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January 2025
Gassan Moady MD, Tameemi Abdallah Moady MD, Alexander Shturman MD, Shaul Atar MD

Peripartum cardiomyopathy (PPCM) is an idiopathic cardiomyopathy presenting with heart failure (HF) secondary to left ventricular systolic dysfunction (defined as left ventricular ejection fraction [LVEF]) < 45% toward the end of pregnancy or in the months following delivery, where no other cause of HF is found. Complete understanding of the etiology is lacking, with higher incidence seen in advanced maternal age, multiple gestations, preeclampsia, and anemia [1]. Potential suggested causes include pathological immune response, hormonal abnormalities, stress cytokines, and nutritional deficiencies. Genetic predisposition was demonstrated in some PPCM, most commonly pathogenic loss-of-function truncating variants in Titin gene (TTN) [1]. Other causative genes reported are DMD, LAMP2, DSP, MYH6, SYNM, TPM1, and VCL [1].

October 2024
Noa Leybovitz-Haleluya MD, Alla Saban MD MPH, Adi Yariv MD, Reli Hershkovitz MD

Background: Breech presentation is a major indication for cesarean delivery (CD); however, the ideal timing of breech CD is debatable.

Objectives: To study the influence of gestational age at the time of CD in breech presentation on maternal and fetal complications.

Methods: We conducted a retrospective study including term singleton CDs of breech presentation between February 2020 and January 2022 at a tertiary medical center. Maternal and neonatal outcomes were compared by gestational age at the time of CD. Logistic regression models were constructed to adjust for confounders.

Results: The study population included 468 CDs, 227 (48.5%) were at 37 + 0 to 38 + 6 weeks, 168 (36%) were at 39 + 0 to 39 + 6 weeks (comparison group), and 73 (15.5%) were at ≥ 40 weeks at the time of delivery. The rate of emergent CDs was significantly higher in both study groups. The composite of maternal adverse outcomes was also significantly higher at ≥ 40 weeks of gestation. Using logistic regression model, associations remained significant. The adjusted odds ratios (OR) for emergent CDs at 37 + 0 to 38 + 6 weeks and at ≥ 40 weeks were 1.65 (P = 0.018) and 2.407 (P = 0.004), respectively. Adjusted OR for maternal adverse outcomes at ≥ 40 weeks was 2.094 (P = 0.018). Higher rates of emergent CDs in both study groups compared to the comparison group was noted. A composite of maternal adverse outcomes was significantly higher at ≥ 40 weeks of gestation. This association remained significant after controlling for potential confounders.

Conclusions: CDs at 39 + 0 to 39 + 6 weeks are associated with better maternal outcomes and lower rates of emergent CDs.

September 2024
Raneen Abu Shqara MD, Maya Frank Wolf MD, Jawad Karram MD, Inshirah Sgayer MD, Ala Aiob MD, Lior Lowenstein MD, Susana Mustafa Mikhae MD

Background: Pelvic organ prolapse in pregnancy is rare. Consequent complications include cervical infection, spontaneous abortion, and premature birth. Conservative management by means of a pessary have been described as improving maternal symptomatology and minimizing gestational risk. The delivery mode is controversial.

Objective: To describe the clinical courses of patients diagnosed with pelvic organ prolapse during pregnancy, and to present our multidisciplinary approach.

Methods: In this retrospective case series, we summarized the obstetrical outcomes of women diagnosed with pelvic organ prolapse during pregnancy in a single university-affiliated hospital.

Results: We identified eight women with advanced uterine prolapse at a mean age of 30.3 years. Seven were diagnosed with advanced uterine prolapse (Pelvic Organ Prolapse Quantification [POPQ] stage ≥ 3). All were treated by pessary placement, which was tolerable and provided symptomatic relief. The pessary type was chosen according to the prolapse stage. In women with cervical prolapse POPQ stage > 2 and cervical edema, a support pessary was less beneficial. However, the prolapse was well-controlled with a space-filling Gellhorn pessary. Low complication rates were associated with vaginal deliveries. The few complications that were reported included minor cervical laceration, postpartum hemorrhage, and retained placenta.

