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עמוד בית
Tue, 11.02.25

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August 2019
Yeela Ben Naftali MD, Yoav Barnea MD, Mark W. Clemens MD and Eran Bar-Meir MD

Background: Breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) is a rare type of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma that is found around breast implants. ALCL was discovered only two decades ago. In Israel we currently have four diagnosed cases (as of 2018). Until recently, the estimated incidence was 1:300,000 women with breast implants, while recent reports range from 1:3817 to 1:30,000. 

Objectives: To determine the occurrence of breast implant-ALCL in Israel.

Methods: We conducted a retrospective analysis of the four patients diagnosed with ALCL in Israel. Cytology was confirmed and the clinical data was collected. Based on the estimated number of women with breast implants in Israel, a calculation of the true incidence was completed.

Results: The incidence in Israel is significantly higher than the older incidence reports indicate. We estimated that the lifetime prevalence of the disease is 4:60,000 women with a textured breast implant, or 1:15,000 women with a textured breast implant in Israel.

Conclusions: ALCL is not common. We support the claim that the prevalence is significantly higher than what was initially described. This finding has clinical and medicolegal implications that should be addressed accordingly.

Nir Bitterman MD, Paula Simoviz MD, Tamar Tadmor MD, Lihi Tzur MD, Noam Calderon MD and Ohad Ben-Nun MD
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