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עמוד בית
Wed, 15.01.25

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August 2022
Nir Tsur MD, Omri Frig BSc, Orna Steinberg-Shemer MD, Hannah Tamary MD, Noga Kurman MD, Aviram Mizrachi MD, and Aron Popovtzer MD

Background: Recent studies show a high risk of developing malignancy in patients with Fanconi anemia. The most common solid tumor in this condition is head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) and there is often uncertainty and about disease behavior as well as chemotherapy and radiation response.

Objectives: To describe and characterize HNSCC among Fanconi anemia patients on the Israeli Fanconi Registry

Methods: Our study population included patients in Israel's inherited bone marrow failure registry who were diagnosed with Fanconi anemia between1980 and 2016. Demographic, clinical, and laboratory data were collected from patient charts.

Results: From the collected data, HNSCC was confirmed in 6/111 (5.4%) Fanconi anemia patients; 1 (17%) had classic HNSCC risk factors of tobacco abuse and 4 (56%) had undergone primary surgery. The 3 (50%) receiving concurrent chemoradiotherapy had mild side effects, while half developed metachronous primary malignancy, and all developed > 2 primary malignancies. The overall median survival of the patients in our study was 14 (0.5–57) months.

Conclusions: Fanconi anemia patients have a very high risk of developing HNSCC. Proactive screening for malignancies is needed for the head and neck regions. We also found that chemoradiotherapy can be used safely in high-stage cancers.

December 2019
Michael Pesis DMD, Eitan Bar-Droma MD/DMD, Anatoliy Ilgiyaev DMD and Navot Givol DMD

Background: Untreated dental caries or even dental manipulations, such as a tooth extraction, might cause direct spread of an odontogenic infection and consequently the development of life-threatening conditions such as deep neck infections (DNI). The most common source of DNI is of odontogenic origin (38.8–49%). Abscess formation or cellulitis can lead to life-threatening complications, despite new diagnostic imaging technology and widespread availability of antibiotics. 

Objectives: To demonstrate the dangers of DNI, which can create life-threatening situations.

Methods: Five cases of DNI of odontogenic origin, which were referred to the oral and maxillofacial surgery unit, are presented. 

Results: Clinical manifestations included trismus, dysphagia, dysphonia, dyspnea, and infection symptoms. In all cases, computed tomography confirmed diagnosis and extent of abscess. Complications included mediastinitis, respiratory distress, osteomyelitis of the jaws, and in rare cases the mandibular condyle. Treatment included securing the airway, immediate surgical drainage, removal of the infection source, and antibiotic therapy. All patients were discharged in stable and improved condition.

Conclusions: DNI treatment on an emergency basis requires proper diagnosis and effective management. To confirm diagnosis and prevent serious complications, it is essential for physicians to recognize the spaces of the head and neck that are likely to be affected by DNI. 


June 2016
Forsan Jahshan MD, Ilana Doweck MD and Ohad Ronen MD

Background: Fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is used to provide rapid diagnostic information regarding masses of the head and neck. To achieve good results, adequate training is essential.

Objectives: To evaluate the efficacy of FNAC in the diagnosis of head and neck masses performed by residents and attending physicians.

Methods: Palpable guided FNA biopsies from 166 consecutive patients with head and neck masses, excluding thyroid, who were treated in our department between 2008 and 2010 were retrospectively reviewed. Accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values were calculated.

Results: A total of 193 FNACs were performed in 161 patients (5 patients were excluded due to age under 18). Mean age was 57.3 years; female to male ratio was approximately 5:4. Most FNACs were performed in masses in the parotid gland (37.3%), 14.5% in the posterior neck, 19.1% in the lateral neck, 15% at level 1, and 9.3% at level 6. The median size of the masses aspirated was 2 cm. Most FNACs were performed by an experienced physician (2.5:1). About 25% of the patients required a second FNAC. Almost 70% of FNACs were diagnostic. Of these, 71.2% were of benign processes and 28.8% of malignancies.

Conclusions: An FNAC of a palpable mass in all sites of the neck, excluding the thyroid, can be done as an office procedure with reasonable results without imaging guidance. About 25% of patients will require another biopsy. The procedure is not difficult to master, as evident by the fact that there were no differences in the results of FNACs performed by an attending otolaryngologist or a resident.


May 2016
Itay Wiser MD PHD, Alon Scope MD, David Azriel BSc, Elhanan Zloczower BScMed, Narin N. Carmel MD and Avshalom Shalom MD

Background: Clinicopathological risk factors for cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (CSCCHN) are associated with local recurrence and metastasis. 

Objectives: To compare the incidence and risk factors of CSCCHN by age and gender in order to help refine the clinical evaluation and treatment process.

Methods: Clinical and pathological data of all patients diagnosed with CSCCHN during 2009–2011 were obtained from a central pathology laboratory in Israel. Estimated incidence rate calculation was standardized to the 2010 Israeli population. Independent risk factors for poorly differentiated CSCCHN were analyzed using logistic regression.

Results: CSCCHN was diagnosed in 621 patients. Mean age was 75.2 years; mean tumor horizontal diameter was 11.1 ± 6.8 mm. The overall estimated incidence rate in males was higher than in females (106.2 vs. 54.3 per 1,000,000, P < 0.001). Twenty cases (3.2%) had poorly differentiated CSCCHN. Scalp and ear anatomic locations were observed more often in males than in females (22.1% vs. 6.1% and 20.3% vs. 3.3%, respectively, P < 0.001). Per 1 mm increment, tumor horizontal diameter increased the risk for poorly differentiated CSCCHN by 6.7% (95%CI 1.3–12.4%, P = 0.014). 

