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עמוד בית
Wed, 12.02.25

December 2024

Amit Oppenheim MD, Nabil Abu-Amer MD, Itai Gueta MD, Ramy Haj MD, Pazit Beckerman MD, David J. Ozeri MD

Background: The impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic on patient populations can be divided to direct consequences of the disease and indirect implications of changes imposed on the national healthcare systems. The impact of the later survival of chronic hemodialysis patients is still unknown.

Objectives: To examine the impact of quarantine on health outcomes of dialysis patients.

Methods: In a retrospective case-controlled study, we compared chronic hemodialysis patients from two separate timeframes: during a quarantine period and a parallel time without quarantine.

Results: The study included 344 hemodialysis patients. Baseline characteristics were compared between those enrolled in 2015 and those enrolled in 2020. Despite comparable clinical parameters, a statistically significant increase in the 6-month mortality rate was observed in 2020 (1.2% vs. 6.7%, P = 0.01), primarily attributed to sepsis. Notably, no deaths were attributed to COVID-19 in 2020. Interdialytic weight gain and dialysis quality remained similar between the two groups, with a mild trend toward excessive weight gain in 2020. Secondary outcomes after 6 months did not significantly differ, except for lower sodium values in 2015 compared to 2020.

Conclusions: Dialysis patients experienced disproportionate effects from the COVID-19 pandemic, even with continuous care and no direct virus-related fatalities. The findings showed unintended consequences of quarantine measures, highlighting adverse impact on both physical and mental health. Recognizing and addressing these consequences are imperative for minimizing their impact in future pandemics, emphasizing the importance of proactive measures in healthcare planning.

Kfir Siag MD, Miki Paker MD, Salim Mazzawi MD, Yoni Evgeni Gutkovich MD PhD, Moran Barcan MD, Shani Fisher MA RN, Michael Ziv MD

Background: Little is known about audiovestibular function in psoriasis, a chronic systemic inflammatory disease that affects 2% of the world’s population.

Objective: To investigate audiovestibular function in patients with psoriasis.

Methods: In this prospective case-control trial, we enrolled 33 patients with psoriasis and 30 healthy controls. Audiologic testing included audiometry, tympanometry, and otoacoustic emissions recording. The vestibular investigation consisted of a dizziness handicap inventory questionnaire, a complete clinical vestibular examination, and video head impulse testing.

Results: The psoriasis group showed significantly higher average hearing thresholds in both ears at all frequencies. Otoacoustic measurements differed significantly at 3000 Hz in the right (P = 0.026) and left ear (P = 0.034). The average dizziness handicap score was considerably higher in the psoriasis group, with a mean difference of 7.70 (P = 0.025). The number of patients with abnormal right anterior semicircular canal gain values was significantly higher in the psoriasis group (P = 0.047). Saccade analysis in the psoriasis group showed significantly higher number of patients with covert corrective saccades of the left posterior canal (P = 0.037) and significantly higher number of patients with abnormal interaural difference of corrective saccades in the plane of the right anterior-left posterior canals (P = 0.035).

Conclusions: The study demonstrates an association between psoriasis and audiovestibular impairment, which can affect quality of life. These results suggest that patients with psoriasis may be evaluated with audiometry for possible hearing loss. Vestibular testing may be pursued as clinically indicated.

Hagai Landov MD, Sharon Baum MD, Raneen Mansour MD, Boaz Liberman MD, Aviv Barzilai MSc MD, Joseph Alcalay MD FACM

Background: Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DFSP) is a rare, locally aggressive, soft-tissue sarcoma. The treatment is surgical and includes wide local excision (WLE) or Mohs micrographic Surgery (MMS). There is no consensus regarding the preferred type of surgery.

Objectives: To compare the outcomes of the two types of surgery (WLE and MMS).

