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Fri, 07.02.25

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October 2022
Adrian Duek MD, Emmanuel Lellouche PhD, Sharon Ben Baruch MD, Reut Mashiach BSc, Yafit Segman MD, Gabriel Bryk PhD, Merav Leiba MD

Background: Multiple myeloma (MM) accounts for approximately 10% of hematological malignancies. The monoclonal immunoglobulin G kappa (IgG-κ) daratumumab can bind to CD38 on MM cells and be detected in serum immunofixation (IF), causing pitfalls in M-protein quantification.

Objectives: To determine the efficacy of mitigating the interference of IgG MM treated with daratumumab.

Methods: Levels of Ig, free light chains (FLC) kappa (κ) and lambda (λ), serum protein electrophoresis (SPE)/IF, and Hydrashift 2/4 assays were assessed following manufacturer's instructions in three patients.

Results: Patient 1 was a 70-year-old male diagnosed with IgG-λ MM. The IF distinguished two monoclonal bands (IgG-κ and IgG-λ). With the Hydrashift assay, the daratumumab–anti-daratumumab immune complex shifted the IgG-κ to the α zone, suggesting that the monoclonal IgG-κ band corresponded to daratumumab. Patient 2 was a 63-year-old male with IgG-κ MM who was receiving daratumumab once every other week. SPE/IF assay revealed a faint monoclonal IgG-κ band in the g zone. A stronger monoclonal band was observed after administration. The IgG-κ band disappeared on the Hydrashift assay, while the daratumumab–anti-daratumumab complex appeared as a broad smear in the α-region. Patient 3, a 63-year-old male diagnosed with IgG-λMM, was receiving daratumumab once every other month. The IF assay showed two distinct bands (IgG-κ and IgG-λ) post-daratumumab administration. The shift to the α zone of the IgG-κ bands on the Hydrashift assay confirmed that the additional band observed post-infusion was due to the daratumumab.

Conclusions: The Hydrashift assay can help distinguish daratumumab from endogenous M-spike.

November 2021
Hayim Gilshtein MD, Mariya Neymark MD, Asaf Harbi MD, Myroslav Lutsyk MD, and Daniel Duek MD

Background: The learning curve for transition from open to laparoscopic proctectomies is difficult. Most surgeons have considerable laparoscopic experience prior to performing robotic-assisted procedures. There are data regarding the transition from open to robotic proctectomies. Minimally invasive anterior resection for rectal cancer has gained widespread popularity in recent years, especially when using a robotic platform.

Objectives: To analyze the experience to the transition from open to robotic anterior resection for rectal cancer.

Methods: We performed a retrospective analysis of a computerized database. All patients who had a robotic-assisted proctectomy between December 2016 and March 2019 were included and were compared to patients who underwent an open anterior resection in the same time period. A single experienced colorectal surgeon with no prior experience in colorectal laparoscopic surgery performed the procedures.

Results: During the study period, 55 patients underwent robotic-assisted proctectomy and 55 had an open proctectomy. Patients had similar pre-operative demographic and clinical characteristics with the majority of patients receiving neoadjuvant chemoradiation. The surgical time was significantly lower in the open surgery group (168 minutes vs. 310 minutes, P = 0.005). Both the surgical and pathological outcomes did not differ significantly between the two groups, with good short-term oncologic outcomes and low complication rates.

Conclusions: The transition from open to robotic-assisted proctectomy is feasible and safe and provides a good alternative for undertaking a minimally invasive surgery for the experienced open colorectal surgeon

December 2018
Ori Samuel Duek MD BSBME, Yeela Ben Naftali MD, Yaron Bar-Lavie MD, Hany Bahouth MD and Yehuda Ullmann MD

Background: Pneumonia is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in burn patients with inhalation injuries. An increased risk of pneumonia has been demonstrated in trauma and burn patients urgently intubated in the field vs. emergency departments (EDs).

Objectives: To compare intubation setting (field vs. ED) and subsequent development of pneumonia in burn patients and to evaluate the indication for urgent intubation outside the hospital setting.

Methods: A retrospective medical records review was conducted on all intubated patients presenting with thermal (study group, 118 patients) or trauma (control group A, 74 patients) injuries and admitted to the intensive care unit of a level I trauma and burn center at a single institution during a 15 year period. Control group B (50 patients) included non-intubated facial burn patients hospitalized in the plastic surgery department.

