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Thu, 06.02.25

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August 2009
July 2009
N. Agmon-Levin, B. Gilburd, S. Kivity, B.S. Porat Katz, I. Flitman-Katzevman, N. Shoenfeld, D. Paran, P. Langevitz and Y. Shoenfeld

Background: Anti-ribosomal-P antibodies have been associated with central nervous manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus. However, inconsistencies in their prevalence and clinical correlations have become an obstacle to their use as a diagnostic marker of the disease. This lack of consistency might stem from several factors, such as the lag period between clinical manifestations and the time blood was drawn, or the different methods used for antibodies detection.

Objectives: To evaluate three different enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay tests for the detection of anti-Rib-P Abs[1] in patients with SLE[2] and normal controls.

Methods: Sera from 50 SLE outpatients and 50 healthy subjects were tested with three ELISA[3] kits: Kit-1, which uses synthetic peptide comprising the 22 C-terminal amino-acids; Kit-2, which uses native human ribosomal proteins (P0, P1, P2); and Kit-3, which is coated with affinity-purified human ribosomal proteins. ELISA studies were performed according to the manufacturers' instructions.

Results: The prevalence of anti-Rib-P Abs in SLE patients and controls was 30% vs. 0%, 17% vs. 21%, and 30% vs. 14% in kits 1-3 respectively. Anti-Rib-P Abs detected by Kit-1 correlated with the SLEDAI score (SLE Disease Activity Index). No correlation between prior CNS[4] manifestations and anti-Rib-P Abs was observed.

Conclusions: A significant difference was documented between the ELISA kits used for the detection of anti-Rib-P Abs. A correlation was found between these antibodies (evaluated by Kit-1) and concurrent SLEDAI scores, in contrast to the lack of correlation with previous CNS manifestations. This supports the notion of "active serology" that is evaluated at the same time manifestations are present, as well as the need for standardization of laboratory assays in the future that enable a better assessment of anti-Rib-P Abs presence and clinical correlation. 


[1] anti-Rib-P Abs = anti-ribosomal-P antibodies

[2] SLE = systemic lupus erythematosus

[3] ELISA = enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay

[4] CNS = central nervous system


April 2009
S. Kivity, O.D. Ortega-Hernandez and Y. Shoenfeld
March 2009
N. Agmon-Levin, S. Kivity and Y. Shoenfeld
February 2009
N. Agmon-Levin, B. Porat Katz and Y. Shoenfeld

Primary biliary cirrhosis is an autoimmune cholestatic liver disease characterized by humoral and cellular response directed at mitochondrial autoantigens, mainly the E2 component of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex. The etiology of PBC[1], like most polygenic autoimmune diseases, belongs to the "complex" category, including genetic elements and environmental factors. Many environmental factors, such as xenobiotics, smoking, hormonal therapy, toxins, oxidative stress and recurrent urinary tract infections, are associated with PBC. Infectious agents can trigger autoimmunity via several mechanisms and are associated with various autoimmune diseases. A relationship between PBC and several infectious agents, and a possible role for Escherichia coli in the pathogenesis of PBC has been suggested. The identification of a culprit agent that induces or exacerbates PBC might have diagnostic and therapeutic implications. This review evaluates the evidence for an infectious agent role in the pathogenesis of PBC.

[1] PBC = primary biliary cirrhosis

January 2008
Y. Shoenfeld, B. Gilburd, M. Abu-Shakra, H. Amital, O. Barzilai, Y. Berkun, M. Blank, G. Zandman-Goddard, U. Katz, I. Krause, P. Langevitz, Y. Levy, H. Orbach, V. Pordeus, M. Ram, Y. Sherer, E. Toubi and Y. Tomer
Y. Shoenfeld, G. Zandman-Goddard, L. Stojanovich, M. Cutolo, H. Amital, Y. Levy, M. Abu-Shakra, O. Barzilai, Y. Berkun, M. Blank, J.F. de Carvalho, A. Doria, B. Gilburd, U. Katz, I. Krause, P. Langevitz, H. Orbach, V. Pordeus, M. Ram, E. Toubi and Y. Sherer
Y. Shoenfeld, M. Blank, M. Abu-Shakra, H. Amital, O. Barzilai, Y. Berkun, N. Bizzaro, B. Gilburd, G. Zandman-Goddard, U. Katz, I. Krause, P. Langevitz, I.R. Mackay, H. Orbach, M. Ram, Y. Sherer, E. Toubi and M.E. Gershwin
M. Blank and Y. Shoenfeld

