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Sat, 08.02.25

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January 2025
Efrat Wertheimer MD PhD, David Maiershon MD, Jonathan Giron PhD, Yehuda Shoenfeld MD FRCP MaACR, Arnon Afek MD MHA, Miri Mizrahi Reuveni MD MHA

The Dina Recanati School of Medicine at Reichman University offers a unique approach to preclinical medical education, combining strong scientific foundations with practical, clinical applications. This 4-year program includes two preclinical years focused on core medical knowledge and two clinical years of rotations. The curriculum emphasizes small-group learning, early clinical exposure, and a system-based block structure. Starting from the first week of the preclinical years, students will participate in biweekly clinical days, using simulations, virtual reality, and patient interactions to develop practical clinical skills. The community clinic mentorship offers real-world experience that complements the clinical program taught in class during the same week. Research is central, with students conducting supervised projects aimed at a medical doctor thesis publication. The teaching model ensures relevance by integrating clinical cases into all courses, guided by practicing physicians. Daily quizzes and block-style assessments replace traditional examination periods, promoting consistent learning. The innovative program balances clinical practice with scientific knowledge, preparing students for the challenges of modern medicine.

Milena Tocut MD, Yousef Abuleil MD, Mona Boaz MD, Amos Gilad MD, Gisele Zandman-Goddard MD

Background: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic showed the need to evaluate disease severity promptly at the time of hospital admission. 

Objectives: To establish an admission protocol, which included clinical and laboratory findings. 

Methods: We conducted a retrospective study at Wolfson Medical Center, Israel, for a period of 19 months (2020–2021). We established a protocol for patients who were admitted with COVID-19 infection. The protocol parameters included demographic data, co-morbidities, immune status, oxygen level at room air on admission, oxygen demand, lymphopenia, C-reactive protein (CRP) level, lactate dehydrogenase, D-DIMER, creatinine, aspartate transferase, alanine aminotransferase, and ferritin. Based on this protocol, we defined the severity of COVID-19 at the beginning of hospitalization and started treatment without delay. This protocol included ferritin levels as a guide to severity and outcome of patients. A database was established for all the parameters of the patients included in the study. 

Results: The study included 407 patients; 207 males (50.9%), 200 females (49.1%). The age range was 18–101 years. Hyperferritinemia (> 1000 ng/dl) was one of the strongest and most significant predictors for severe disease in these patients (P < 0.001). Lymphopenia, high levels of CRP, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate transferase, lactate dehydrogenase, and creatinine also correlated with severe disease, complications, and death. 

Conclusions: Abnormal ferritin levels were a very significant and clear indicator of the development of severe COVID-19. The addition of ferritin levels to our protocol aided in finding which patients were at increased risk for morbidity and mortality.

Yigal Helviz MD, Frederic S. Zimmerman MD, Daniel Belman MD, Yaara Giladi MD, Imran Ramlawi MD, David Shimony MD, Meira Yisraeli Salman MD, Nir Weigert MD, Mohammad Jaber MD, Shai Balag MD, Yaniv Hen MD, Raed Jebrin MD, Daniel Fink MD, Eli Ben Chetrit MD, Michal Shitrit, Ramzi Kurd MD, Phillip D. Levin MD

Background: Prognostication is complex in patients critically ill with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

Objectives: To describe the natural history of ventilated critical COVID-19 patients.

Methods: Due to our legal milieu, active withdrawal of care is not permitted, providing an opportunity to examine the natural history of ventilated critical COVID-19 patients. This retrospective cohort included COVID-19 ICU patients who required mechanical ventilation. Respiratory and laboratory parameters were followed from initiation of mechanical ventilation for 14 days or until extubation, death or tracheostomy.

