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עמוד בית
Wed, 12.02.25

Original Articles

IMAJ | volume

Journal 12, December 2004
pages: 736-741

Relationship between Rehabilitation Therapies and Outcome of Stroke Patients in Israel – A Preliminary Study


    Background: The relationship between the amount of rehabilitation therapy and functional outcome in stroke patients has not been established.

    Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of inpatient rehabilitation for post-acute stroke, and examine the relationship between intensity of therapies and functional status at discharge.

    Methods: We evaluated 50 first-stroke patients, average age 63 years, in a prospective, descriptive study. The impairment and Functional Independence Measurement were assessed both at admission to rehabilitation and at discharge. Patients were monitored weekly during their stay by means of discipline-specific measures of activity level. Predictor variables included intensity of physical, occupational and speech therapies; demographic characteristics; length of stay; and time since the stroke.

    Results: A significant reduction in impairment was observed at discharge. The predictors of gains and activity level at discharge as well as motor vs. cognitive components of the FIM[1] were neither consistent nor did they occur in the same trend of functional improvement. Greater FIM motor level at discharge was associated with younger age, higher admission motor and cognitive level, and receipt of any speech therapy, while greater FIM cognitive level was associated with higher cognitive level at admission, shorter interval from onset to admission, and more intense occupational therapy. More intense OT[2] was associated with greater and more cognitive improvement during the hospitalization.   

    Conclusion: Since the sample was relatively small and heterogeneous in terms of the patients’ functional abilities, the findings cannot be generalized to the whole population of stroke patients. Further efforts to identify the best timing, modalities, intensity and frequency of the various treatments are needed to improve the cost-benefit equation of rehabilitation in stroke patients.

    [1] FIM = Functional Independence Measurement
    [2] OT = occupational therapy

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