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עמוד בית
Fri, 07.02.25

Search results

July 2000
Jonathan Cohen, FCP (S.A) Maury Shapiro, MD, Elad Grozovski, MD, Menashe Haddad, MD, Nissim Hananel, MD and Pierre Singer, MD,
June 2000
Guillermo Ruiz-Irastorza, MD, PhD, Munther A. Khamashta, MD, MRCP, PhD and Graham R.V. Hughes, MD, FRCP
May 2000
Zvi Shimoni, MD, Mark Niven, MA, MB, Bchir MRCP, Margarita Mosenkis, MD and Joel Greif, MD
April 2000
Edward G. Abinader MD FRCPI, Dawod S. Sharif MD, Leonid Kharash MD and Kira Mamedov MD

Background: The arrival of 610,000 new immigrants to Israel from the former Soviet republics accounted for 58% of the population growth in the early 1990s.

Objective: To compare the coronary angiographic findings and risk factors between the new immigrants and local Jewish and Arab patients in this era of cost containment.

Methods and Results: A total of 550 consecutive patients - 314 Jews, 95 new immigrants and 141 Arabs - were catheterized and analyzed during a 5 month period in 1995. Of this group 403 were males (73%). The mean age was 63.6±10.2 years among new immigrants, 62.4±9.4 among Jews, and 55.1±10.9 among Arabs (P<0.05). Immigrants, including those under age 60, had the highest prevalence of multivessel disease (88.7%). Arabs had a high prevalence of single vessel disease (34.6%) and a low prevalence of multivessel (65.4%) and left main coronary disease (5.6%). Age, gender, risk factors and ethnic origin in descending order were determinants of the extent of coronary angiographic disease as revealed by multiple regression analysis.

Conclusion: New immigrants had the most extensive angiographic coronary involvement, while Arab patients were younger and had less severe coronary artery disease. More intensive risk factor modification may have a major impact on disease progression particularly in the new immigrant subgroup. 

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