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Fri, 14.02.25

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September 2018
Anna Kaplinsky MD, Vera Pyatigorskaya MA, Hila Granot BA, Ilana Gelernter MA, Maoz Ben-Ayun PhD, Dror Alezra PhD, Shira L. Galper MD, Zvi Symon MD and Merav A. Ben-David MD

Background: Adjuvant radiotherapy for breast cancer reduces local recurrence and improves survival. In patients with left sided breast cancer, anterior heart position or medial tumor location may cause inadequate breast coverage due to heart shielding. Respiration gating using the Real-time Position Management (RPM) system enables pushing the heart away from the tangential fields during inspiration, thus optimizing the treatment plan.

Objectives: To compare breathing inspiration gating (IG) techniques with free breathing (FB), focusing on breast coverage.

Methods: The study comprised 49 consecutive patients with left sided breast cancer who underwent lumpectomy and adjuvant radiation. RPM was chosen due to insufficient breast coverage caused by an anterior heart position or medial lumpectomy cavity. FB and IG computed tomography simulations were generated for each patient. Breast (PTVbreast) and lumpectomy cavity (CTVlump) were defined as the target areas. Optimized treatment plans were created for each scan. A dosimetric comparison was made for breast coverage and heart and lungs doses.

Results: PTVbreast V95% and mean dose (Dmean) were higher with IG vs. FB (82.36% vs. 78.88%, P = 0.002; 95.73% vs. 93.63%, P < 0.001, respectively). CTVlump V95% and Dmean were higher with IG (98.87% vs. 88.92%, P = 0.001; 99.14% vs. 96.73%, P = 0.003, respectively). The cardiac dose was lower with IG. The IG left lung Dmean was higher. No statistical difference was found for left lung V20.

Conclusions: In patients with suboptimal treatment plans due to anterior heart position or medial lumpectomy cavity, RPM IG enabled better breast/tumor bed coverage and reduced cardiac doses.

July 2018
Viacheslav Soyfer MD, Benjamin W. Corn MD, Yaron Meir BS, Diana Matceyevsky MD, Nir Honig BS and Natan Shtraus MSc

Background: Family physicians and internal medicine specialists play an essential role in treating cancer patients. Modern technological advances in radiotherapy are not widely appreciated by primary care physicians. Bone metastases are a frequent complication of cancer. Palliative radiation therapy, as a component of modern advances in radiation treatments, should not subject normal bodily structures to excessive doses of irradiation. The sacrum is a common destination site for bone metastases, yet its concave shape along with its proximity to the rectum, intestines, and femoral heads creates treatment-planning challenges.

Objectives: To investigated whether the volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) technique is preferable to more conventional radiation strategies.

Methods: The study comprised 22 patients with sacral metastases who were consecutively treated between 2013 and 2014. Two plans were generated for the comparison: three-dimensional (3D) and VMAT.

Results: The planning target volume (PTV) coverage of the sacrum was identical in VMAT and 3D planning. The median values for the rectal dose for 3D and VMAT were 11.34 ± 5.14 Gy and 7.7 ± 2.76 Gy, respectively. Distal sacral involvement (S4 and S5) was observed in only 2 of 22 cases, while the upper pole of the rectum ended at the level above S3 in just 3 cases.

Conclusions: Radiation therapy continues to be an integral component of the palliative armamentarium against painful metastases. Radiation oncologist, in conjunction with referral physicians, can tailor treatment plans to reflect the needs of a given patient.

July 2015
Fadi Atrash MD, Orit Kaidar-Person MD and Salem Billan MD

Background: Anal cancer is a relatively uncommon disease, accounting for only 4% of cancers of the lower gastrointestinal tract. 

Objectives: To summarize the single-center experience in the treatment of anal carcinoma using various radiation techniques.

Methods: We conducted a retrospective chart review of consecutive patients who were treated for anal cancer between the years 2002 and 2011. The data extracted included demographics, type of radiation technique, treatment-associated acute toxicity, and patterns of failure and survival. For statistical analysis purposes, the patients were divided into two groups according to radiotherapy technique: 2D (group A) and 3D (group B).

Results: A total of 42 patients – 25 (59.5%) females and 17 males (40.5%) – underwent definitive chemo-radiation treatment (CRT) for anal cancer. Group A comprised 26 patients and group B 14 patients. Toxicity did not differ significantly between the groups, only in grade 1-2 skin toxicity which was more common in group B. There were significant differences in the unplanned interruptions in treatment, in both the number of patients who needed a treatment break and the number of days needed (more in group A). There were no differences in treatment response and patterns of failure between these two techniques, or in overall survival between the two groups. 

Conclusions: Our study results are consistent with reported large randomized trials, indicating that current treatments for anal carcinomas are associated with high grade acute toxicity that may result in significant treatment interruptions. The 2D technique was associated with significantly more treatment interruptions, but did not differ from 3D with regard to treatment efficacy. 


May 2013
S. Billan, O. Kaidar-Person, F. Atrash, I. Doweck, N. Haim, A. Kuten and O. Ronen
 Background: The role of induction chemotherapy in advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (SCCHN) is under constant debate. Surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and targeted therapies are part of the treatment strategy in these patients, but their sequence remains to be defined.

Objectives: To evaluate the feasibility of induction chemotherapy with docetaxel-cisplatin-5-flurouracil (TPF) followed by external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) with concomitant chemotherapy (CRT) or cetuximab (ERT) in the treatment of patients with advanced SCCHN.

Methods: We reviewed the data of all patients with advanced SCCHN, stage III and IV, treated in 2007–2010. Tolerability was assessed and scored according to the proportion of patients completing the planned study protocol. Toxicity was scored using the U.S. National Cancer Institute Common Toxicity Criteria (version 4) for classification of adverse events.