Conclusions: Treatment of pelvic organ prolapse during pregnancy must be individualized and requires a multidisciplinary approach of urogynecologists, obstetricians, dietitians, pelvic floor physiotherapists, and social workers. Conservative management, consisting of insertion of a vaginal pessary when prolapse symptoms appeared, provided adequate support for the pelvic floor, improved symptomatology, and minimized pregnancy complications. Vaginal delivery was feasible for most of the women.

Yair Binyamin MD, Amit Frenkel MD, Alexander Geftler MD, Israel Melamed MD, Salim Alobra MD, Alexander Zlotnik MD, Gali Pariente MD

The use of smaller-diameter, pencil-point spinal needles has increased to reduce post-dural puncture headaches in obstetric patients. However, this therapy has also led to more needle deformation and breakage. While risk factors and prevention are described, there is limited literature on management when breakage occurs.

The utilization of neuraxial techniques for labor analgesia and cesarean delivery has experienced a consistent increase in recent years [1]. Spinal anesthesia has emerged as the preferred technique for cesarean deliveries due to its advantages, including a reduction in morbidity and mortality, decreased complications related to airway management, reduced bleeding, improved bonding with the baby, and better outcomes for newborns [2]. While the adoption of smaller diameter, non-cutting bevel spinal needles has successfully reduced the incidence of post-dural puncture headaches in obstetric patients, it has also given rise to complications such as spinal needle deformation and breakage [3,4]. The current understanding of the incidence of neuraxial needle breakage remains limited, with estimated incidences reported between approximately 1 in 5,000 to 1 in 11,000 spinal anesthesia procedures performed [4]. Although numerous case reports have documented broken needles during attempted neuraxial anesthesia, the existing literature predominantly focuses on associated risk factors and preventive measures for this complication [3]. However, there is a lack of literature regarding the subsequent management once this adverse event has transpired. In this report, we present a case involving a broken spinal needle during an attempt to perform spinal anesthesia for an urgent cesarean delivery. By sharing this case, we shed light on the management strategies and considerations following such an event.

July 2024
Or Barkai MD, Roi Abramov MD, Asaf Harbi MD, Hayim Gilshtein MD

Background: Perianal abscess is a common condition among adults. The treatment of choice includes early and efficient drainage. The data regarding risk factors for abscess recurrence, fistula formation, and complications are limited as recent publications mainly focus on patients with inflammatory bowel disease.

Objectives: To determine risk factors for abscess recurrence and fistula formation with regard to patient and surgical characteristics.

Methods: A retrospective analysis was performed on patients who presented to the emergency department and were diagnosed with perianal abscess between 2011–2020.

Results: We included 983 consecutive patients; 741 men, average age 43 years. Recurrence was documented in 434 cases. Crohn’s disease was reported in 70, of which 50 had recurrent episodes (P < 0.0001); 121 of the 234 patients who smoked had recurrence (P = 0.0078); 8% had short symptomatic period (< 24 hours), which was a predisposing factor for recurrence, P < 0.0001. Patients in the non-recurrent group waited 2.53 hours less for surgical intervention (P < 0.0005(. The average time for recurrent episode was 18.95 ± 33.7 months. Fistula was diagnosed in 16.9% of all cases, while 11.6% were within the recurrent group. Surgical expertise of the physician did not significantly change the recurrence rate.

Conclusions: Crohn’s disease and smoking were the only significant risk factors for recurrence of perianal abscess. Timely intervention and drainage of sepsis should not be delayed. Involvement of more experienced surgeons did not seem to alter the natural history of the disease.