Results: Field intubation was less frequent (37% field vs. 63% ED), although it was more frequent in larger burns (total body surface area > 50%; 43% field vs. 27% ED). More field intubated patients developed pneumonia during hospitalization (65% field vs. 36% ED [burns]; 81% field vs. 45% ED [multi-trauma]; 2% non-intubated, P < 0.05), with a significantly higher all-cause mortality (49% field vs. 24% ED, P < 0.05) and dramatically lower rates of extubation within 3 days (7% field vs. 27% ED, P < 0.05).

Conclusions: Field intubation is associated with a higher risk of subsequent development of pneumonia in burn and multi-trauma patients and should be applied with caution, only when airway patency is at immediate risk.

February 2017
Irit Duek MD, Taiser Bishara MD, Ziv Gil MD PHD and Jacob T. Cohen MD
June 2010
S.D.H. Malnick, G. Duek, N. Beilinson, V. Neogolani, A. Basevitz, M. Somin, J. Cohen, M. Katz and A. Schattner

Background: In many hospitals a chest X-ray is performed routinely at each patient’s admission. There are scant data regarding its usefulness in contemporary patient populations, which are characterized by patients’ increasing age, severity of illness, and different comorbidities.

Methods: We studied consecutive patients admitted during a 2 month period to a single department of medicine, where hospital policy mandates performing a CXR[1] on admission or soon after. Two senior clinicians who were not involved in the care of these patients assessed the discharge summaries for a clinical indication to perform CXR on admission, as well as its contribution to patient management (major positive, major negative, minor positive, or no contribution). Logistic regression analysis was performed with the SPSS 12 software program.

Results: The study population comprised 675 patients whose mean age was 64.5 ± 17.2 years. Their presenting complaints included chest pain (18%), dyspnea (12%), weakness (10.5%), fever (9%), abdominal pain (8%) and neurologic complaints (7.5%). Physical examination of the chest was normal in 585 (87%) of the cases and abnormal in 87 (13%). Examination of the heart was normal in 518 (77%) and abnormal in 129 (19%). In 19.6% (130 cases) CXR was not performed. Of the 545 CXRs done, 260 (48%) were normal. In only 128 (23.5%) did the admission CXR make a major positive contribution to diagnosis or treatment. In 61 (11.2%) it provided a minor positive contribution and in 153 (28.1%) a major negative contribution. In 184 patients (33.8%) the CXR did not affect either diagnosis or management. It made a major positive contribution to management in patients for whom there was an indication for performing the X-ray (odds ratio 10.3, P < 0.0005) and in those with a relevant finding on physical examination (OR[2] 1.63, P = 0.110). For a major negative contribution of the CXR to management (i.e., ruling out clinically important possibilities), the clinical indication was also very important (OR 72.9, P < 0.005). When patients with either a clinical indication for performing a CXR or an abnormal chest examination were excluded, 329 patients remained (60% of the 545 who had a CXR) in only 12 of them (3.6%) did the routine admission CXR contribute to patient management.

Conclusions: A routine admission CXR has a significant impact on patient management only in those patients in whom there are relevant findings on physical examination or a clear clinical indication for performing the test. There is no need to routinely order CXR on admission to hospital.


[1] CXR = chest X-ray

[2] OR = odds ratio

December 2006
A. Duek, L. Shvidel, A. Braester and A. Berrebi
 Background: Autoimmune disorders often develop during the course of B chronic lymphocytic leukemia. The source of the autoantibodies is still uncertain: either uncontrolled production of the malignant B cells or disturbances of the residual normal B and T cells involved in the immune system.

Objectives: To evaluate immunologic parameters in B-CLL[1] associated with autoimmune disorders. As a hypothesis we postulated that in those cases, the malignant B cells might disclose an activated phenotype pattern leading to the production of autoantibodies.

Methods: In the Registry of the Israel Study Group on CLL that includes 964 patients, we found 115 cases showing a single or a complex of autoimmune disorders. We evaluated the lymphocyte morphology, immunoglobulin G and beta-2-microglobulin serum levels and positivity of the CD38 and FMC7 markers, and compared these values with those of a matched CLL population without autoimmune disorder. 

