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Fri, 07.02.25

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January 2025
Yigal Helviz MD, Frederic S. Zimmerman MD, Daniel Belman MD, Yaara Giladi MD, Imran Ramlawi MD, David Shimony MD, Meira Yisraeli Salman MD, Nir Weigert MD, Mohammad Jaber MD, Shai Balag MD, Yaniv Hen MD, Raed Jebrin MD, Daniel Fink MD, Eli Ben Chetrit MD, Michal Shitrit, Ramzi Kurd MD, Phillip D. Levin MD

Background: Prognostication is complex in patients critically ill with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

Objectives: To describe the natural history of ventilated critical COVID-19 patients.

Methods: Due to our legal milieu, active withdrawal of care is not permitted, providing an opportunity to examine the natural history of ventilated critical COVID-19 patients. This retrospective cohort included COVID-19 ICU patients who required mechanical ventilation. Respiratory and laboratory parameters were followed from initiation of mechanical ventilation for 14 days or until extubation, death or tracheostomy.

Results: A total of 112 patients were included in the analysis. Surviving patients were younger than non-survivors (62 years [range 54–69] vs. 66 years [range 62–71], P = 0.01). Survivors had a shorter time to intubation, shorter ventilation duration, and longer hospital stay. Respiratory parameters at intubation were not predictive of mortality. Nevertheless, on ventilation day 10, many of the ventilatory parameters were significantly better in survivors. Regarding laboratory parameters, neutrophil counts were significantly higher in non-survivors on day 1 and C-reactive protein levels were significantly lower in survivors on day 10. Modeling using a generalized estimating equation showed small dynamic differences in ventilatory parameters predictive of survival.

Conclusions: In ventilated COVID-19 patients when there is no active care withdrawal, prognostication may be possible after a week; however, differences between survivors and non-survivors remain small.

December 2021
Yuval Avda MD, Jonathan Modai MD, Igal Shpunt MD, Michael Dinerman MD, Yaniv Shilo MD, Roy Croock MD, Morad Jaber MD, Uri Lindner MD, and Dan Leibovici MD

Background: Patients with high-risk prostate cancer are at higher risk of treatment failure, development of metastatic disease, and mortality. There is no consensus on the treatment of choice for these patients, and either radical prostatectomy (RP) or external beam radiation therapy (EBRT) is recommended. Surgery is less common as the initial treatment for high-risk patients, possibly reflecting the concerns regarding morbidity as well as oncological and functional outcomes. Another high-risk group includes patients with failure of previous EBRT or focal treatment. For these patients, salvage radical prostatectomy (SRP) can be offered.

Objectives: To describe our experience with surgery of high-risk patients and SRP.

Methods: This cohort included all high-risk patients undergoing RP or SRP at our institution between January 2012 and December 2019. We reviewed the electronic medical charts and collected pathological, functional, and oncological outcomes.

Results: Our cohort included 39 patients; average age was 67.8 years, and average follow-up duration was 40.9 months. The most common postoperative morbidity was transfusion of packed cells. There were no life-threatening events or postoperative mortality. Continence was preserved (zero to one pad) in 76% of the patients. Twenty-three patients (59%) had undetectable prostate specific antigen levels following the surgery, 11 (30%) were treated with either adjuvant or salvage EBRT, and 12 patients (31%) were found with no evidence of disease and no additional treatment was needed.

Conclusions: Radical prostatectomy and SRP are safe options for patients presenting with high-risk prostate cancer, with good functional and oncological outcomes.

October 2018
Igal Shpunt MD, Dan Leibovici MD, Sergey Ikher MD, Alexey Kovalyonok MD, Yuval Avda MD, Morad Jaber MD, Abraham Bercovich MD and Uri Lindner MD

Background: Almost 50% of patients with germ-cell tumors (GCT) are subfertile, and every step of the treatment may further impair fertility. As a result, sperm banking is often advised prior to radical orchiectomy. However, whether affected testes contribute to fertility is unclear.