June 2024
Yuval Avidan MD, Amir Aker MD, Vsevolod Tabachnikov MD

Late arrival ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) is defined as a patient-related delay > 12 hours. It is estimated to represent a significant portion of STEMI patients. As reflected by society guidelines, this group of patients impose great therapeutic challenge, namely due to controversy in the literature regarding optimal care, together with major adverse clinical outcomes [1]. In addition to a possible myocardial infarction (MI), mechanical complications include ventricular septal defect (VSD), left ventricular (LV) free wall, or papillary muscle rupture. Prompt diagnosis and intervention are crucial to improve outcomes as post-infarction ventricular septal defect (PIVSD) carries a high mortality rate. We describe the successful management of a large VSD complicated by cardiogenic shock in a latecomer STEMI patient with complex coronary artery disease (CAD).

April 2024
Roy Apel MD, Slava Bard MD, Ari Naimark MD, Nikolai Menasherov MD PhD, Nir Wasserberg MD, Ory Wiesel MD

Hiatal hernia is defined as a protrusion of abdominal contents through the hiatal foramen into the thoracic cavity. Etiology is presumed to be a congenital malformation, trauma, or iatrogenic like prior surgical dissection of the hiatus during surgery for esophageal or gastric etiology. Age, sex, hormonal changes, body habitus (i.e., kyphosis, scoliosis), and increased body weight are key risk factors. Most hiatal hernias are asymptomatic and discovered incidentally. Surgical repair of hiatal hernia is indicated in symptomatic patients with dysphagia, weight loss, respiratory symptoms such as aspirations, and recurrent pneumonia events [1]. Complications arising from laparoscopic repair of hiatal hernia are generally minor and do not typically necessitate surgical intervention. Major complications include pneumothorax, splenic laceration, esophageal rupture, and pericardial injury. Other complications include recurrence of hernia, vagal nerve injury, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and gastroparesis. The utilization of mesh in repair procedures introduces additional complications such as mesh migration and mesh infection. Previously reported recurrence rates following the repair of a hiatal hernia with mesh range from 10–30%. In this case communications, we presented a case involving the early recognition and treatment of postoperative cardiac tamponade.

Avi Ohry MD

Being in captivity as a prisoner of war (POW) and held by a hostile government usually occurs after a war. In general, wounded POWs do not receive proper medical treatment while being imprisoned or confined in a jail or a camp. War captivity could mean isolation, constant interrogations, humiliation, torture, malnutrition, starvation, and poor hygienic conditions. Immediately, or sometimes years after repatriation, mental and physical problems appear, which disturb the POW's social, family, and work networks. The suggested post-captivity condition assembles, under one umbrella, the various phenomena and complications after war captivity.

September 2023
Netanel Eisenbach MD, Yoav Hoffman MD, Tatyana Arzumanov MD, Eyal Sela MD, Maayan Gruber MD

Adenoid surgery (adenoidectomy) is one of the most common pediatric surgical procedures. Complications of this surgery include anesthetic issues, bleeding, pain, dysphagia, and velopharyngeal insufficiency. The intraoperative complications are usually the most urgent and therefore require prompt identification and resolution. Tension pneumothorax (TPX) is a rare intraoperative. We present the first case in the English literature, to the best of our knowledge, of TPX during adenoid/tonsil surgery.

November 2022
Shada Azem MD, Roy Raphael MD, Shir Raibman-Spector MD, Kobi Faierstein MD, Amir Givon MD, Haim Mayan MD

Intravesicular administration of Bacillus Calmette–Guérin (BCG), a live attenuated strain of Mycobacterium bovis, has long been used as adjuvant therapy for treatment of non-muscle invasive bladder carcinoma. BCG is usually well tolerated; however, infectious complications can range from 1–5% of cases. Infectious complications of BCG [1] can be divided into localized disease, which is considered a late onset disease occurring 3 months following treatment such as cystitis, Epididymo-orchitis, and pyelonephritis. Another form is a systemic disease, which is an early onset manifestation including sepsis syndrome that usually occurs directly after treatment and is the most common form of disseminated BCG infection.

October 2022
Shaden Nashashibi, MD, Ofir Priesler, MD, Uriel Levinger, MD, George Habib, MD MPH

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has resulted in more than four million deaths globally. In addition to the lower respiratory system, a wide range of major organ injuries have been reported among patients infected with COVID-19. These injuries include cardiac involvement. The spectrum of cardiac manifestations includes cardiac injury, heart failure, cardiogenic shock, acute coronary syndrome, myocarditis, tachyarrhythmias, and bradyarrhythmia [1]. Different degrees of atrioventricular blocks have been reported [2].