Results: The main autoimmune disorders encountered were autoimmune hemolytic anemia (55 patients), Evan's syndrome (n=7), Hashimoto's thyroiditis (n=15), vasculitis (n=5) and rheumatoid arthritis (n=4). We found atypical prolymphocytic morphology in 22%, high expression of the activation antigens CD38 and/or FMC7 in 30%, and high level of immunoglobulin G (> 1000 mg/dl) and beta-2-microglobulin in 57% and 78% respectively. When compared with a matched CLL population without an autoimmune disorder, these values were statistically significant.

Conclusions: Our data, which show activated lymphocyte morphology, high levels of IgG[2] and beta-2-microglobulin, and increased expression of CD38 and/or FMC7 in a significant number of cases, suggest that some degree of activation of B cells may lead to the occurrence of an autoimmune disorder in CLL.


[1] CLL = chronic lymphocytic leukemia

[2] Ig = immunoglobulin 

July 2005
S.D. Duek, M.M. Krausz and D.D. Hershko
Background: Transanal endoscopic microsurgery has recently gained acceptance as an alternative minimally invasive surgical technique for the curative management of large rectal adenomas and selected early rectal carcinomas.

Objectives: To analyze our 8 year experience using TEM[1] for the management of rectal cancer.

Methods: Local resection by TEM was performed in patients with benign tumors and early rectal cancer. In addition, selected patients with T2 and T3 rectal cancers who were either medically unfit or unwilling to undergo radical surgery were also treated with this modality. Radical surgery was offered to all patients with incomplete tumor excision by TEM.

Results: Overall, 116 TEM operations for rectal tumors were carried out between 1995 and 2003, including 74 patients with rectal adenomas and 42 patients with rectal carcinomas. Twenty-five patients had T1 tumors that were all successfully removed, with clear tumor margins, by TEM. Fourteen patients had T2 cancer and 3 of them (21%) required additional radical surgery due to incomplete excision. Local recurrence was observed in one patient with T2 cancer. There was no mortality. Major surgery, or radiotherapy-related complications requiring additional surgical intervention was needed in five patients with T2 cancer.

Conclusions: Local excision by TEM is a safe surgical procedure and should be offered to highly selected patients with early rectal cancer.


[1] TEM = transanal endoscopic microsurgery

January 2005
M.M. Krausz and S.D. Duck

Background: Restorative proctocolectomy with ileal pouch-anal anastomosis has become the surgical procedure of choice for patients with ulcerative colitis and familial adenomatous polyposis.

Objectives: To evaluate the long-term functional outcome of patients who underwent this surgical procedure.

Methods: We performed this observational study in 174 consecutive patients: 146 with UC[1] and 28 with FAP[2]. The patients, 91 males and 83 females with a mean age of 34.1 ± 10.6 years (range 6–67 years), underwent the procedure between January 1984 and January 2004 (mean follow-up 64.8 months, range 1–240 months). The indications for surgery were intractable disease in 124 patients (71%), dysplasia in 36 (21%), severe bleeding in 8 (5%), and perforation in 6 (3%).

Results: A protective ileostomy was performed in 140 patients (96%) with UC and 12 (43%) with FAP. An urgent three-stage procedure was necessary in 14 patients (8.4%). A mucosal proctectomy was performed in 94 (54%), and a double stapling technique in 80 (46%). Mean length of hospital stay was 9.4 ± 6.6 days (range 5–34 days, median 8). Complications included pelvic sepsis in 7 patients (4.2%), anastomotic leakage in 8 (4.8%), bowel obstruction in 22 (13.2%), incisional hernia in 12 (7.2%), anastomotic stenosis that usually responded to manual dilatation in 46 (27.6%), pouchitis in 106 (61%), recto-vaginal fistula in 3 (1.8%), retrograde ejaculation in 3 (1.8%), and impotence in 2 (1.2%). There was no mortality in this group of patients. The median number of bowel movements per 24 hours was six in UC patients and five in FAP patients, with at least one bowel movement during the night. Complete daytime and night-time continence was documented in 124 patients (71%). Overall satisfaction was 95%.

Conclusions: Restorative proctocolectomy with ileal pouch-anal anastomosis confers a long-term good quality of life to both UC and FAP patients, and the majority of patients are fully continent with five to six bowel movements per day. 

[1] UC = ulcerative colitis

[2] FAP = familial adenomatous polyposis

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