Objectives: To determine whether maximal tumor diameter (MTD) is correlated with ipsilateral fertility (IF) in patients treated for GCT.

Methods: We reviewed medical charts for demographic and clinical data of patients with GCT who had undergone orchiectomy at our institution between 1999 and 2015. The extent of spermatogenesis was categorized into three groups: full spermatogenesis, hypospermatogenesis, and absence of spermatogenesis. The presence of mature spermatozoa in the epididymis tail was also assessed. We defined IF as the combination of full spermatogenesis in more than 100 tubules and the presence of mature spermatozoa in the epididymis tail. Mann–Whitney was applied to determine the correlation between MTD and IF.

Results: Of 57 patients, IF was present in 28 (49%). Mean patient age was 32.8 years in patients with positive IF and 33.4 years those with negative IF. Seminoma was diagnosed in 46.4% of patients with positive IF and in 65.5% of patients with negative IF. Full spermatogenesis was observed in 33 patients (57.8%). In 48 (82.7%), mature epididymal spermatozoa were found. No correlation was found between MTD and IF.

Conclusions: IF is present in almost half of the patients undergoing radical orchiectomy. Because IF cannot be predicted by MTD, routine pre-orchiectomy sperm banking is suggested.


January 2018
Jaber Mustafa MD, Ilan Asher MD and Zev Sthoeger MD

Upper extremity deep vein thrombosis (UEDVT) is defined as thrombosis of the deep venous system (subclavian, axillary, brachial, ulnar, and radial veins), which drains the upper extremities. It can be caused by thoracic outlet anatomic obstruction, such as Paget–Schroetter syndrome, (primary) or by central intravenous catheters (secondary). UEDVT may be asymptomatic or present with acute severe pain and arm swelling. Clinical suspicion should be confirmed by diagnostic imaging procedures such as duplex ultrasound, computed tomography scan, or magnetic resonance imaging. UEDVT is managed by anticoagulant treatment. In addition to that, early thrombolysis aimed at preventing post-deep vein thrombosis syndrome and thoracic outlet decompression surgery should be given to patients with primary UEDVT. Anticoagulation without thrombolysis is the treatment of choice for patients with catheter-related thrombosis. Mandatory functioning catheters can remain in place with anticoagulant treatment. All other catheters should be immediately removed. The management of patients with UEDVT requires an experience multidisciplinary team comprised of internists, radiologists, hematologists, and vascular surgeons. Understanding the risk factors for the development of UEDVT, the diagnostic procedures, and the treatment modalities will improve the outcome of those patients.

November 2016
Jaber R. Jawdat MD, Stanislav Kocherov MD and Boris Chertin MD

Background: Laparoscopy has gradually become the gold standard for the treatment of non-palpable testicles (NPT), with different success and complication rates. 

Objectives: To evaluate outcomes of the one-stage laparoscopic orchiopexy for NPT in our department.

Methods: We retrospectively evaluated the medical files of patients who underwent laparoscopic orchidopexy with the identical technique. Only patients with at least one year follow-up were included. At follow-up we assessed the age (at surgery), follow-up time, laterality of testes, postoperative complications, testicular size and testicular localization. 

Results: Thirty-six consecutive patients, median age 16 months, underwent one-stage laparoscopic orchiopexy. Sixteen patients (44.4%) had peeping testis type, in 13 patients (36.1%) the testicle was located within 2 cm from the internal ring and in the remaining 7 patients (19.4%) it was detected > 2 cm from the internal ring. In six children (16.7%) dividing the spermatic vessels was performed in one stage with laparoscopic orchiopexy. In the remaining 30 patients (83.7%) a laparoscopic one-stage procedure was performed with preservation of the spermatic vessels. Testicular atrophy was observed in 2 cases (5.6%), and 6 patients (16%) had a relatively small testicle compared to the contralateral normal testicle at follow-up. Two patients (5.6%) presented with testicle positioning at the entrance area into the scrotum. None of the patients demonstrated hernia recurrence at follow-up. There was no difference in surgical outcome in children who had surgery with preservation of the spermatic vessels versus those who underwent orchiopexy with division of the spermatic vessels in one stage. 

