used in various sites and mechanisms to maximize perioperative analgesia and reduce opioid use and side effects. Pain management in the bariatric setting is challenging and the efficacy of local anesthetics intraoperatively is under current evaluation.

Objectives: To determine the safety and efficacy of a new intra-abdominal anesthetic technique performed during laparoscopic bariatric operations: visceral block.

Methods: During this prospective randomized double-blinded pilot study, 16 patients undergoing bariatric surgery were treated with the injection of ropivacaine to the anterior esophagogastric junction fat, and 15 were injected with saline as control.

Results: The procedure was shown to be safe, and no adverse events nor side effects were encountered. A non-statistically significant trend toward the use of a non-opioid analgesia was documented during the first postoperative hours.

Conclusions: Visceral block is a safe and feasible intraoperative procedure. A trend toward its efficacy warrants future larger scale studies.

May 2024
Waseem Abboud DMD MD, Dror Shamir DMD MSc, Rania Elkhatib MD, Heli Rushinek DMD, Yoli Bitterman DMD MSc, Mati Cohen Sela DMD, Adir Cohen DMD MSc

Background: Condylar hyperplasia is a non-neoplastic overgrowth of the mandibular condyle. The disorder is progressive and causes gradual jaw deviation, facial asymmetry, and dental malocclusion. The only treatment capable of stopping hyperplastic growth is surgical condylectomy to remove the upper portion of the condyle containing the deranged growth center. When this procedure is conducted in proportion to the length of the healthy side it may also correct the jaw deviation and facial asymmetry.

Objectives: To assess the degree to which condylectomy corrects the asymmetry and to determine the proportion of patients after condylectomy who were satisfied with the esthetic result and did not desire further corrective surgery.

Methods: We conducted a retrospective analysis of medical records of patients who underwent condylectomy that was not followed by corrective orthognathic surgery for at least 1 year to determine the degree of correction of chin deviation and lip cant. Patient satisfaction from treatment or desire and undergo further corrective surgery was reported.

Results: Chin deviation decreased after condylectomy from a mean of 4.8⁰ to a mean of 1.8⁰ (P < 0.001). Lip cant decreased after condylectomy from a mean of 3.5⁰ to a mean of 1.5⁰ (P < 0.001). Most patients (72%) were satisfied with the results and did not consider further corrective orthognathic surgery.

Conclusions: Proportional condylectomy could be a viable treatment to both arrest the condylar overgrowth and achieve some correction of the facial asymmetry.

April 2024
Roy Apel MD, Slava Bard MD, Ari Naimark MD, Nikolai Menasherov MD PhD, Nir Wasserberg MD, Ory Wiesel MD

Hiatal hernia is defined as a protrusion of abdominal contents through the hiatal foramen into the thoracic cavity. Etiology is presumed to be a congenital malformation, trauma, or iatrogenic like prior surgical dissection of the hiatus during surgery for esophageal or gastric etiology. Age, sex, hormonal changes, body habitus (i.e., kyphosis, scoliosis), and increased body weight are key risk factors. Most hiatal hernias are asymptomatic and discovered incidentally. Surgical repair of hiatal hernia is indicated in symptomatic patients with dysphagia, weight loss, respiratory symptoms such as aspirations, and recurrent pneumonia events [1]. Complications arising from laparoscopic repair of hiatal hernia are generally minor and do not typically necessitate surgical intervention. Major complications include pneumothorax, splenic laceration, esophageal rupture, and pericardial injury. Other complications include recurrence of hernia, vagal nerve injury, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and gastroparesis. The utilization of mesh in repair procedures introduces additional complications such as mesh migration and mesh infection. Previously reported recurrence rates following the repair of a hiatal hernia with mesh range from 10–30%. In this case communications, we presented a case involving the early recognition and treatment of postoperative cardiac tamponade.