Results: A total of 112 patients were included in the analysis. Surviving patients were younger than non-survivors (62 years [range 54–69] vs. 66 years [range 62–71], P = 0.01). Survivors had a shorter time to intubation, shorter ventilation duration, and longer hospital stay. Respiratory parameters at intubation were not predictive of mortality. Nevertheless, on ventilation day 10, many of the ventilatory parameters were significantly better in survivors. Regarding laboratory parameters, neutrophil counts were significantly higher in non-survivors on day 1 and C-reactive protein levels were significantly lower in survivors on day 10. Modeling using a generalized estimating equation showed small dynamic differences in ventilatory parameters predictive of survival.

Conclusions: In ventilated COVID-19 patients when there is no active care withdrawal, prognostication may be possible after a week; however, differences between survivors and non-survivors remain small.

Gassan Moady MD, Tameemi Abdallah Moady MD, Alexander Shturman MD, Shaul Atar MD

Peripartum cardiomyopathy (PPCM) is an idiopathic cardiomyopathy presenting with heart failure (HF) secondary to left ventricular systolic dysfunction (defined as left ventricular ejection fraction [LVEF]) < 45% toward the end of pregnancy or in the months following delivery, where no other cause of HF is found. Complete understanding of the etiology is lacking, with higher incidence seen in advanced maternal age, multiple gestations, preeclampsia, and anemia [1]. Potential suggested causes include pathological immune response, hormonal abnormalities, stress cytokines, and nutritional deficiencies. Genetic predisposition was demonstrated in some PPCM, most commonly pathogenic loss-of-function truncating variants in Titin gene (TTN) [1]. Other causative genes reported are DMD, LAMP2, DSP, MYH6, SYNM, TPM1, and VCL [1].

December 2024
Nadav Shemesh MD MHA, Nadav Levinger MD, Shmuel Levinger MD, Ami Hirsch MD, Asaf Achiron MD, Eliya Levinger MD

Background: One of the major causes of reversible visual impairment is a refractive error, which can be corrected through refractive surgery. Data regarding the outcomes and complications of these procedures exist; however, there is a notable gap in understanding the factors leading to patient rejection, particularly in diverse populations like Israel.

Objectives: To detect clinical risk factors of patients who intend to undergo LASIK procedure and to improve the conversion rates of LASIK procedure in this population.

Methods: The study included a retrospective analysis of patients who were rejected from having refractive surgery in two Enaim Refractive Surgery Centers: Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. Comparisons between centers were conducted using the t-test for continuous variables and Fisher's exact test for categorical data.

Results: Our study included 337 patients who were rejected from having refractive surgery, including 152 (45.1%) who were rejected permanently and 185 (54.9%) rejected temporarily. The most common reasons for permanent rejection were corneal irregularity (n=81, 53.3%), keratoconus (n=27, 17.8%), thin corneas (n=13, 8.6%), and amblyopia (n=10, 6.6%). The most common temporary reasons were unstable refraction (n=96, 51.9%), prolonged use of contact lenses (n=54, 29.2%), and corneal irregularity (n=16, 8.6%).

Conclusions: The leading permanent cause of rejection for refractive surgery was a corneal irregularity, whereas the primary temporary cause was unstable refraction. In a time of rapid technological advancements and growing demand for freedom from glasses, there is an increasing need for more informed and patient-focused refractive correction approaches.

November 2024
Rachel Eisenberg MD, Allon Raphael MD MPH, Matan Risling Bsc, Ilan Asher MD, Ori Toker MD

Background: Allergic rhinitis (AR) is a common illness. Worldwide prevalence varies between 5% and 50% depending on self-reported surveys, test-based studies, geographic location, and age. Despite the clinical relevance of AR in the Israeli population, few studies have characterized the sensitization profiles and key pollen aeroallergen.

Objectives: To describe the most common aeroallergens eliciting a positive skin prick test (SPT) in AR patients across three different main climate zones in Israel.

Methods: We evaluated SPT of aeroallergen sensitization in 1308 AR patients from three topographically and climatically different areas of Israel, describing humidity levels, temperature, and urbanization.