Conclusions: Laparoscopic transection of the testicular vessels appeared to be safe in boys with high abdominal testes that did not reach the scrotum after laparoscopic high retroperitoneal dissection. 


August 2015
Lutfi Jaber MD, Dafna Kirsh MD, Gary Diamond MD FAAP and Avinoam Shuper MD

Background: Childhood attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a chronic health problem with significant risk for long-term morbidity in adulthood.

Objectives: We examined long-term outcomes of ADHD in a population-based sample of childhood ADHD cases prospectively assessed as adults.

Methods: Long-term outcomes for 70 adults who were diagnosed with ADHD during childhood were examined and compared with data on the general population.

Results: Most subjects admitted to persistence of ADHD-related symptoms in adulthood, despite discontinuation of regular medical treatment and follow-up. Areas most severely affected by past and ongoing symptoms included driving performance and incidence of motor vehicle accidents, and rates of marriage stability over time. Relatively unaffected were occupational and academic achievements and military service. 

Conclusions: There is a need for outreach and better services for adults who were previously diagnosed with ADHD. 


May 2008
C. Milgrom, V. Novack, Y. Weil, S. Jaber, D. R. Radeva-Petrova, and A. Finestone

Background: Idiopathic frozen shoulder is a self-limiting regional skeletal problem of unknown etiology. Clinically, patients first experience a phase of pain, progressing to a freezing stage when glenohumeral motion is lost, followed by a thawing phase when pain gradually subsides and most of the lost motion returns.

Objectives: To identify possible specific and non-specific risk factors for idiopathic frozen shoulder.

Methods: We compared the medical histories, drug treatment, previous hospital as well as health management organization blood tests of 126 new consecutive frozen shoulder patients from a shoulder clinic to those of an age-matched control group of 98 consecutive patients from an orthopedic foot and ankle clinic and to the regional population disease prevalence registry. Frozen shoulder was classified as idiopathic only if there was no history of trauma and no evidence of a rotator cuff tear.

Results: Among the frozen shoulder patients 29.4% had diabetes and 13.5% had thyroid disorders. The risk ratio for diabetes in the frozen shoulder group was 5.9 for males (95% confidence interval 4.1–8.4, P < 0.001) and 5.0 for females (95% CI[1] 3.3–7.5, P < 0.001). The risk ratio for thyroid disorders among females with frozen shoulder was 7.3 (95% CI 4.8–11.1, P = 0.001). No significant difference was found in the prevalence of thyroid disorders between frozen shoulder and the control group, but there was a significantly higher prevalence of diabetes in males and a trend for higher prevalence in females in the frozen shoulder group.

Conclusions: Physicians should be aware that diabetes is a specific risk factor for idiopathic frozen shoulder in both males and females and thyroid disorders are a non-specific risk factor in females only.  

[1] CI = confidence interval

July 2004
J. Tarabeia, Y. Amitai, M. Green, G.J. Halpern, S. Blau, A. Ifrah, N. Rotem and L. Jaber

Background: The infant mortality rate is a health status indicator.

Objectives: To analyze the differences in infant mortality rates between Jews and Arabs in Israel between 1975 and 2000.

Methods: Data were used from the Central Bureau of Statistics and the Department of Mother, Child and Adolescent Health in the Ministry of Health.

Results: The IMR[1] in 2000 was 8.6 per 1,000 live births in the Israeli Arab population as compared to 4.0 in the Jewish population. Between 1970 and 2000 the IMR decreased by 78% among Moslems, 82% among Druze, and 88% among Christians, as compared to 79% in the Jewish population. In 2000, in the Arab population, 40% of all infant deaths were caused by congenital malformations and 29% by prematurity, compared to 23% and 53%, respectively, in the Jewish population. Between 1970 and 2000 the rate of congenital malformations declined in both the Arab and Jewish populations. In the 1970s the rate was 1.4 times higher in the Arab community than in the Jewish community, and in 2000 it was 3.7 times higher.