Methods: This retrospective cohort study was based on the medical records of 59 patients with DFSP treated at Sheba Medical Center (using the WLE method) or Assuta Medical Center (using the MMS method) between 1995 and 2018. The data included demographics, clinical presentations, imaging, types of wound closures, pathological margin status, surgical defect sizes, recurrences, and follow-up.

Results: Of the 59 included patients, 18 (30.5%) underwent WLE and 41 (69.5%) underwent MMS. The mean age at diagnosis was 40.1 ± 14.4 years. The male-to-female ratio was 1.5:1. The main tumor location was the trunk (50% for WLE and 41.5% for MMS). The main type of closure for both procedures was primary closure. In 72.2% of WLE and 78.8% of MMS cases, the margins were free. The difference between the final surgical defect and the original tumor size was statistically significantly smaller in patients who underwent MMS. The median duration of follow-up was 6.6 years. There was no significant difference in the rate of recurrence.

Conclusions: MMS enables better tissue preservation and results in a minor surgical defect compared to WLE, with no difference in tumor recurrence between the two methods.

Nadav Shemesh MD MHA, Nadav Levinger MD, Shmuel Levinger MD, Ami Hirsch MD, Asaf Achiron MD, Eliya Levinger MD

Background: One of the major causes of reversible visual impairment is a refractive error, which can be corrected through refractive surgery. Data regarding the outcomes and complications of these procedures exist; however, there is a notable gap in understanding the factors leading to patient rejection, particularly in diverse populations like Israel.

Objectives: To detect clinical risk factors of patients who intend to undergo LASIK procedure and to improve the conversion rates of LASIK procedure in this population.

Methods: The study included a retrospective analysis of patients who were rejected from having refractive surgery in two Enaim Refractive Surgery Centers: Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. Comparisons between centers were conducted using the t-test for continuous variables and Fisher's exact test for categorical data.

Results: Our study included 337 patients who were rejected from having refractive surgery, including 152 (45.1%) who were rejected permanently and 185 (54.9%) rejected temporarily. The most common reasons for permanent rejection were corneal irregularity (n=81, 53.3%), keratoconus (n=27, 17.8%), thin corneas (n=13, 8.6%), and amblyopia (n=10, 6.6%). The most common temporary reasons were unstable refraction (n=96, 51.9%), prolonged use of contact lenses (n=54, 29.2%), and corneal irregularity (n=16, 8.6%).

Conclusions: The leading permanent cause of rejection for refractive surgery was a corneal irregularity, whereas the primary temporary cause was unstable refraction. In a time of rapid technological advancements and growing demand for freedom from glasses, there is an increasing need for more informed and patient-focused refractive correction approaches.

Naim Abu-Freha MD MHA, Osama Alamour MD, Sarah Weissmann BA, Simon Esbit BS, Bracha Cohen MD, Michal Gordon PhD, Omar Abu-Freha MD, Sabri El-Saied MD, Zaid Afawi MD

Background: The lifestyle of the Arab population in Israel has changed in the last few decades, and modernization and urbanization have impacted the prevalence of chronic diseases.

Objectives: To investigate the prevalence of chronic diseases in the Arab population compared to the Jewish population in Israel.

Methods: This retrospective study included Arab and Jewish people insured by Israel’s largest health maintenance organization. Demographic data and data regarding chronic diseases were collected. Crude prevalence and age group adjusted prevalence were calculated.

Results: In total, 863,116 Arab and 3,674,863 Jewish people were included in the analysis. We found that 18.3% of the Arab population had a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus and 28.8% had obesity compared to 17.5% and 22.5% in the Jewish population, P < 0.001, respectively. The prevalence of chronic heart failure, chronic ischemic heart disease, cerebrovascular accidents, hypertension, and myocardial infarction among Arabs was higher in all age groups compared to Jewish patients. Arab males had higher frequency rates of obesity and hemodialysis treatment compared to Jewish males. The proportion of women with diabetes mellitus, hemodialysis treatment, iron deficiency anemia, or obesity was greater among Arab females.