Results: The overall prevalence of positive SPT among patients presenting with AR symptoms was 86%. Indoor aeroallergen sensitization was observed in 76% of patients. Monosensitization was noted in 20% of patients, and polysensitization was noted in 65%. Among the 1308 cases of AR, the top four aeroallergens were mites, olive tree pollen, grass pollen, and cat dander. The top aeroallergen in Israel's central district were mites (62%), olive tree pollen (36%), and grass pollen (30%). In the coastal plains, mites (92%), cat dander (36%), and olive tree pollen (33%) were most prevalent, and in the south mites (77%), olive tree pollen (30%), and grass pollens (26%) were most common.

Conclusions: The top four aeroallergens eliciting a positive SPT were mites, olive tree pollen, grass pollen, and cat dander. Identification of a major aeroallergen can tailor the allergist's SPT panels and specify which aeroallergen should be used for immunotherapy.

Ronit Lev Kolnik MD, Idan Bergman MD, Avishay Elis MD

Background: The Agatston coronary artery calcium (CAC) score is a decision-guiding aid for risk assessment and personalized management in the primary prevention of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.

Objectives: To explore the real-life clinical experience of CAC testing by characterizing its indications, significance of scores, and corresponding lipid-lowering treatments.

Methods: A retrospective descriptive study of patients treated at the lipids clinic at Rabin Medical Center (Beilinson Campus), who underwent CAC score evaluation between 2017 and 2022 was conducted. The data collected from electronic medical files included demographics, co-morbidities, indications for the test, CAC score levels, and the recommended therapeutic regimen.

Results: The study cohort included 88 patients. The main indication was assessment of the existence of atherosclerosis in cases where there was no clear indication for lipid lowering treatment (65, 74%). In most patients, there was no evidence of atherosclerosis (CAC = 0 AU, n=30) or only mild disease (CAC=1–99 AU, n=35). As the CAC score increased, more patients were prescribed lipid lowering treatments, from very few prescriptions in those with a CAC score of 0 AU and almost 100% among those with score of ≥ 400 AU. The factors that predicted CAC > 0 AU were male sex and older age.

Conclusions: CAC scores should be used more often to determine risk assessment. Further analysis of the implications of scores between 0–400 AU is needed.

Naama Ronel MD, Oleg Sukmanov MD, Gil Lahav MD, Shimrit Sharav MD, David Kiderman MD, Ady Yosepovich MD

Nasopharyngeal angiofibromas represent a rare occurrence. They are characterized by vascular fibrous proliferation within the nasopharynx. While histologically benign, they exhibit a local aggressiveness, predominantly afflicting adolescent males. Despite their typically nasopharyngeal location, the exact etiology remains elusive.

Microscopically, angiofibromas manifest as a combination of vascular elements, featuring slit-like capillaries or dilated branched vessels, in addition to a stromal component comprising collagenous matrix and fibroblasts.

To the best of our knowledege, we presented the first documented example of an extra-nasopharyngeal angiofibroma in an adult male, which presented with a distinctive histologic pattern of epithelioid fibrous papule. Clinical manifestations included left-side aural fullness and gradual hearing loss over the course of 5 years. Examination revealed a mass within the left external auditory canal tethered to the posterior wall by a stalk. The audiometric assessment revealed a moderate to severe conductive hearing impairment in the left ear. Surgical excision of the mass was performed, with subsequent histopathological and immunohistochemical analysis unveiling this unforeseen diagnosis.

In this case report, we underscored the potential for angiofibromas to occur in atypical anatomical sites and highlighted the importance of recognizing their benign nature to prevent misdiagnosis as malignant tumors.

October 2024
George M. Weisz MD FRACS BA MA, Marina-Portia Anthony MBBS BSc (Med) MPH FRANZCR, Michael Huang MB BS FRCR FRANZCR

In the last hundred years, the science of fracture repair has significantly changed. Management has moved from a simple metabolic and hormonal concept of bone regeneration to an inflammatory concept and now to a more complicated immunological description. Fracture repair has been considered age-dependent and related to diabetes, nutrition, hormone connection, autoimmune diseases, rheumatic arthritis, and nicotine. Recently a new branch of medicine, osteoimmunology, which deals with the mechanism of fracture repair, has been introduced.