Conclusion: As in the Jewish population, the IMR in the Arab community has decreased over the years, although it is still much higher than that in the Jewish community. Much remains to be done to reduce the incidence of congenital malformations among Arabs, since this is the main cause of the high IMR in this population.

[1] IMR = infant mortality rate

May 2000
Lutfi Jaber MD, Tzipora Dolfin MD, Tamy Shohat MD, Gabrielle J. Halpern MB ChB, Orit Reish MD and Moshe Fejgin MD.

Background: A high rate of consanguineous marriages exists within the Israeli Arab community, with approximately half occurring between first cousins. This contributes towards a high incidence of congenital malformations and autosomal recessive diseases, many of which are detectable at prenatal diagnosis.

Objectives: To assess the levels of both awareness and acceptance regarding prenatal diagnosis and termination of pregnancy among a group of Arab women in order to devise the optimal means of providing genetic counseling and general health services.

Methods: A total of 231 Arab women of childbearing age were interviewed 3 days postpartum to assess their knowledge of prenatal diagnosis and termination of pregnancy, their willingness to undergo prenatal diagnosis, and their opinions on termination of pregnancy in the event of a severely affected fetus.

Results: Half the women believed that prenatal testing is not an effective (or accurate) tool for diagnosing an affected fetus. A quarter had poor knowledge on prenatal diagnosis, and a quarter believed that prenatal diagnosis does provide the correct diagnosis. Ninety-five percent said they would agree to undergo prenatal diagnosis; and in the event of a severely affected fetus, 36% said they would agree to a termination of pregnancy, 57% said they would not, and 7% were undecided.

Conclusions: There is a need for special intervention programs, with guidance by health professionals, geneticists and religious authorities, that will inform this population on the increased risk associated with consanguinity, stress the importance and effectiveness of prenatal testing to identify severe congenital malformations, and help them to accept prenatal diagnosis and termination of pregnancy if indicated.

February 2000
Lutfi Jaber MD, Bella Eisenstein MD and Mordechai Shohat MD

Background: Hypertension is one of the most prevalent vascular diseases in the adult population. It is an important determinant of atherosclerosis in adolescents and young adults. There is to date no information on blood pressure in children of the Israeli Arab population.

Objectives: To study blood pressure in Israeli Arab children and adolescents.

Methods: Blood pressure measurements were taken in the supine position in 4,488 Israeli Arab children and adolescents of both sexes aged 6–17 years. Height and weight were also determined. Correlation was investigated between systolic and diastolic blood pressure, body mass index, gender, and age.

Results: The systolic and diastolic blood pressures were similar in both sexes for all age groups up to 14 years of age. Systolic blood pressure was significantly (P<0.001) higher in males aged 15–17 years  (120±13 vs. 111±12 mmHg, 123±13 vs. 113±14.0 mmHg, and 123±18 vs. 111±14 mmHg, respectively). Diastolic blood pressure was higher in males aged 15–17, with a statistically significant difference for age 17 only (75±12 vs. 69±13 mmHg). Blood pressure was elevated in 322 students in the initial screening (7.17%), with a decrease to 2.18% when this group was rescreened 2 weeks later. The systolic blood pressure in our group is higher than that in Jewish Israeli children of Asian and North African origin, and in American children. It is similar to the systolic blood pressure of European children and Jewish children born in Israel. The diastolic blood pressure in our group is higher than that in all groups of Israeli Jewish children and American children of different ethnic groups.

Conclusions: Israeli Arab children and adolescents have higher blood pressure levels than their Israeli Jewish counterparts. Further studies are required to confirm this observation.

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