Conclusions: Significant differences were found in the prevalence of chronic diseases among Arab and Jewish patients in Israel. Culturally relevant interventions are crucial for disease prevention, early diagnosis, and management of chronic diseases among different ethnic groups.

Lital Oz-Alcalay MD, Gil Klinger MD, Nir Sokolover MD, Paul Merlob MD, Tommy Scheinfeld MD

Esophageal lung is a rare congenital malformation. We present a case of a full-term infant with an esophageal lung presenting as a white lung combined with VACTERL association (vertebral defects, anal atresia, cardiac defects, tracheo-esophageal fistula, renal anomalies, and limb abnormalities) and dysmorphic features. A right pneumonectomy was successfully performed.

Mordechai Matan Machloof MD, Amos Cahan MD, Yonatan Edel MD, Chiya Leibovitch MD, Sharon Ovnat Tamir MD, Daniel Grupel MD, Kosta Y. Mumcuoglu PhD

Leeches belong to the class Hirudinea of the phylum Annelida. There are approximately 650 known species of leeches, some terrestrial, some marine, and most freshwater. Although some are predators, most leeches are hematophagous, and all are hermaphrodites [1].

The leeches Limnatis nilotica, Praeodella guineensis, Myxobdella africana, Dinobdella ferox, and Hirudo troctina occasionally invade human orifices such as the eyes, nasopharyngeal region, urethra, vagina, and rectum. They cause mucosal, orificial, vesical, or internal hirudiniasis depending on the location of the leech [1]. Infection usually occurs by drinking contaminated water or bathing in stagnant streams, pools, or springs. While most blood-feeding leeches feed as ectoparasites for short periods of time, those that feed on mucous membranes have been known to remain in an orifice for days or weeks. Hematuria, hemoptysis, hematemesis, epistaxis and rectal bleeding, dysphonia, cough, tickling, and dyspnea may occur [1].

We report the case of a male patient who entered freshwater pools in Israel and was infected with L. nilotica.

Maamoun Basheer MD PhD, Nimer Assy MD

Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (TC) is a temporary and reversible hypokinesia of the left ventricle's apical area of the heart mediating systolic abnormality. This phenomenon resembles myocardial infarction but without coronary artery disease (CAD) [1]. The prevalence is 1.0–2.5% annually. Most of the patients with TC are postmenopausal women [2]. Over-stimulation of the sympathetic system, microvascular and myocardial tissue metabolism abnormality, and coronary artery vasospasm are linked to TC [2]. The criterion of the diagnosis consists of temporary hypokinesis or akinesis in left ventricle segments with or without apical involvement, electrocardiogram (ST-segment elevation and/or T-wave inversion), or significant elevation of serum cardiac troponins and non-existence of pheochromocytoma or myocarditis [3]. The pathognomonic finding of TC during echocardiography is apical ballooning involving the left ventricle. This unique morphology was reported to present in 75% of patients [2,3]. In 25% of patients. The morphology was reported to follow a mid-ventricular ballooning pattern due to mid-LV akinesis with no disturbance of apical and basal contraction [2,3].

Shai Fein MD, Nir Manoim MD, Andrey Khinchuk MD, Roussana Aranbitski MD, Guy Raveh MD, Sigal Aizner MD, Eviatar Nesher MD, Karam Azem MD

Liver transplantation (LT) remains the only definitive treatment for most types of liver failure. However, it is considered a highly technically complex surgery performed in a critically ill patient population and is, hence, associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Peroneal neuropathy with foot drop has been intermittently reported as a complication following LT, with an incidence ranging from 1.4% to 13.3% [1-4]. This debilitating condition is characterized by an inability to lift the forefoot due to paralysis or significant weakness of the dorsiflexor muscles. While it may not appear to be a serious complication, it can significantly impair gait, increase the risk of falls, and ultimately affect ambulation and the ability to perform daily activities [5].