Yael Lichter MD, Amir Gal Oz MD MBA, Uri Carmi MD, Asaph Nini MD MSc, Dekel Stavi MD, Noam Goder MD

Background: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic posed significant challenges to healthcare systems worldwide, including a surge in the use of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO).

Objectives: To compare outcomes and costs of COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 adult patients treated with ECMO in the intensive care unit (ICU) at Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center.

Methods: We conducted a retrospective study. Clinical outcomes, ECMO duration, ICU and hospital length of stay (LOS), and healthcare costs were examined and compared between the two groups.

Results: A total of 119 patients were treated with ECMO between 2016 and 2023; 56 (47.1%) diagnosed with COVID-19. The study found no significant difference in mortality rates between COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 patients. However, COVID-19 patients experienced significantly longer ECMO durations and ICU LOS. Hospitalization and ECMO operation costs were notably higher for COVID-19 patients, but overall admission costs were lower compared to non-COVID-19 patients, with cost of surgical interventions, consultations and imaging contributing to the price gap.

Conclusions: Despite longer durations of ECMO and LOS, the economic burden of ECMO in COVID-19 patients was significantly lower than non-COVID-19 patients. Strict patient selection should be utilized, a fortiori during times of surge-capacity.

Maya Paran MD, Osnat Konen MD, Tal May MD, Moussa Totah MD, Michael Levinson MD, Michael Segal MD, Dragan Kravarusic MD, Inbal Samuk MD

Background: Cloacal malformation represents the rarest and most complex congenital anorectal malformation in females and is characterized by the convergence of urinary, gynecological, and intestinal systems within a single common channel. Three-dimensional computed tomography reconstruction (3D CT cloacagram) has emerged as a valuable method for anatomical assessment and preoperative planning.

Objectives: To evaluate our experience with 3D CT cloacagram and assess its results.

Methods: This retrospective case series included all patients with cloacal malformation who underwent preoperative 3D CT cloacagram at a single institution during 2019–2023. Collected data included patient characteristics, timing of the 3D CT cloacagram, results of the 3D CT cloacagram, comparison with endoscopic results, surgical procedures, and postoperative outcome.

Results: Six patients with cloacal malformation were included in this study, including two with posterior cloaca. The median common channel length on 3D CT cloacagram was 24.5 mm (range 9–48 mm) and the median urethral length was 15.5 mm (range 13-24 mm). The surgical approach involved a combined abdominoperineal approach in three patients and posterior sagittal anorectal vaginal urethral plasty in one patient. Two patients were awaiting surgical reconstruction at the time of publication.

Conclusions: Our implementation of 3D cloacagram has facilitated precise measurements of both the urethra and common channel lengths, two key factors in formulating surgical strategies for cloacal reconstruction. Moreover, this technique has markedly improved our capacity for surgical planning contributing to colorectal, gynecological, and urological perspectives.

Shirley Markovich Sholomon MD, Sami Giryes MD, Vika Shataylo BSc, Yolanda Braun-Moscovici MD, Alexandra Balbir-Gurman MD

Background: Serum ferritin is a sensitive inflammatory biomarker reflecting cell damage and oxidative stress in inflammatory rheumatic diseases. The use of ferritin for assessment of systemic sclerosis (SSc) activity, severity, and prognosis has not been fully elucidated.

Objectives: To assess the correlation between serum ferritin levels and SSc disease parameters, complications, and outcome.

Methods: Demographic, clinical, and laboratory data, including blood levels of ferritin, were collected from files of patients with SSc who were treated at the Rheumatology Institute at Rambam Health Care Campus from January 2004 to July 2021. The study compared SSc patients with elevated levels of ferritin to those with normal levels.

