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עמוד בית
Fri, 25.10.24

Original Articles

IMAJ | volume 11

Journal 12, December 2009
pages: 735-738

Reduced Rate of Side Effects Associated with Separate Administration of MMR and DTaP-Hib-IPV VaccinatioReduced Rate of Side Effects Associated with Separate Administration of MMR and DTaP-Hib-IPV Vaccinationsns


    Background: According to the Israeli immunization schedule 1 year old babies should receive two concomitant vaccinations: MMR (measles-mumps-rubella), and DTap-Hib-IPV (diphtheria tetanus acellular pertussis-Haemophilus influenzae type b-poliomyelitis). However, about one-third of infants in Israel receive these vaccinations separately. Nurses at a primary care prevention clinic in Israel observed that the separate mode of vaccination is associated with a lower rate of side effects.

    Objectives: To validate this observation and determine whether it represents an exception or the rule.

    Methods: A nested prospective follow-up study was conducted in a primary care clinic in Israel. The survey included 191 mothers and their offspring born during 2004/2005. The mothers were interviewed over the telephone 2 weeks after the day of vaccination.

    Results: The rate of adverse effects in children who received the injections separately was significantly lower than among those who were vaccinated simultaneously (40% vs. 57%).

    Conclusions: It may be necessary to reconsider the current vaccination policy regarding concomitant injections.

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