October 2023
Gilad Rotem MD, Amir Arami MD, Iana Leineman MD, Alon Covo MD

Psoriatic arthritis can present with significant hand and wrist deformity and dysfunction [1]. The development of newer biological therapies has resulted in higher rates of remission [2]. However, surgical intervention is still indicated in pain, disability, and severe deformation cases. The management of patients with rheumatic diseases has a controversial history, characterized by rheumatologists and hand surgeons debating the efficacy of surgical interventions. Some surgeons attribute the controversial results to “too little and too late” referral of patients from rheumatologists [3]. While the availability of new and more effective medication has changed the indications and postponed surgical intervention, it is important to remember that surgery is often more effective when used preventively in the early stages than when forced to salvage. In the following case, we present a patient with psoriatic arthritis who presented with advanced-stage debilitating hand deformity and was treated surgically.

September 2023
Amir Hadayer MD, Yehonatan Weinberger MD, Tal Corina Sela MD, Orly Gal-Or MD, Dov Weinberger MD, Rita Ehrlich MD

Background: During combined phacovitrectomy, it is common practice to suture the main corneal incision to prevent intraoperative and postoperative wound leak. However, it may be possible to avoid suturing using a self-sealing corneal incision technique as in standard cataract surgery.

Objectives: To evaluate the clinical outcome, safety, and complications of combined phacovitrectomy without preventive suturing.

Methods: This retrospective case series study included consecutive patients who underwent combined phacovitrectomy between January 2018 and June 2019 for mixed indications. Surgeries were performed at a tertiary university hospital. All surgeries were performed by the same two retinal surgeons. Cataract surgery was performed first, followed by insertion of trocars and vitrectomy. Corneal sutures were not planned but were used at the discretion of the surgeon.

Results: The cohort included 106 eyes of 102 patients. Suturing of the main corneal incision was deemed necessary in five cases (5%) because of a main incision leak or anterior chamber shallowing during trocar insertion. No other complications related to the absence of prophylactic corneal sutures were encountered during surgery or follow-up.

Conclusions: Preventive corneal suturing may not be necessary in combined phacovitrectomy surgery and can be used in the few cases in which it is indicated during surgery.

Tamar Beck MD, Eyal Aviran MD, Shelly Cohn MD, David Goitein MD

Background: Long-term outcome data for bariatric surgery in patients with severe obesity (SO) (body mass index [BMI] ³ 50 kg/m2) are scarce.

Objectives: To compare perioperative morbidity and long-term outcomes between patients with SO and non-SO (NSO).

Methods: Patients with SO who underwent primary bariatric surgery with a follow-up ³ 5 years were age- and gender-matched with NSO patients in a retrospective, case-control study. Data included demographics, BMI, co-morbidities, early outcomes, current and nadir weight, co-morbidity status, and general satisfaction.

Results: Of 178 patients, 49.4% were male, mean age 44.5 ± 14 years. Mean preoperative BMI was 54.7 ± 3.6 and 41.8 ± 3.8 kg/m2 in SO and NSO, respectively (P = 0.02). Groups were similar in preoperative characteristics. Depression/anxiety was more prevalent in NSO (12.4% vs. 3.4%, P = 0.03). Obstructive sleep apnea was higher in SO (21.3% vs. 10.1%, P = 0.04). Sleeve gastrectomy was performed most often (80.9%), with a tendency toward bypass in SO (P = 0.05). Early complication rates were: 13.5% in SO and 12.4% in NSO (P = 0.82). Mean follow-up was 80.4 ± 13.3 months. BMI reduction was higher in SO (31.8 ± 5.9 vs. 26.8 ± 4.2 kg/m2, P < 0.001) and time to nadir weight was longer (22.1 ± 21.3 vs. 13.0 ± 12.0 months, P = 0.001). Co-morbidity improvement and satisfaction were similar.

Conclusions: Patients with SO benefited from bariatric surgery with reduced BMI and fewer co-morbidities. No added risk of operative complications was found compared to patients with NSO.

