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עמוד בית
Thu, 06.02.25

Search results

December 2024
Lee Wilk BSc, Yaron Niv MD FACG AGAF

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a major health concern, ranking as the third most common cancer in the United States. Screening programs, especially colonoscopy, play a crucial role in preventing CRC by removing and detecting polyps or early-stage cancers. Despite inherent risks, colonoscopy's effectiveness in saving lives is significant. In this review, we analyzed the outcomes of screening colonoscopies in an asymptomatic population for 15 years, focusing on detection rates and complications. We compared the data with previous meta-analyzes to evaluate changes in efficacy and safety. We conducted a systematic search of medical literature databases (1 January 2012 to 31 December 2023) for English-language studies on CRC screening colonoscopy. Our inclusion criteria comprised complete articles with over 500 participants with extractable data and a focus on screening colonoscopy outcomes in average-risk populations. In total, 2,897,025 people were screened, most (99.6%) were asymptomatic and were an average-risk population. Colonoscopy was complete and reached the cecum in 97–99% of the procedures. CRC was found in 0.5% (95% confidence interval [95%CI] 0.4–0.7%) of the participants. Advanced adenoma was found in 7.6% (95%CI 6.2–9.3%) of the cases. Complications were rare. Perforation developed in 0.022% of the cases and bleeding in 0.148%. Our findings exhibited a significant increase in the detection yield of adenomas and advanced adenomas with low complication rates, which shows that colonoscopy is feasible and suitable for screening for CRC in asymptomatic people.

January 2024
Bassam Abboud MD, Ron Dar MD, Zakhar Bramnick MD, Moaad Farraj MD

Gastric perforation secondary to foreign body ingestion is rare. While obvious signs of acute abdomen usually lead to a prompt diagnosis by emergency department (ED) staff, this can be delayed in non-responsive or mentally disabled patients. An altered pain perception has been described in schizophrenia, as part of a complex phenomenon, which is thought to be unrelated to changes in nociceptive pathways. Cognitive impairment and negative symptoms may strongly influence the patient’s expression of pain [1].

January 2023
Muhamed Masalha MD, Lev Shlizerman MD, Salim Mazzawi MD, Ophir Handzel MD, Firas Kassem MD, Daniel Briscoe MD, Kfir Siag MD

Background: Chronic suppurative otitis media is a long-standing middle ear infection with a perforated tympanic membrane. Tympanoplasty is the mainstay of treatment. Most surgeons prefer to operate on dry ears; however, this may be difficult to achieve.

Objectives: To investigate the effect of otorrhea and positive cultures on the outcome of tympanoplasty.

Methods: This retrospective analysis reviewed patients with chronic suppurative otitis media who underwent tympanoplasty 2008–2015. Patients were divided into three groups: active discharge and bacterial growth, active discharge without bacterial growth, and no ear discharge. Surgical outcomes were compared among the groups.

Results: Among 101 patients included, 43 ears (42.6%) had discharge preoperatively, 58 (57.4%) were dry. Overall closure rate was 81.2% (82/101). Preoperative active discharge closure rate was 88.3% (38/43) and without discharge 75.9% (44/58). There were 38 positive cultures preoperatively and five negative cultures. Cultures were not obtained in 58 cases. Success rates were 89.5%, 80%, and 75.9%, respectively. No significant difference was found between patients who had positive or negative cultures before the procedure (P > 0.48) or among the three groups (P = 0.25). The most common bacteria were Pseudomonas aeruginosa (n=17), followed by Staphylococcus species (n=10). None was significantly associated with operative failure (P = 0.557). The postoperative air threshold difference was not affected by culture results (P = 0.3).

Conclusions: Tympanoplasty success rates and postoperative air threshold differences were not affected by the presence of preoperative otorrhea or positive ear cultures. Surgery can be performed even when the ear is not dry.

December 2021
Benjamin Russell MD, Yoram Klein MD, Uri Rimon MD, Zehavit Kirshenboim MD, Nir Horesh MD, and Yaniv Zager MD
June 2021
David Hovel MD, Bernardo Melamud MD, and Eran Israeli MD
January 2021
Asaf Levartovsky MD, Rami Gilead MD, Amir Sharon MD, Adam Pomeranz MD, Amit Druyan MD, Gal Westrich MD, Robert K. Huber MD, Haim Mayan MD, and Noya Shilo MD
June 2017
Ophir Eyal MD, Yuval Tal MD PhD, Arie Ben MD, Ofer N. Gofrit MD PhD and Mordechai Golomb MD
December 2012
O. Dolkart, W. Khoury, S. Avital, R. Flaishon and A.A Weinbroum

Background: Carbon dioxide is the most widely used gas to establish pneumoperitoneum during laparoscopic surgery. Gastrointestinal trauma may occur during the peritoneal insufflation or during the operative phase itself. Early diagnosis of these injuries is critical.

Objectives: To assess changes in end-tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2) following gastric perforation during pneumoperitoneum in the rat.

Methods: Wistar rats were anesthetized, tracheotomized and mechanically ventilated with fixed minute volume. Each animal underwent a 1 cm abdominal longitudinal incision. A 0.3 x 0.3 cm cross-incision of the stomach was performed in the perforation group but not in the controls (n=10/group), and the abdomen was closed in both groups. After stabilization, CO2-induced pneumoperitoneum was established at 0, 5, 8 and 12 mmHg for 20 min periods consecutively, each followed by complete pressure relief for 5 minutes.

Results: Ventilatory pressure increased in both groups when pneumoperitoneal pressure ≥ 5 mmHg was applied, but more so in the perforated stomach group (P = 0.003). ETCO2 increased in both groups during the experiment, but less so in the perforated group (P = 0.04). It then returned to near baseline values during pressure annulation in all perforated animals but only in the 0 and 5 mmHg periods in the controls.