Results: We extracted data of 241 SSc patients (80% female, 60% with diffuse SSc, mean age 54 ± 15.4 years, mean disease duration 6.8 ± 4.5 years). During follow-up, 39% died. Elevated ferritin levels positively correlated with male sex; short disease duration; lung, heart, and kidney involvement; higher modified Rodnan skin score; anemia; elevated levels of creatinine kinase, C-reactive protein, creatinine, and troponin; reduced pulmonary function tests (forced vital capacity and diffusion capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide); and left ventricular ejection fraction. There were no correlations between ferritin levels and pulmonary hypertension or gastrointestinal involvement. Levels of ferritin negatively correlated with anti-centromere antibodies.

Conclusions: In SSc, ferritin can serve as a marker for ongoing systemic inflammation and prognosis, particularly in patients with lung and heart involvement. Further studies on serial ferritin measurement in the management of SSc patients are warranted.

Jawad Atrash MD, Omar Abu libdeh MD, Bashar Fteiha MD, Marwan Abu Sneineh MD, Alon Bnaya MD, Linda Shavit MD

Hypokalemia is a frequently encountered electrolyte disturbance, particularly among hospitalized patients. It often arises from increased potassium excretion (via the kidney or gastrointestinal tract) or intracellular shifts [1]. Hypokalemic periodic paralysis (HPP) is an uncommon cause of hypokalemia, with the most common reported mutation found in the dihydropyridine-sensitive calcium channel in skeletal muscles (CACNA1S gene) [2]. We present a case of a young woman with HPP associated with a novel mutation in the chloride voltage-gated channel 1 (CLCN1) gene.

Lior Bear MD, Nancy Agmon Levine MD, Ronen Ghinea MD, Tammy Hod MD, Ido Nachmany MD, Eytan Mor MD

Kidney involvement in systemic sclerosis (SSc) is common with altered kidney function present in approximately half of the patients [1]. Scleroderma renal crisis (SRC), the most severe kidney manifestation, occurs in about 20% of patients with this autoimmune disorder [1]. SRC mainly affects patients with the diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis (dcSSc) subtype of the disease, and particularly in those who are seropositive to anti RNA polymerase III antibodies [2]. In recent years, the prevalence of SRC has decreased following the initiation of medication therapy with angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors (ACE-i). Previously, SRC mortality rates were as high as 78%. Contemporary studies in the post-ACE-i era suggest lower rates, with mortality rate ranging from 30% to 36% [3]. Nevertheless, progression to end-stage renal disease (ESRD) is evident and may require renal replacement therapies (RRTs). While renal transplant rates in SSc have increased, they constitute a small proportion of SSc-SRC patients (3–8%) and SSc-ESRD patients (4–17%).

Piero Ruscitti MD PhD

In 2013, the idea of the hyperferritinemic syndrome was introduced to suggest the possible inflammatory properties of ferritin in contributing to the pathogenesis of four diseases, namely Still’s disease, macrophage activation syndrome (MAS), septic shock, and catastrophic antiphospholipid syndrome [1]. Based on this concept, ex vivo and in vitro studies were performed reporting the inflammatory properties of the heavy subunit of ferritin (FeH) in inducing the commitment of macrophages toward an inflammatory phenotype, production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, and the direct stimulation of NLRP3 and NF-kB pathway [2,4]. In addition, recent in vivo studies have established the pathogenic role of hyperferritinemia [4-6], mainly triggering a Still’s disease-like phenotype in a wild type murine model by the aberrant activation of immune cells and production of inflammatory mediators [5]. Moreover, the hyperferritinemic syndrome arena has seen many recent developments due to the rapid accrual of knowledge in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) [6,7]. Specifically, the appearance of hyperferritinemia is increasingly recognized to be associated with a more severe patient phenotype at higher risk of poor prognosis due to the appearance of the cytokine storm syndrome [8], which is a hyper-inflammatory state due to overwhelming massive release of inflammatory mediators and rapidly evolving to multiorgan failure [9].

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