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September 2023
Alon Abraham MD, Beatrice Abramovich PhD, Tamar Banon MSc, Clara Weil MSc, Gabriel Chodick PhD, Nurit Birman MD, Yaara Fainmesser MD, Vivian E. Drory MD

Background: There is an unmet need for real-world data regarding laboratory results, co-morbidities, and medication use prior to the first symptoms of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Researchers must identify specific subpopulations at risk for developing ALS and understand pathogenic mechanisms preceding the clinical presentation of ALS as well as possible subclinical disease manifestations.

Objectives: To valuate the role of laboratory results, co-morbidities, and medication use prior to the first symptoms of patients with ALS in Israel so that specific subpopulations at risk for developing ALS can be identified and for possible subclinical disease manifestations. To understand pathogenic mechanisms preceding the clinical presentation of ALS.

Methods: At the ALS clinic at Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, 259 ALS patients insured by Maccabi Healthcare Services and seen between January 1998 and December 2017 were included. Comparisons of demographics, co-morbidities, medications taken, history of trauma, and laboratory tests prior to disease onset were performed between patients and 1295 matched controls.

Results: Prior to disease presentation, ALS patients had a higher frequency of hypertension and cardiovascular disease; presented more frequently with trauma and viral infections; more frequently used analgesics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, narcotics, antibiotics, and antiviral medications; and had higher creatine kinase levels.

Conclusions: ALS patients showed higher frequency of cardiovascular disease prior to diagnosis, as well as higher frequency of trauma, infections, and pain medication usage.

August 2020
April 2019
Alexander Gamus MSc, Hanna Kaufman MD and Gabriel Chodick PhD

Background: Lower extremities ulcers (LEU) are associated with considerable morbidity and mortality. With longer life expectancy, the prevalence of LEU in developed countries is assumed to grow, necessitating an increased demand for treatment by specialists. 

Objectives: To compare the effectiveness of a telemedicine video conferencing modality with the conventional face-to-face treatment of LEU. 

Methods: The study was conducted in conjunction with a two-million member healthcare organization in Israel (Maccabi Healthcare Services). Consecutive visits of patients to wound care specialists during a 12-month observation period reviewed in 2015 were valuated. A nurse-assisted setting was implemented during all treatment sessions. The same specialist supervised patients in both modalities. 

Results: A sample of 111 patients (n=55 in the telemedicine group; n=56 in the face-to-face group) with 593 visits was analyzed. No significant difference in healing of LEU (78.2% in telemedicine vs. 75.0% in face-to-face) was detected, P = 0.823. A reduced number of visits in telemedicine (4.36 ± 2.36) compared to the face-to-face care (6.32 ± 4.17) was shown, P = 0.003. Non-inferiority of telemedicine demonstrated within the Δ = 15% range limits and 80% statistical power was demonstrated. 

Conclusions: Compared to the usual face-to-face method, synchronous video conferencing-based telemedicine may be a feasible and efficient method for LEU management. 


October 2014
Yael Bar-On MD, Varda Shalev MD, Dahlia Weitzman PhD, Gabriel Chodick PhD and Howard Amital MD MHA
October 2009
Y. Senecky, D. Inbar, G. Diamond, L. Basel-Vanagaite, S. Rigler and G. Chodick

Background: Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder is a range of disabilities caused by gestational exposure to alcohol. FASD[1] is the leading cause of preventable mental retardation and developmental disability in the United States, with an incidence of 1–10 per 1000 live births. FASD in Israel has yet to be examined systematically.

Objectives: To evaluate professionals’ experience, awareness and knowledge of FASD in Israel and their awareness of maternal consumption of alcohol, and to collect epidemiological data on the syndrome in Israel.

Methods: A short questionnaire was sent to all 43 program directors of genetic institutes (n=14) and child developmental centers in Israel (n=29). Four questions related to their experience and knowledge of FASD. The epidemiological survey included data from all 17 hospitals in Israel and from the two main health management organizations within the public health care system.

Results: The response rate was 98% (n=42). A total of 38.1% of respondents reported having diagnosed at least one case of FASD and fewer than 10% of respondents stated that the knowledge regarding FASD among physicians in Israel was adequate. Developmental pediatricians were more likely to have diagnosed at least one case as compared to geneticists. During the period 1998–2007 the diagnosis of FASD appeared in the records of only 4 patients from the total number of 17 hospitals in Israel. During the same period only six patients were diagnosed at the HMO[2] within the public health care system.

Conclusions: Despite the accumulated knowledge on FASD in many countries and the increase in alcohol consumption in Israel, professionals' awareness of its potential damage is limited. Educational programs to increase physician awareness should accompany publicity campaigns warning the public of the dangers associated with alcohol consumption during pregnancy.

[1] FASD = fetal alcohol spectrum disorder

[2] HMO = health management organization

January 2009
Y. Senecky, G.Chodick, G. Diamond, D. Lobel, R. Drachman and D. Inbar

Background: Studies from many countries have reported an increasing prevalence of autistic spectrum disorder in childhood. No comprehensive epidemiological studies of ASD[1] have been performed in Israel.

Objectives: To describe time trends in the reported number of patients with ASD in Israel and to characterize the demographic features of the reported patients.

Methods: We reviewed the charts of the National Insurance Institute of Israel from 1972 to 2004 for all children with a diagnosis of ASD receiving disability benefits.

Results: A total of 3509 children met the study criteria. Eighty percent were boys and 98% were Jewish. The incidence data showed an increase in the number of cases from zero in 1982–84 and 2 (1.2 per million capita under 18 years) in 1985 to a high of 428 cases in 2004 (190 per million).

Conclusions: This is the first comprehensive study of the incidence of ASD in Israel. According to data derived from official health records, the rate of occurrence of ASD has substantially increased in the last 20 years. Further studies are needed to determine if this is a true increase or if the findings were confounded by external factors, such as recent improvements in diagnostic measures and social stigmas.

[1] ASD = autistic spectrum disorder

August 2007
G. Chodick, C.M. Ronckers, V. Shalev and E. Ron

Background: The use of computed tomography in Israel has been growing rapidly during recent decades. The major drawback of this important technology is the exposure to ionizing radiation, especially among children, who have increased organ radiosensitivity and a long lifetime to potentially develop radiation-related cancer.

Objective: To estimate the number of excess lifetime cancer deaths related to annual CT scans performed in children in Israel.

Methods: We used CT scan utilization data from 1999 to 2003 obtained from the second largest health management organization in the country to project age and gender-specific CT scan use nationwide. Based on published organ doses for common CT examinations and radiation-related cancer mortality risk estimates from studies in survivors of the atomic bomb, we estimated the excess lifetime risks for cancer mortality attributed to use of CT in children and adolescents (up to 18 years old) in Israel.

Results: We estimated that 17,686 pediatric scans were conducted annually in Israel during 1999–2003. We project that 9.5 lifetime deaths would be associated with 1 year of pediatric CT scanning. This number represents an excess of 0.29% over the total number of patients who are eventually estimated to die from cancer in their lifetime.

Conclusions: Pediatric CT scans in Israel may result in a small but not negligible increased lifetime risk for cancer mortality. Because of the uncertainty regarding radiation effects at low doses, our estimates of CT-related cancer mortality should be considered with caution. Nevertheless, physicians, CT technologists, and health authorities should work together to minimize the radiation dose for children to as low as reasonably achievable and encourage responsible use of this essential diagnostic tool.

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