The pathogenesis of these complications is not fully understood. Differentmechanisms are proposed, including direct myocyte injury, interstitial inflammation and fibrosis, cytokine storm, plaque destabilization, and and/or hypoxia [3]. Many countries have worked toward mass vaccination using the Pfizer BioNTech (BNT162b2) COVID-19 vaccine, including Israel. We report a case of high degree atrioventricular block (AVB) following vaccination with the COVID-19 BNT162b2 vaccine.

May 2022
Jordan Lachnish MD, Amit Zabatani MD, and Ran Thein MD

Background: The influence of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic caused countries worldwide to implement lockdowns. Elective surgeries were temporarily suspended, with surgeries being performed only for emergent/urgent medical conditions such as hip fractures where early surgical intervention has shown decreased rates of morbidity/mortality.

Objectives: To assess the indirect influence of the COVID-19 pandemic and associated lockdown on hip fracture patients, considering factors such as time to surgery, early postoperative complications, and ambulation status.

Methods: A comparative retrospective study was conducted on consecutive patients presenting to our emergency department (ED) with hip fractures that were treated surgically (N=29) during a 1-month period during the government lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The treatments were compared to consecutive patients who presented with hip fractures and were treated surgically (N=44) during the same timeframe in the previous year (control). Comparisons were made using t-test, ANOVA test, Fisher's exact test, and chi-square test.

Results: The COVID-19 group was operated on sooner (20.34 vs. 34.87 hours), had fewer early postoperative complications (10.3% vs. 31.8%), had better ambulatory status at discharge, and experienced a shorter hospital stay (5.93 vs. 8.13 days) with more patients being discharged home (72.4% vs. 22.7%).

Conclusions: Patients presenting with hip fractures to our ED during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown indirectly benefited from this situation by undergoing earlier surgical treatment, thus experiencing fewer early postoperative complications, faster ambulation, and sooner discharge.


Raymond Farah MD, Alaa Sawaed MD, and Kasem Shalata MD
April 2022
Nir Levi MD, Linda Shavit MD, Adam Farkas MD, Joad Atrash MD, Yigal Helvitz MD, Yaacov Esayag MD, and Talya Wolak MD
November 2021
Nir Kugelman MD, Ofer Lavie MD, Nadav Cohen MD, Meirav Schmidt MD, Amit Reuveni MD, Ludmila Ostrovsky MD, Hawida Dabah MA, and Yakir Segev MSc MD

Background: Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) protocols are evidence-based protocols designed to standardize medical care, improve outcomes, and lower healthcare costs.

Objectives: To evaluate the implementation of the ERAS protocol and the effect on recovery during the hospitalization period after gynecological laparotomy surgeries.

Methods: We compared demographic and clinical data of consecutive patients at a single institute who underwent open gynecological surgeries before (August 2017 to December 2018) and after (January 2019 to March 2020) the implementation of the ERAS protocol. Eighty women were included in each group.

Results: The clinical and demographic characteristics were similar among the women operated before and after implementation of the ERAS protocol. Following implementation of the protocol, decreases were observed in post-surgical hospitalization (from 4.89 ± 2.56 to 4.09 ± 1.65 days, P = 0.01), in patients reporting nausea symptoms (from 18 (22.5%) to 7 (8.8%), P = 0.017), and in the use of postoperative opioids (from 77 (96.3%) to 47 (58.8%), P < 0.001). No significant changes were identified between the two periods regarding vomiting, 30-day re-hospitalization, and postoperative minor and major complications.

Conclusions: Implementation of the ERAS protocol is feasible and was found to result in less postoperative opioid use, a faster return to normal feeding, and a shorter postoperative hospital stay. Implementation of the protocol implementation was not associated with an increased rate of complications or with re-admissions

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