Conclusions: When subjected to pneumoperitoneum, ETCO2 was lower in rats with a perforated stomach than in those with an intact stomach. An abrupt decrease in ETCO2 during laparoscopy may signal gastric perforation.

April 2011
R. Inbar, E. Santo, A. El-Abid Subchi, J. Korianski, Z. Halperin, R. Greenberg and S. Avital


Background: Esophageal perforations and postoperative esophageal leaks are associated with substantial morbidity and mortality and pose a difficult therapeutic challenge. 

Objectives: To evaluate the outcome of removable self-expanding metallic stents (SEMS) as a treatment for postoperative leaks and perforations of the esophagus and stomach.

Methods: We conducted a retrospective study of all patients in one medical center who underwent temporary insertion of a covered plastic stent for postoperative leaks and perforations of the esophagus and stomach from June 2009 to February 2010. Data were retrieved from hospital and outpatient clinical data charts. Data included indication for insertion, post-insertion outcome including stent complications, and follow-up after stent removal.

Results: The indications for stent insertion were postoperative leak in four patients and postoperative esophagopleural fistula in one patient. Three of the patients had a leak at the gastro-esophageal junction following laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy. In all cases the stent insertion was completed successfully. In three patients the stent migrated distally. In two of these three it was repositioned or replaced endoscopically, and in the third it was excreted in the feces. Stents were removed electively after 6 to 7 weeks. All patients recovered fully and were discharged from the hospital.

Conclusions: SEMS insertion may have an important role in the management of postoperative leaks and perforations of the esophagus and stomach and should be considered in such cases.

December 2007
D. Arbell, E. Gross, A. Preminger, Y Naveh, R. Udassin and I. Gur

Background: Babies born with extreme prematurity and low birth weight (< 1000 g) present a unique treatment challenge. In addition to the complexity of achieving survival, they may require surgical interventions for abdominal emergencies. Usually, these infants are transferred to a referral center for surgery treatment. Since 2000 our approach is bedside abdominal surgery at the referring center.

Objectives: To evaluate whether the approach of bedside abdominal surgery at the referring center is safe and perhaps even beneficial for the baby.

Methods: We retrospectively reviewed our data since 2000 and included only babies weighing < 1000 g who were ventilated, suffered from hemodynamic instability and underwent surgery for perforated bowel at the referring neonatal unit. Results were analyzed according to survival from the acute event (> 1 week), survival from the abdominal disease (> 30 days) and survival to discharge.

Results: Twelve babies met the inclusion criteria. Median weight at operation was 850 g (range 620–1000 g) and median age at birth was 25 weeks (range 23–27). Eleven infants survived the acute event (91.7%), 9 survived more than 30 days (81.8%), and 5 survived to discharge.

Conclusions: Our results show that bedside laparotomy at the referring hospital is safe and feasible. A larger randomized study is indicated to prove the validity of this approach.


May 2007
L. Kogan, P. Gilbey, A. Samet and Y. Talmon

Background: Surgery for the closure of nasal septal perforation is challenging. Numerous techniques have been described.

Objectives: To assess whether nasal septal perforations heal more consistently if a connective tissue scaffold is placed between the repaired septal flaps.

Methods: We performed closure of a septal perforation via a closed approach using oral mucosal flaps without the interposition of a connective tissue graft in seven patients.

Results: Complete perforation closure was achieved in 5 cases (83.3%). There was no significant donor site morbidity.

Conclusions: These initial results suggest that this is an effective technique for closing nasal septal perforations; it obviates the morbidity of the open approach and the added operating time and morbidity associated with the harvesting of a connective tissue graft.


December 2006
O. Bairey, R. Ruchlemer and O. Shpilberg

Background: Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma of the colon is a rare and consequently poorly studied extranodal lymphoma. Most of the previous publications used old pathologic classifications and old diagnostic and treatment approaches.

Objective: To examine the clinical presentation, pathologic classification, treatment and outcome of patients with NHL[1] of the colon.

Methods: A retrospective study was performed of all patients with NHL and involvement of the colon in two medical centers. The patient group consisted of 17 patients over a 13 year period.

Results: Fourteen patients had primary involvement and 3 secondary. The ileocecal region and cecum were the most frequent sites of involvement, occurring in 76% of patients. Most patients had bulky disease: three had a diameter > 5 cm and eight a diameter > 10 cm. Aggressive histology was found in 12 patients: diffuse large B cell lymphoma in 11 and peripheral T cell lymphoma in 1. Three patients had mantle cell lymphoma and two had indolent lymphomas: mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (n=1) and small lymphocytic (n=1). Eleven patients underwent hemicolectomy: right sided in 9 and left sided in 2, and 5 DLBCL[2] patients required emergency surgery for intestinal perforation. The median overall survival was 44 months (range 1–147). Disease stage influenced prognosis; six of seven patients with limited-stage DLBCL who received aggressive chemotherapy achieved complete remission and enjoyed prolonged survival, whereas patients with aggressive disseminated disease had resistant disease and poor survival (median 8 months).

Conclusions: Most colonic lymphomas are aggressive B cell lymphomas. Diagnosis is often delayed. Early diagnosis may prevent perforation. Those with limited-stage disease when treated with aggressive chemotherapy may enjoy prolonged survival. 

The role of elective hemicolectomy to prevent perforation should be examined in prospective trials.

[1] NHL = non-Hodgkin's lymphoma

[2] DLBCL = diffuse large B cell lymphoma  

July 2006
June 2004
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