Conclusions: CSCCHN clinicopathological risk factors are not distributed evenly among different age and gender groups. 


May 2013
S. Billan, O. Kaidar-Person, F. Atrash, I. Doweck, N. Haim, A. Kuten and O. Ronen
 Background: The role of induction chemotherapy in advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (SCCHN) is under constant debate. Surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and targeted therapies are part of the treatment strategy in these patients, but their sequence remains to be defined.

Objectives: To evaluate the feasibility of induction chemotherapy with docetaxel-cisplatin-5-flurouracil (TPF) followed by external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) with concomitant chemotherapy (CRT) or cetuximab (ERT) in the treatment of patients with advanced SCCHN.

Methods: We reviewed the data of all patients with advanced SCCHN, stage III and IV, treated in 2007–2010. Tolerability was assessed and scored according to the proportion of patients completing the planned study protocol. Toxicity was scored using the U.S. National Cancer Institute Common Toxicity Criteria (version 4) for classification of adverse events.

Results: The study included 53 patients. TPF was initiated at a reduced dose in 13 patients (25%). Twenty-two patients (41.5%) received primary prophylaxis with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (GCSF) and 42 (77%) completed treatment according to schedule. During the induction phase one patient (2%) died and 24 (45%) had one or more grade 3-4 complications. The number of patients who developed neutropenia was lower in the group that received primary GCSF prophylaxis. Secondary dose reductions were required in 21% of the patients.

Conclusions: Induction TPF was associated with grade 3-4 toxicity. Prophylaxis with GCSF should be part of the treatment regimen.


May 2009
Z. Gil and D.M. Fliss

Head and neck cancer is the sixth most common cancer worldwide. HNCs[1] can originate in the skin or soft tissue, in the upper aerodigestive tracts (oral cavity, oropharynx, hypopharynx, larynx, nasopharynx, paranasal sinuses, salivary glands), or in the thyroid. In each of these sites, tumors vary not only by the primary site but also by pathophysiology, biological behavior and sensitivity to radiotherapy or chemotherapy. Management should be planned according to the tumor's characteristics, patient factors and expertise of the medical team. The main goals of therapy are ablation of the cancer while minimizing morbidity and preserving function and cosmesis. A multidisciplinary team is needed to achieve these goals. Early-stage HNC (stage I and II) should be managed with a single modality, and advanced tumors (stage III and IV) with multimodality therapy. Treatment should be directed to the primary tumor and the area of its lymphatic drainage – the neck lymph nodes. Evidence of metastases in the neck necessitates comprehensive clearance of regional lymphatic basins. However, even if there is no evidence of lymph nodes metastases, when the risk for positive neck lymph nodes exceeds 15–20% elective neck dissection is indicated. Advances in minimally invasive techniques now enable reliable microscopic and endoscopic procedures that mimic the open approaches. Development of contemporary surgical techniques and reconstructive means will help improve the quality of life of patients and prolong survival.

[1] HNC = head and neck cancer

May 2008
A. Bogdanov-Berezovsky, L. Rosenberg, E. Cagniano, and E. Silberstein.

Background: Skin basal and squamous cell carcinomas together account for over half of all newly diagnosed cancer cases. Frozen  section control of surgical margins is often required in the head and neck region. A paraffin permanent section does not always confirm the results of a frozen section.

Objectives: To test the diagnostic accuracy of frozen section histopathological analysis in determining the free margins of excised tumors.

Methods: This was a retrospective study of 169 cutaneous basal and squamous cell carcinomas excised with surgical margins diagnosed by frozen section and confirmed by permanent paraffin sections. The data included patients' age, gender, clinical and histopathological diagnosis, as well as characteristics of the lesions.

Results: There were 149 (88%) basal cell carcinomas and 20 (12%) squamous cell carcinomas. False negative margins were found in 19 cases (11.2%) and false positive margins in 11 cases (6.6%). We did not find any correlation between false positive or false negative margins and patients' age, gender, tumor size, tumor location, or the presence of sun-damaged skin. A significantly lower rate of false negative results was found in the residual tumor group.

Conclusions: Our findings show support the use of frozen section margin control in selected patients suffering from non-melanoma skin cancer of the head and neck.

June 2007
D. Matceyevsky, N. Yaal Hahoshen, A. Vexler, N. Asna, A. Khafif, R. Ben-Yosef

Background: Mucositis and dermatitis are frequently encountered in patients treated with radiochemotherapy. Dead Sea products that contain minerals and different substances have proved effective in treating various skin diseases.

Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of Dead Sea products in reducing acute radiochemotherapy‑induced side effects in patients with head and neck cancer.

Methods: In this phase 2 study we compared the outcomes in 24 treated patients and 30 conventionally treated patients matched for age, tumor site, and type of treatment. The Dead Sea products comprised a mouthwash solution (Lenom®) and a skin cream (Solaris®) used three times daily for 1 week before, during, and up to 2 weeks after completion of radiotherapy. Mucositis and dermatitis were evaluated using common toxicity criteria.

Results: Thirteen treated patients (54%) had grade 1-2 and none had 3-4 mucositis, while 17 controls (57%) had grade 1-2 and 4 (13%) had grade 3-4 mucositis. Thirteen treated patients (54%) had grade 1-2 dermatitis; there was no instance of grade 3-4 dermatitis, while 11 patients in the control group (37%) had grade 1-2 and 5 (17%) had grade 3-4 dermatitis. More patients in the control arm needed a break than the patients in the treatment arm (P = 0.034[T1]).

Conclusions: The two Dead Sea products tested decreased skin and mucosal toxicity in head and neck cancer patients receiving radiochemotherapy.

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