Netanel Eisenbach MD, Yoav Hoffman MD, Tatyana Arzumanov MD, Eyal Sela MD, Maayan Gruber MD

Adenoid surgery (adenoidectomy) is one of the most common pediatric surgical procedures. Complications of this surgery include anesthetic issues, bleeding, pain, dysphagia, and velopharyngeal insufficiency. The intraoperative complications are usually the most urgent and therefore require prompt identification and resolution. Tension pneumothorax (TPX) is a rare intraoperative. We present the first case in the English literature, to the best of our knowledge, of TPX during adenoid/tonsil surgery.

March 2023
Ariel Tessone MD, Moti Harats MD

Background: In late 2019, a new strain of coronavirus (coronavirus disease 2019 [COVID-19]) spread rapidly throughout the world. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons reported a pandemic-related surge in the demand for aesthetic surgery compared to the same popularity of procedures prior to the pandemic.

Objectives: To determine whether this phenomenon also occurred in Israel.

Methods: We collected data from three leading private medical centers in Tel Aviv. Data were compared for the years 2019 and 2020 by surgical procedure. Number of orthopedic, gynecologic, and hand procedures served as control data.

Results: We present a detailed pandemic-related timeline relevant to aesthetic surgery in Israel. Overall, the demand for aesthetic surgery increased, with a marked trend toward body contouring procedures.

Conclusions: The Israeli aesthetic surgery market was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, with a post-closure surge. The popularity and number of procedures are unique to the Israeli market.

Ofira Zloto MD, Irit Barequet MD, Orit Ezra Nimni MD, Yoav Berger MD, Juliana Gildener-Leapman MD, Gal Antman MD, Noa Avni-Zauberman MD

Background: The cornea is one of the most densely innervated in the body. Pterygium surgery includes removal of the pterygium tissue from the cornea and conjunctiva followed by autologous conjunctival grafting.

Objectives: To examine the change in corneal and conjunctival sensation post-pterygium surgery.

Methods: This prospective study included patients with primary pterygium. We collected and analyzed demographic data, visual acuity (VA), refraction, quantified sensation, and corneal tomography. Comparison in sensation in the cornea, conjunctiva, and conjunctival autograft was recorded the day of surgery and at least 6 months postoperatively.

Results: Nine patients participated in the study. Mean follow-up time was 9 months (9 ± 3.3, 6–12.4). No complications were documented during or following surgery and no recurrences were found. Statistically significant increases in corneal sensation in the nasal corneal and in the nasal conjunctival areas were noted by the end of follow-up compared to before surgery (P = 0.05, paired samples t-test). There was a significant correlation between the increase in nasal corneal and conjunctival sensation with improved Schirmer testing outcomes and tear break-up time after surgery (P = 0.05, P = 0.01, Pearson correlation). There was a positive correlation between the changes in nasal corneal sensation after surgery and improved changes in VA (P = 0.02, Pearson correlation).

Conclusions: We found improvement in sensation 9 months after pterygium surgery, which may be due to reinnervation of the cornea and conjunctival autograft from the neighboring non-injured nerve fibers. Larger studies with confocal microscopy should be conducted for further analysis.

February 2023
Gassan Moady MD MPH, Alexander Shturman MD, Elias Daud MD, Gal Rubinstein MD, Dror Leviner MD, Shaul Atar MD

Takotsubo syndrome (TTS) often develops following stressors such as cardiac surgery. It may be fatal in rare cases. Our 70-year-old female patient presented with a rare case of tricuspid valve papillary fibroelastoma, which was complicated by fatal TTS after successful resection. The patient had a right atrial mass that was investigated with computed tomography and transesophageal echocardiography (TTE). She was scheduled for surgery. Pathology findings were consistent with papillary fibroelastoma of the tricuspid valve. Three weeks after successful surgery, the patient was admitted due to cardiogenic shock with echocardiographic findings of apical ballooning and left ventricular outflow tract obstruction consistent with TTS. The patient died one hour after her admission despite optimal medical therapy.

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