Results: The study included 53 patients. TPF was initiated at a reduced dose in 13 patients (25%). Twenty-two patients (41.5%) received primary prophylaxis with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (GCSF) and 42 (77%) completed treatment according to schedule. During the induction phase one patient (2%) died and 24 (45%) had one or more grade 3-4 complications. The number of patients who developed neutropenia was lower in the group that received primary GCSF prophylaxis. Secondary dose reductions were required in 21% of the patients.

Conclusions: Induction TPF was associated with grade 3-4 toxicity. Prophylaxis with GCSF should be part of the treatment regimen.


January 2013
M. Weyl Ben-Arush, A. Ben Barak, R. Bar-Deroma, S. Ash, G. Goldstein, H. Golan, H. Houri, D. Waldman, N. Nevo, R. Bar Shalom, A. Berniger, A. Nevelsky, A. Toren, I. Yaniv and A. Kuten
 Background: Palliative treatment of refractory neuroblastoma remains a significant clinical problem.

Objectives: To retrospectively determine the clinical response to 131I-MIBG therapy at low doses in patients with refractory neuroblastoma.

Methods: We performed a retrospective chart review of 10 patients with neuroblastoma treated with 131I-MIBG at Rambam Health Care Campus from 1994 to 2012. Clinical data, number of 131I-MIBG courses delivered, toxicities, and clinical responses were reviewed. MIBG scan was performed after each course.

Results: Twenty-one courses of 131I-MIBG were delivered to 10 patients (3 girls, 7 boys). Their mean age was 3.8 years (range 1.5–6 years). All patients received several protocols of chemotherapy including the high dose form. Three patients received three courses of 131I-MIBG with a minimum of 6 weeks between each course, five patients received two courses, and two patients received only one course. An objective response to the first course was obtained in nine patients and to the second course in six of eight, and in three children who underwent the third course the pain decreased. One patient has no evidence of disease, four are alive with disease, and five died of the disease. No unanticipated toxicities were observed.

Conclusions: Low dose 131I-MIBG is an effective and relatively non-toxic treatment in neuroblastoma disease palliation. Rapid and reproducible pain relief with 131I-MIBG was obtained in most of the children. Treatment with systemic radiotherapy in the form of low dose 131I-MIBG was easy to perform and effective in cases of disseminated neuroblastoma, demonstrating that this primary therapy can be used for palliative purposes.

September 2012
D. Hershko, R. Abdah-Bortnyak, A. Nevelsky, E. Gez, ,G. Fried, and A. Kuten

Background: Local recurrences after breast-conserving surgery occur mostly at the site of the primary carcinoma. The main objective of postoperative radiotherapy is sterilization of residual cancer cells. Whole-breast radiotherapy is the standard of care, but its utility has recently been challenged in favor of radiotherapy limited to the area at highest risk of recurrence. Intraoperative electron radiotherapy (IOeRT) is an innovative technique for accelerated partial breast irradiation (APBI) that is applied to selected patients affected by early breast cancer.

Objectives:  To describe our experience with IOeRT at the Rambam Health Care Campus in Haifa since we began utilizing this modality in 2006.

Methods: From April 2006 to September 2010, 31 patients affected by unifocal invasive duct breast carcinoma ≤ 2 cm diameter received wide local resection followed by intraoperative radiotherapy with electrons. Patients were evaluated for early and late complications, and other events, 1 month after surgery and every 3 months thereafter for the duration of the first 2 years.

Results: After a mean follow-up of 36 months, seven patients developed mild breast fibrosis and three suffered from mild postoperative infection. Rib fractures were observed in four patients before routine lead shielding was initiated. Additional whole-breast irradiation was given to four patients. None of the patients developed local recurrences or other ipsilateral cancers. Similarly, no contralateral cancers or distant metastases were observed.

Conclusions: Intraoperative electron radiotherapy may be an alternative to external beam radiation therapy in an appropriate selected group of early-stage breast cancer patients. However, long-term results of clinical trials are required to better evaluate the indications and utility of this technique in the management of breast cancer.

April 2012
September 2009
October 2006
J-N. Zhou, D-Z. Wang, X-E. Huang, F-P Xu, J-Q. Shang and R-M. Gu
 Background: The combination of high dose preoperative radiotherapy and transanal abdominal transanal with radical proctosigmoidectomy and colo-anal anastomosis as a sphincter-preserving method has never been performed in mainland China.

Objectives: To assess the feasibility and efficacy of high dose preoperative radiotherapy and TATA[1] as a sphincter-preserving method in Jiangsu, an economically well-developed region of China with a population of 70 million people.

Methods: From September 1994 to September 2000, 25 consecutive patients with pathologically confirmed distal rectal adenocarcinoma were treated preoperatively with a total dose of 45–46 Gy at 1.8–2.0 Gy per fraction during 5 weeks. Sphincter-preserving surgery by TATA was performed 4–6 weeks after radiotherapy. 

Results: Acute toxicity of preoperative radiotherapy was tolerable. Eight percent of the patients presented pathologic complete tumor response after preoperative radiotherapy. All patients underwent TATA as scheduled. During a median follow-up of 70 months, the 5 year survival rate was 88%. The 5 year survival rate for those tumors down-staged to pathological T0 or to pT1 was 100%.

Conclusions: High dose preoperative radiotherapy and TATA as a sphincter-preserving method was feasible and efficient in Chinese patients with distal rectal cancer. In this study, the subset of patients with a good response to radiotherapy had a better clinical outcome.


[1] TATA = transanal abdominal transanal

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