Idiotypic analyses of anti-DNA autoantibodies were widely reported a decade ago. More than 100 studies were conducted on one of the main analyzed idiotypes, the 16/6 Id of the anti-ssDNA monoclonal antibody. In this review we summarize current knowledge on the characteristics of the 16/6 Id[1], its link to infection and its target epitopes on other molecules known so far. This includes the modulation of T and B cell responses and gene expression by the 16/6 mAb[2] in vitro and in vivo. We focus on the ability and mechanisms by which this idiotype induces experimental lupus in naïve mice, manifested by autoantibody spread, kidney and brain involvement, and leukopenia associated with enhanced sedimentation rate. We also discuss various therapeutic modalities to treat 16/6 induced lupus in mice.



[1] Id = idiotype

[2] mAb = monoclonal antibody

M. Szyper-Kravitz, A. Altman, J.F. de Carvalho, F. Bellisai, M. Galeazzi, Y. Eshet and Y. Shoenfeld

The antiphospholipid syndrome is characterized by recurrent fetal loss, venous and/or arterial thrombosis, and thrombocytopenia associated with elevated titers of lupus anticoagulant and anticardiolipin antibodies. Although thrombosis is the characteristic vascular involvement in APS[1], the development of vascular aneurysms in patients with APS has been reported. We describe four patients with established APS, who developed abdominal aortic aneurysm, and review the literature on previous published cases of arterial aneurysms developing in patients with APS. In addition, we discuss the possible pathophysiological association between APS and the development of this vascular abnormality.

[1] APS = antiphospholipid syndrome

S. Bar-Sela and Y. Shoenfeld
Two patients working for several years in the operation and maintenance of photocopy machines developed an autoimmune disease. In both, early manifestations were thromboembolic phenomena associated with anticardiolipin antibodies. Joint and kidney involvement emerged later, with the appearance of other autoantibodies. These two patients were occupationally exposed to ultraviolet irradiation, ozone emission, and possibly some oxides of heavy metals. To our knowledge this is the first report of occupational autoimmune disease in photocopy machine workers, and the first description of antiphospholipid syndrome as an occupational disease. The possible cause-effect inter-relationship between their occupational exposure and autoimmune disease is discussed.
Y. Sherer, S. Kuechler, J. Jose Scali, J. Rovensky, Y. Levy, G. Zandman-Goddard and Y. Shoenfeld

Background: Systemic lupus erythematosus is an autoimmune disease with diverse clinical manifestations that cannot always be regulated by steroids and immunosuppressive therapy. Intravenous immunoglobulin is an optional immunomodulatory agent for the treatment of SLE[1], but the appropriate indications for its use, duration of therapy and recommended dosage are yet to be established. In SLE patients, most publications report the utilization of a high dose (2 g/kg body weight) protocol.

Objectives: To investigate whether lower doses of IVIg are beneficial for SLE patients.

Methods: We retrospectively analyzed the medical records of 62 patients who received low dose IVIg[2] (approximately 0.5 g/kg body weight).

Results: The treatment was associated with clinical improvement in many specific disease manifestations, along with a continuous decrease in SLEDAI scores (SLE Disease Activity Index). However, thrombocytopenia, alopecia and vasculitis did not improve following IVIg therapy.

Conclusions: Low dose IVIg is a possible therapeutic option in SLE and is associated with lower cost than the high dose regimen and possibly fewer adverse effects.

[1] SLE = systemic lupus erythematosus

[2] IVIg = intravenous immunoglobulin

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