In this case communication, we described two cases of foot drop following LT at Rabin Medical Center (Beilinson Campus), Petah Tikva, Israel. Our research joins a growing body of evidence and raises awareness about foot drop as an underreported yet debilitating complication. It underscores the importance of increased vigilance and describes our preventive measures adopted to reduce future incidents.

Joseph Alcalay MD FACMS

Almost three-quarters of a century ago an American surgeon named Frederick Edward Mohs, had the idea of excising skin cancers and examining the margins before the closure of the surgical wound. In this manner he thought the patient would get better treatment with the best cosmetic result.

Mohs micrographic surgery (MMS) in its present format has been used as a surgical method for treating skin cancers for the last 70 years. The method became popular with American dermatologists 54 years ago when the original Mohs technique was modified into its fresh tissue modality [2] and in the rest of the Western world and Israel more than 35 years ago. Variations of MMS started to appear and indications for surgery also expanded. At the beginning, MMS was indicated mainly for basal and squamous cell carcinomas–nonmelanoma skin cancers (NMSC). Knowledge has been collected and today the method is applicable for a variety of other skin cancers such as melanoma in situ, microcystic adnexal carcinoma, dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DFSP), and other adnexal and spindle cell tumors. In this issue of the Israel Medical Association Journal (IMAJ), Landov and colleagues [3] showed the value of MMS for the treatment of DFSP.

Lee Wilk BSc, Yaron Niv MD FACG AGAF

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a major health concern, ranking as the third most common cancer in the United States. Screening programs, especially colonoscopy, play a crucial role in preventing CRC by removing and detecting polyps or early-stage cancers. Despite inherent risks, colonoscopy's effectiveness in saving lives is significant. In this review, we analyzed the outcomes of screening colonoscopies in an asymptomatic population for 15 years, focusing on detection rates and complications. We compared the data with previous meta-analyzes to evaluate changes in efficacy and safety. We conducted a systematic search of medical literature databases (1 January 2012 to 31 December 2023) for English-language studies on CRC screening colonoscopy. Our inclusion criteria comprised complete articles with over 500 participants with extractable data and a focus on screening colonoscopy outcomes in average-risk populations. In total, 2,897,025 people were screened, most (99.6%) were asymptomatic and were an average-risk population. Colonoscopy was complete and reached the cecum in 97–99% of the procedures. CRC was found in 0.5% (95% confidence interval [95%CI] 0.4–0.7%) of the participants. Advanced adenoma was found in 7.6% (95%CI 6.2–9.3%) of the cases. Complications were rare. Perforation developed in 0.022% of the cases and bleeding in 0.148%. Our findings exhibited a significant increase in the detection yield of adenomas and advanced adenomas with low complication rates, which shows that colonoscopy is feasible and suitable for screening for CRC in asymptomatic people.

Avishay Elis MD, Ela Giladi MD

Despite the application of recommended guideline-driven therapies and optimal medical interventions, individuals with established cardiovascular disease remain susceptible to additional cardiovascular incidents, a phenomenon referred to as residual risk. Analyses of clinical trial data reveal significant residual cardiovascular risk in all treated patients, even in the setting of optimal LDL-C reduction, thus enforcing the need to revise the algorithms beyond focusing on LDL-C levels. We present a case that highlights the problem of residual risk upon well controlled LDL-C levels and provide insights for additional measures for residual risk reduction.

Moti Ravid MD FACP, Zvi Ackerman MD, Samuel N. Heyman MD, George M. Weisz MD FRACS BA MA

Letter 1: "Not type 2" by Moti Ravid 

Letter 2: "Hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, and acute kidney injury: clues for the diagnosis of uroperitoneum in patients with new-onset ascites" by Zvi Ackerman and Samuel N. Heyman, 

Letter 3: "Surgery in Mauthausen Concentration Camp" by George M. Weisz

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